Gajim - 2024-06-06

  1. ong

  2. ong


  3. concerto

    I thought I'd try out the Flatpak version of Gajim. I was previously using gajim-nightly so I thought I could retain the existing configuration and databases. But when I start Gajim I get this error -

  4. concerto

    flatpak run org.gajim.Gajim

  5. concerto

    (FWIW, because of space issues my Gajim database directory `~/.local/share/gajim` is a symlink to another directory.)

  6. concerto

    Is this a version incompatibility or is there a way to make the Flatpak version work with the existing databases?

  7. bodqhrohro

    ong: > real? No one can prevent me from sending plaintext, and patching clients which don't allow it by default (including proprietary ones), so secure messengers just cannot exist by that definition.

  8. ong

    so real for this

  9. bodqhrohro

    ong: > so real for this Reality is

  10. ong


  11. maximus

    may I suggest a feature? it would be cool to be able to find out the media/files exchanged with a specific contact, perhaps with the creation of different folders per each contact... however I can see it's difficult to implement because it might probably be not backward compatible.. what do you think?

  12. hannibal

    maximus: see issue 11285

  13. wohnjick


  14. meson

    > not sure where that comes from. I'm building the installer using mingw64 Me too, I can try it again in the evening today.

  15. bodqhrohro

    ong: I mean that imposing digital restrictions, like mandatory encryption, remote message deletion, or whatever, cannot be guaranteed in reality in any circumstances. Anything that does not break laws of physics is possible (and even their unbreakability needs to be proven, we don't know completely yet how nature works). BTW, are you aware that the P≠NP hypothesis is still not proven, and thus you cannot be sure that any asymmetric cryptography is secure? (And given the statement in the previous paragraph, I wouldn't trust quantum cryptography as well.)

  16. meson

    bodqhrohro: Churchill Hyopthesis isn't proven either and hopefully wrong. :P

  17. ong

    ye uniform guarantees and not being able to put ur messenger on an intranet takes the messenging out of messenger not to mention the foss alternative for signal drains ur battery because of its notification implementation

  18. chris

    Hey everybody: just started to try biboumi and do not find how to send [ad-hoc commands]( Can anybody point me in the right direction? I'm using gajim 1.7.3.

  19. ong

    try the discover tab on your top drop-down menu and execute

  20. ong<your.gateway.domain>?join

  21. ong

    and can also execute using the 3 dots icon in the top right for the irc server main connection thing

  22. chris

    > try the discover tab on your top drop-down menu and execute O.k. I found that. 'execute' is 'Command' in my client. When I open the window "browsing domain using account" metronome is pre-selected. If I click on 'command' the commands for biboumi are missing.

  23. bodqhrohro

    > meson: > bodqhrohro: Churchill Hyopthesis isn't proven either and hopefully wrong. :P Which one? About democracy?

  24. meson

    Did I write Churchill? 😂 🙈 I meant extended Church-Turing.

    🤣 1
  25. lovetox

    chris: you need to use the discovery dialog

  26. hueso

    gajim nightly flatpak does not let me paste an image into the text input box, but it worked on the packaged stable. maybe it's because of flatpak?

  27. hueso

    ah yes, I enabled user files it flatseal and now it works

  28. hueso

    can I disable the room topic showing up on every re-join?

  29. hueso

    yep. found it

  30. ong

    is there a way to set custom gajim gtk3 theme on windows?

  31. lovetox

    yes, the install folder has the same setup as on linux

  32. lovetox

    there is a gtk3 config file, and you can place a gtk theme in a folder and link with the settings file

  33. ong


  34. ong

    ty gamer

  35. fjklp

    > gajim nightly flatpak does not let me paste an image into the text input box, but it worked on the packaged stable. maybe it's because of flatpak? I ran into this problem before too. I never figured it out. After I updated to the next nightly flatpak it just started working again. I do not have any filesystem exceptions set in flatseal for my home directory.

  36. meson

    After hard coding the abs path to Python.h in the include statememt Gajim portable finally builds.

  37. meson

    .. almost

  38. cal0pteryx

    Strange. Did you run the msys initial setup, lile described in gajims wiki? It works out of the box for me

  39. meson

    cal0pteryx: the gajim.exe doesn't start, in cmd there's no log, it simply terminates. Gajim-debug.exe complains about a missing dll. I'm given it up slowly. I strictly followed the manual.

  40. meson

    How big are your executables? Here both .exe habe 375 kB

  41. cal0pteryx

    which missing dll?

  42. meson

    How big are your executables? Here both .exe have 375 kB

  43. meson

    One moment, I emptied the build folder and let it build again.

  44. cal0pteryx

    if you want to fiddle with an installed version, just take the nightly and swap .pyc files by .py files, I confirmed yesterday that this indeed works :)

  45. cal0pteryx

    portable nightly from here:

  46. meson

    Alright, I will use this instead

  47. meson

    Ah wait

  48. cal0pteryx

    gajim's files reside in Gajim\lib\python3.11\site-packages\gajim

  49. meson

    Now it works. What the heck!

  50. meson

    and can reproduce the issue.

  51. meson

    That means I don't need to recompile

  52. cal0pteryx


  53. debacle

    Fun: In the "Debug Console", it looks like I can filter presence and stream management, but the switches don't seem to have any effect. Therefore, I switched off my active accounts and switched on only one test account for debugging. But that was a bad idea, because now all contacts and MUCs moved to the default workspace, while my other workspaces are empty, haha! Also, nothing is pinned anymore.

  54. debacle

    I guess, the best solution would be to store workspaces and pinning indication on the server...

  55. meson

    cal0pteryx: `set GST_DEBUG=3` `gajim-debug.exe ` Of you stop the audio it will tell you that the .part.1 found and it prints the problematic path without any slashes and such. Mhmm

  56. cal0pteryx

    meson, can you post an example path?

  57. cal0pteryx

    would be nice if it's actually _just_ a path conversion issue :)

  58. meson

    Like C:UsersMyName~1AppDataLocalTempgajim-4charsvoice-message-date.m4a.part.1

  59. cal0pteryx

    debacle, I implemented for that :)

    😀 1
  60. debacle

    cal0pteryx Can that be merged at some point? Maybe after 1.9.0?

  61. cal0pteryx

    :D I'd like it to, yes

  62. cal0pteryx

    I'll rebase it, so it's a lower hanging fruit ;)

    🍓 1
  63. debacle

    cal0pteryx One year old, rebasing might be non-trivial...

  64. debacle likes to be reminded of Ctrl-Tab once in a while. So useful!

  65. lovetox

    or debacle you learn the one liner that starts a separate instance of gajim, with which you can test

  66. lovetox

    gajim -p test -c ~/gajimtest

  67. fjklp

    I need to start doing that

  68. cal0pteryx

    > cal0pteryx One year old, rebasing might be non-trivial... works fine after a year of hibernating :D

    😀 1
  69. lovetox

    meson, try converting the path to double slashes

  70. cal0pteryx

    or something along this scheme: `file:///C:/gstreamer/test`

  71. meson

    > try converting the path to double slashes Tried it: negative > or something along this scheme: `file:///C:/gstreamer/test` Can test that tomorrow Must have sth to gstreamer parse_command works

  72. meson

    For the part files ai create objects and set the location as a property

  73. cal0pteryx

    meson, relevant code:

  74. meson

    Isn't it already UTF8?

  75. lovetox


  76. lovetox

    but it shows you there is no conversion of any kind for windows

  77. lovetox

    windows paths look different from linux paths

  78. cal0pteryx

    Strange that it works though when running from source. Comparing the debug output for both cases would be interesting

  79. lovetox

    i mean it could also just be the debug print function that strips the slashes

  80. meson


  81. cal0pteryx

    Let's compare the location string used in win/source, win/portable install, linux/source

  82. meson

    You sound motivated :D I feel sleepy. See you tomorrow with more energy again!

  83. cal0pteryx

    Yeah no, not tonight :D

  84. meson

    I was kind of surprised ;)

  85. debacle

    > gajim -p test -c ~/gajimtest That's certainly a good workaround! Still, at some point, it would be good, if Gajim on my PCs (at home and at work) would be synchronized via PEP. Which would also solve the other issue.

  86. debacle

    > gajim -p test -c ~/gajimtest That's certainly a good workaround! Still, at some point, it would be good, if Gajim workspaces on my PCs (at home and at work) would be synchronized via PEP. Which would also solve the other issue.