Gajim - 2024-06-07

  1. nicoco

    Wow that's some next-level yak-shaving in the "include nickname in quotes" MR discussion. 🤣️

  2. fjklp

    thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't noticed that MR

  3. cal0pteryx

    nicoco: sadly that discussion is missing the point entirely. Highly unproductive and tiring in my opinion

  4. meson

    What about extending the XEP, delivering the nickname in some extra tag and the client/user can decide itself if they want to be notified in case of quotes? /yakshaved

  5. Link Mauve

    meson, the whole thing is about fallback for clients which don’t (yet?) support anything more modern than the body tag.

  6. meson

    I see, sorry. :)

  7. bodqhrohro

    meson: an explicit notification tag would be neat. Libpurple allows prpls to specify if certain message should trigger a notification or not. But transports via XMPP are not that flexible, so server-side muting settings are useless.

  8. bodqhrohro

    It could explicitly disable or enable notification on a message, and if it's omitted, the default notification logic of the client would be used.

  9. bodqhrohro

    Remember that some clients, like Pidgin (again) support custom words to be highlighted for, for example.

  10. fjklp

    >an explicit notification tag would be neat I've been wanting something like this

  11. nicoco

    I've seen drafts of a "mentions" XEP, I've seen people arguing that we should use

  12. fjklp

    > I've seen drafts of a "mentions" XEP, I've seen people arguing that we should use I was just reading that but unless I misunderstand that won't work in a semi-anonymous muc since it refers to the bare jid

  13. fjklp

    I have a feeling that 'XEP-0421: Anonymous unique occupant identifiers for MUCs' might factor into this, but I need to fully read it

  14. nicoco

    I think both your asumptions are true

  15. nicoco

    And it also lacks a way to mention something like @all, @admins, maybe we also want @hat, cf

  16. nicoco

    Anyway, I also think that something a bit more advanced than just <nickname> to ping someone would be nice to have, and as always, someone™ should just write the spec and someone™ should implement it in clients 🙂

  17. meson

    nicoco: wouldn't you like to have an XEP which carries your name? 😂

  18. nicoco

    Well, actually I submitted my first XEP proposal this week, if it gets accepted I might not be reachable in here anymore, overwhelmed by interviews, meetings with powerful people, etc.

  19. nicoco

    Well, actually I submitted my first XEP proposal this week, if it gets accepted I might not be reachable in here anymore, overwhelmed by interviews, meetings with powerful people, etc.

  20. fjklp

    > Well, actually I submitted my first XEP proposal this week, if it gets accepted I might not be reachable in here anymore, overwhelmed by interviews, meetings with powerful people, etc. awesome, want to post a link?

  21. duckduck009

    how can i delete my private message chat?

  22. nicoco

    > > Well, actually I submitted my first XEP proposal this week, if it gets accepted I might not be reachable in here anymore, overwhelmed by interviews, meetings with powerful people, etc. > awesome, want to post a link? It's a bit off topic for gajim, although my plan is to implement it in gajim too if maintainers are OK with it.

  23. aereaux

    >> awesome, want to post a link? > It's a bit off topic for gajim, although my plan is to implement it in gajim too if maintainers are OK with it. That would be useful! This might be offtopic as well, but it would be cool to also sync pinned chat status for clients that support that. I wonder if that would be a good fit for a generalized proposal like this

  24. nicoco

    aereaux: there is a pinning XEP, however we lack a consensus on what's the best mechanism to use it for direct chats. For group chats, pinning could already be added to gajim in a way that's compatible with movim (the pinning XEP author is movim's maintainer, edhelas)

  25. aereaux

    > aereaux: there is a pinning XEP, however we lack a consensus on what's the best mechanism to use it for direct chats. For group chats, pinning could already be added to gajim in a way that's compatible with movim (the pinning XEP author is movim's maintainer, edhelas) Ah, didn't realize that, thanks

  26. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: VoiceMessageRecorder: Fix merging audio files on Windows -

  27. cal0pteryx

    Ha! I fixed it!

  28. cal0pteryx

    meson ^

  29. lovetox


  30. meson

    🥳 thanks

  31. cal0pteryx

    Running from source yields this: ``` filesink location=C:/msys64/tmp/gajim-9_yco3up/voice-message-20240607-190101.m4a ``` While running portable yields this: ``` filesink location=C:\Users\X\AppData\Local\Temp\gajim-bva0pkwz\voice-message-20240607-190139.m4a ``` Adding .as_posix() to the file path fixes this for all systems

  32. mirux


  33. mirux


  34. meson

    Awesome :) great to see we were on the right track yesterday

  35. Codimp

    Hello, I translate Gajim in French on your weblate instance, but can't see the project to translate the website, did I missed something?

  36. cal0pteryx

    Codimp, thanks! should be there

  37. Codimp

    Oh ok, my bad, I didn't understand I need to click on "see all projects", thanks

  38. danielstein

    Release date 1.9.0?

  39. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master chore: Update translations -

  40. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master chore: Update IANA data -

  41. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master release: 5.0.0 -

  42. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master chore: Remove git dependency - release: 5.0.0 -

  43. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master change: Raise nbxmpp version -

  44. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master chore: Update flatpak dependencies -

  45. mcneb10

    > Release date 1.9.0? very soon,