Gajim - 2024-06-05

  1. bodqhrohro

    I joined your test MUC but reply button isn't displayed there somehow, hehe. Why? Does it rely on some feature not advertised there, like persistent IDs or so?

  2. bodqhrohro

    How do I properly transform account string into client string?

  3. bodqhrohro

    I wonder how did it even determine by RDNS that it's

  4. bodqhrohro

    (I take account strings from `app.settings.get_accounts()`)

  5. bodqhrohro

    Hehe, probably need to replace with `get_clients()` obviously.

  6. bodqhrohro

    > I joined your test MUC but reply button isn't displayed there somehow, hehe. Why? Does it rely on some feature not advertised there, like persistent IDs or so? ``` if self_contact.role.is_visitor: return False ``` Interesting. Why? Safety?

  7. concerto

    > Attempting to retract a message [using the overflow menu - Retract message button, in a room where one is an admin] in Gajim is causing a crash, but one where I can't even copy the traceback nor click on Submit bug report...after the crash, Gajim just freezes and has to be killed and restarted. v1.8.4 on Debian Testing. Ah, so the focus was on the "reason for retraction" dialogue (which was hidden by the traceback window). That's why I couldn't access the traceback text, nor click on the Report Bug button.

  8. fjklp

    the server won't allow visitors to reply

  9. concerto

    ## Versions:

  10. concerto

    lovetox: traceback ☝️

  11. cal0pteryx

    concerto: are you running 1.8.4 or master?

  12. concerto

    cal0pteryx: The Help

  13. concerto

    cal0pteryx: The Help - About dialogue says v1.8.4. The Debian package is gajim-nightly 20240410-1

  14. cal0pteryx

    concerto: it looks like a version mismatch between gajim and nbxmpp. Make sure both are up to date

  15. epic

    > this effective power txt meme still crashes gajim tfw lol, haven't heard of that big in nearly 10 years

  16. epic

    > this effective power txt meme still crashes gajim tfw lol, haven't heard of that bug in nearly 10 years

  17. ong

    funnily enough we were just bringing it up recently after finding some discord crash bug we found

  18. ong

    and the bridge crashed my gajim

  19. fjklp

    hmm, I can't figure out where the voice recordings temp files are kept. lsof says they are in /tmp but it's not actually there.

  20. lovetox

    They are deleted

  21. fjklp

    It's weird because I'm watching with `inotifywait --monitor -- recursive /tmp`, then start recording, then do `lsof -p 1234,1235 | grep m4a`. lsof shows that a new file exists in a gajim directory in tmp, but it doesn't, and inotify wait has not yet seen any changes.

  22. fjklp

    It's weird because I'm watching with `inotifywait --monitor --recursive /tmp`, then start recording, then do `lsof -p 1234,1235 | grep m4a`. lsof shows that a new file exists in a gajim directory in tmp, but it doesn't, and inotify wait has not yet seen any changes.

  23. shodan

    How do I make the following autoplay in a loop, without sound, in my friend's group chat ?

  24. shodan

  25. shodan

    Without them having to click on it

  26. shodan

    And it then opening in an external program ? :\

  27. cal0pteryx

    You don't

  28. fjklp

    gajim as full blown media player when?

  29. shodan

    Surely GTK can display 3d models, video streams as easily as text. I'll ask chatgpt

  30. shodan

    Ah, there we go

  31. shodan

    Oh, it uses ffmpeg to convert the mp4 to gif first, gross ! Surely, there is a more elegant way

  32. fjklp

    I wonder if I'm an outlier that I wish the voice recording filename had time in UTC to preserve location privacy

  33. fjklp

    gstreamer does a thorough job of adding metadata :)

  34. bodqhrohro

    > Oh, it uses ffmpeg to convert the mp4 to gif first, gross ! > Surely, there is a more elegant way Lottie renderer would definitely be useful.

  35. meson

    fjklp: I believed you generally send voice messages to your friends and not strangers, so the privacy concern is not really given? :)

  36. meson

    fjklp: it creates files in `/tmp/gajim-{4 char random string}`

  37. meson

    but as said above, the folder is cleaned up when Gajim exits.

  38. bodqhrohro


  39. fjklp

    > fjklp: I believed you generally send voice messages to your friends and not strangers, so the privacy concern is not really given? :) that's what lsof tells me but it doesn't exist

  40. fjklp


  41. fjklp

    replied to wrong message

  42. lovetox

    bodqhrohro: look at the logs it will print warnings if for some reason the stanza I'd is not accepted

  43. lovetox

    fjklp: you could have corrected that

    👍 1
  44. meson

    fjklp: but it does send a playable audio file?

  45. meson

    You can run gajim.with debug log enabled, it will tell the path when it creates new files: `gajim -l gajim.gtk.voice_message_recorder=DEBUG` IIRC

  46. maximus

    is there some manteiner for the aur package of gajim-git?

  47. maximus

    for some reason there aren't further updates of the package since sometime in may

  48. fjklp

    > fjklp: but it does send a playable audio file? yes, it seems to be working normally

  49. meson

    fjklp: so what's the issue you are tring to solve? 😄

  50. fjklp

    mostly curiosity

  51. fjklp

    multiple questions occur to me

  52. fjklp

    is it written to disk? uses the systemd tempfs? in memory? when does file cleanup get done, if ever?

  53. fjklp

    I've come to expect file cleanup should not be assumed

  54. meson

    I've mentioned it here already a few days ago, anyway: Files are written to disk into a temporary folder. When you close Gajim, these temporary files are cleaned up as unlikely that you'd still need them since you should have sent the audio files. This design was chosen as it was the easiest to work together with the audio player widget. It should also be possible to do it all in memory but that requires some more work/time and knowledge I'd first need to teach myself. :)

  55. meson

    It'd should be easy to use memory files using memfd_create but that's unfortunately a Linux only solution.

  56. meson

    > I've come to expect file cleanup should not be assumed Why?

  57. fjklp

    > > I've come to expect file cleanup should not be assumed > Why? Various experiences of finding files left that I felt probably shouldn't. One I can recall was cargo having multiple gigabytes of cached files from years ago. I just found a fairly large file left in ~/.cache/obexd from what I assume was a partial bluetooth transfer years ago.

  58. fjklp

    Regardless, I tend to want to verify rather than assume

  59. meson

    Bad implementations or crashes happen, prohibiting a proper clean up in the end.

  60. fjklp

    hmm, I think I'm experiencing a bug here, I can't autocomplete meson for some reason

  61. fjklp

    but I have another account in here that *will* autocomplete his nick

  62. cal0pteryx

    maximus: I think Polarian managed that?

  63. fjklp

    maybe multiple accounts causes a problem with this?

  64. Polarian

    managed what?

  65. Polarian

    cal0pteryx: I think its Link Mauve

  66. Polarian

    not me... I was the tester for `gajim`

  67. fjklp

    well, it will but it's doing it out of order. meson/2 , then meson

  68. fjklp

    sorry for all the mentions

  69. meson

    I'm still joined twice? Woops

  70. meson

    No, Im not..

  71. fjklp

    meson, I wanted to say thanks for the contribution. I think it's a nice addition to gajim :)

  72. meson

    fjklp: there should only be "meson" around, "meson/2" was only here a few days ago for a limited time.

  73. meson

    fjklp: great you like! :)

  74. meson

    fjklp: great you like it! :)

  75. fjklp

    isn't tab completing nicks supposed to cycle through nicks in order of most recent post first?

  76. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: yes, that bit me, too. Must have a look at the logoc

  77. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: yes, that bit me, too. Must have a look at the logic

  78. fjklp

    I have a note in my gajim bugs file since way back to deal with that but I haven't experienced this exact thing that I recall

  79. fjklp

    I'm pretty sure having multiple accounts in the same chat has an effect. Each account will behave differently with tab completion.

  80. fjklp

    I really like to figure out what's up with gajim and image previews

  81. fjklp

    when automatic image preview is disabled, isn't the preview box supposed to show an image icon that you can click on to show the image? For me, it's showing a question mark in a box. Clicking that icon does make the image show up.

  82. nicoco

    fjklp: check what `xdg-mime query default image/jpeg` outputs maybe?

  83. Hund

    How come that Gajim uses the character "," when mentioning someone? The most common (and probably the only character I've ever seen) is ":". :)

    🤷 1
  84. nicoco

    pep., I think you were interested in an "ignore autojoin setting", it seems to work for me but if you want to test it it's always nice ;) <>

  85. Hund

    Also. Why is the registration form on partly in Chinese? :P

  86. Hund

  87. fjklp

    > How come that Gajim uses the character "," when mentioning someone? The most common (and probably the only character I've ever seen) is ":". :) hexchat uses a comma by default. I think colons make more sense.

  88. Hund

    fjklp, Okey. :) I think it would be nice if the user could choose for themselves.

  89. fjklp

    Hund, you can in the advanced configuration editor

  90. Hund

    Look! That's pure horror. It looks so wrong! :D

  91. Hund


  92. Hund

    fjklp: Wow. Thank you!

  93. fjklp

    Hund: you are welcome

  94. fjklp

  95. fjklp

    this is a screenshot of how I see the last posted image in this chat

  96. fjklp

    xdg-mime: image/png mimetype: image/png

  97. Hund

    fjklp: You need to enable image previews in public chats.

  98. Hund

    for public chats*

  99. fjklp

    what I'm expecting is that the question mark icon would instead be a generic image placeholder icon

  100. Hund


  101. fjklp

    it might be even better if we just had a button that plainly says "View Image"

  102. Hund

    That would be a lot better.

  103. Hund

    I would love to see quotes to have some visual tweaks as well. :)

  104. cal0pteryx

    Hund: tweaks?

  105. concerto

    > it looks like a version mismatch between gajim and nbxmpp. Make sure both are up to date cal0pteryx: I seem to have gajim-nightly 20240410-1 (is this really the most recent nightly version?) and python3-nbxmpp-nightly 20240605-1 ...but the error still persists 🤔️

  106. concerto

    Another trace -

  107. meson

    About previews: I wanted to look into also deleting associated files when deleting a local message, but it seems that the property if a message is just plain text or is previewable is determined dynamically by parsing the content every time and not stored as a property in the DB. Is there a reason not do the latter? On the first sight that would make it easier to identify if there's a file attached to a message and to gather all media belonging to a chat w/o parsing all messages, ie implementing a media file browser.

  108. nicoco

    I believe the reason is "someone ought to do it", but I may be wrong. I think a media file browser wouldn't be required if attachments were written in chat-specific directories?

  109. meson

    nicoco: that wouldn't help to do fancy things like jump to the message for file X, in case of MUCs group files per user, ...

  110. meson

    If that would be welcome, I'd be keen to look into that at some point in the future.

  111. meson

    If that is be welcome, I'd be keen to look into that at some point in the future.

  112. meson

    If that is welcome, I'd be keen to look into that at some point in the future.

  113. nicoco

    Sure, a dedicated media browser could do some additional stuff that a file manager can't, but is probably 100x more work to code and maintain.

  114. meson

    Or one uses the search feature and a plugin would do it.

  115. hueso

    > fjklp: I believed you generally send voice messages to your friends and not strangers, so the privacy concern is not really given? :) but the server also gets to know the filename

  116. meson

    > but is probably 100x more work to code and maintain. But would it really be so much code? The code for rendering previews, jumping to a message, etc. is already there. What's needed is a method to query the media files and to display them in some order in some list or tiles. Shouldn't add too much I hope

  117. nicoco

    Maybe… GUI work drives me crazy usually, so I'm not the best person to talk to about this 😁️. "WHY IS THIS THING NOT ALIGNED" "WHY DOES IT JUMP WHEN I RESIZE" "WHY DOES IT SHOW A HORIZONTAL SCROLLBAR NOW" and there goes my keyboard.

  118. nicoco

    Anyway, I'd surely use the media browser if there were one, but per-chat dir for attachments would already be huge IMHO

  119. meson

    😃 Sure!

  120. meson

    nicoco: what's left to do at your MDS MR?

  121. Link Mauve

    maximus, cal0pteryx, there is no need for any update on a -git package in AUR as long as the build instructions don’t change, it will always pick the latest commit on whichever branch we are on.

  122. Link Mauve

    Many users flag such packages out of date just because the description doesn’t give the latest commit, but if they build it they will have the latest one.

  123. cal0pteryx

    Link Mauve: thanks for clarifying

  124. cal0pteryx

    concerto: you need both gajim and nbxmpp to be on the latest commits

  125. cal0pteryx

    I'd like to have a light media browser as well. And yes, tracking files in a DB would be the first step

  126. cal0pteryx


    👍 1
  127. Hund

  128. Hund

    cal0pteryx: This is far from a perfect mockup, but it shows the current spacing vs a more roomy version. :)

  129. cal0pteryx

    Ah, you mean quotes, not replies :) I don't know what it was, but there was a reason why we kept space narrow there. Maybe I remember

  130. Hund

    Sorry. I'm tired.

  131. Hund

    cal0pteryx: Let me know if you remember why you where wrong. ;)

  132. lovetox

    concerto, the last debian version is gajim-nightly_20240605-1_all.deb

  133. lovetox

    nbxmpp: python3-nbxmpp-nightly_20240605-1_all.deb 2

  134. lovetox

    nbxmpp: python3-nbxmpp-nightly_20240605-1_all.deb

  135. lovetox

    you can check it here

  136. bodqhrohro

    > ‎03/06/24 | 08:35:30 ‎cal0pteryx‎: bodqhrohro: legacy clients get the same experience as with xep-0393 quotes And why are there different functions (`insert_as_quote` and `quote_text`) implementing the same quoting algorithm? I see a DRY violation there.

  137. cal0pteryx

    bodqhrohro: if it's duplicated and unnecessary, MRs are welcome

  138. bodqhrohro


  139. concerto

    It seems gajim-nightly requires python3-sqlalchemy >= 2.0.0 but I only have v1.4.50+ds1-1

  140. cal0pteryx

    concerto: yes, that's only available in debian expermental(?)

  141. concerto

    I guess I'll leave the issue be for now. Don't want to get into adding experimental, pinning, etc.

  142. cal0pteryx

    concerto: or move to Flatpak :)

  143. concerto

    Waste of space 🙁

  144. ong


  145. ong

    flatpak has shared rumtimes

  146. ong

    i'd say gajim is one of the apps worth installing as a flatpak

  147. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: VoiceMessageRecorder: Make error strings translatable -

  148. nicoco

    > nicoco: what's left to do at your MDS MR? meson: I use it and it works for me with Cheogram! Not sure what’s missing. Right now it only works to sync the read state if the read message is the latest message in a chat, which is how it works with carbon displayed markers too. I suspect lovetox may want to improve that part before merging MDS

    👍 1
  149. meson

    I see, thanks for the feedback!

  150. meson

    > I'd like to have a light media browser as well. And yes, tracking files in a DB would be the first step Great, that we are on the same page :D

  151. cal0pteryx

    meson: while testing the latest nightly on Windows, I see an error after recording a voice message. mic sounds are picked up fine and it shows the waveform, but when stopping the recording, I get an empty player and when trying to send, it shows nothing in the send dialog: ``` 2024-06-05T20:01:30 (D) gajim.gtk.voice_message_recorder_widget| Stopping recording 2024-06-05T20:01:30 (I) gajim.gtk.voice_message_recorder| Merging opus files started 2024-06-05T20:01:30 (D) gajim.gtk.voice_message_recorder| gerror code: 6 2024-06-05T20:01:30 (D) gajim.gtk.voice_message_recorder| gerror domain: gst-resource-error-quark 2024-06-05T20:01:30 (D) gajim.gtk.voice_message_recorder| debug: ../gstreamer-1.24.4/plugins/elements/gstfilesink.c(507): gst_file_sink_open_file (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstFileSink:filesink1: system error: Permission denied 2024-06-05T20:01:30 (D) gajim.gtk.voice_message_recorder| Error when merging the recordings! 2024-06-05T20:01:30 (D) gajim.gtk.voice_message_recorder| Merging files finished 2024-06-05T20:01:30 (D) gajim.gtk.preview_audio | Could not successfully load audio. Duration is zero. ```

  152. cal0pteryx

    this is the portable version on Windows. not sure if temp file management plays into that

  153. meson

    Good question. Can you check if it creates files in the temp folder? it should output the URIs of the file in the debug log

  154. meson

    Good question. Can you check if it creates files in the temp folder? it should output the URIs to the files in the debug log

  155. meson

    but it sounds like it cannot write the files into the tmp folder.

  156. cal0pteryx

    meson: yes, it creates .part* files in the temp directory just fine

  157. meson

    > gst_file_sink_open_file () but then it cannot write the final output file. Weird

  158. meson

    I have no idea, why it works for the .part files but not for merged file, because the paths are all the same.

  159. meson

    cal0pteryx, any anti virus interfering?

  160. cal0pteryx


  161. meson

    maybe run it with GST_DEBUG=4 in the hope that it gives us more hints

  162. cal0pteryx

    Permissions seem to be fine

  163. Link Mauve

    meson, you shouldn’t need to have a file in the end, you could stream it to the HTTP server or Jingle recipient as is from Gstreamer.

  164. cal0pteryx

    Sure, a file is needed to fit the use case and client ecosystem

  165. meson

    Link Mauve, but I feed the file first to the audio player and it the recording can be continued afterwards before sneding

  166. meson

    Link Mauve, but I feed the file first to the audio player and the recording can be continued afterwards before sending

  167. Link Mauve


  168. meson

    Link Mauve, but if you have any idea, this is the part where it stumbles:

  169. Link Mauve

    My knowledge of Windows is pretty much non-existent.

  170. cal0pteryx

    When running from source, it works fine. Though the temp dir is different, it's C:\msys64\tmp\gajim-***

  171. Link Mauve

    I still find this whole opus enc/dec/enc dance to be quite terrible.

  172. Link Mauve

    You should always keep the data in highest quality until the final encode.

  173. meson

    :D but I didn't want to write the uncompressed raw stream to disk, it could occupy quiet amount of space

  174. Link Mauve

    You could use actual ramdisk locations if you want to avoid using the disk, on Linux the best location would be XDG_RUNTIME_DIR I think.

  175. meson

    > highest quality until the final encode. but does it make any difference for simple mic voice recording?

  176. Link Mauve

    I would expect so.

  177. meson

    I will keep it in mind for follow-up improvements :)

  178. lovetox

    Link Mauve, we are a cross platform client, they benefit from implementing platform specific behavior needs to be major

  179. lovetox

    Link Mauve, we are a cross platform client, the benefit from implementing platform specific behavior needs to be major

  180. Nepptün

    is there a way to change the xml console colors? my eyes are itching

  181. Link Mauve

    lovetox, there are ramdisks on all OSes I would expect.

  182. Link Mauve

    And I also would expect GLib or Gio to abstract that somewhere.

  183. meson

    cal0pteryx, does the issue happen on the first stop of the recording or on the 2nd onwards?

  184. lovetox

    meson, i would tip that this is a garbage collection problem

  185. lovetox

    maybe the tempdir is cleaned up for some reason while merging

  186. cal0pteryx

    The .part files persist when pausing the recording

  187. cal0pteryx

    meson: does not matter

  188. cal0pteryx

    First stop, following stops are alike. File get created just fine.

  189. cal0pteryx

    First stop, following stops are alike. Files get created just fine.

  190. lovetox

    meson i see in the code VoiceMessageRecorderButton and you connect a destroy event and cleanup the voicerecorder afterwards

  191. lovetox

    but under which conditions is VoiceMessageRecorderButton destroyed?

  192. lovetox

    on shutdown of Gajim?

  193. meson

    > on shutdown of Gajim? I think so

  194. meson

    otherwise, it persists afaik

  195. cal0pteryx

    Direct recording yields the same issue

  196. meson

    it's instance is created with the message action box

  197. lovetox

    nope, it does not get called on quit

  198. lovetox

    i think this is dead code

  199. lovetox

    which means also temp files get never deleted

  200. meson

    That's bad. I will be back in hour.

  201. lovetox

    so you potentially run into problems when you access already existing temp files

  202. cal0pteryx

    Looks like it, quitting gajim does not clear the temp dir

  203. cal0pteryx

    lovetox: a random folder name is chosen on start

  204. cal0pteryx


  205. Nepptün

    how does gajim determine whether a client on a server has the right to upload? what does the xml query look like?

  206. cal0pteryx


  207. meson

    > nope, it does not get called on quit What's odd, because it looked like folders got cleaned up on my Tumbleweed system. cu later.

  208. cal0pteryx

    Seems I was wrong: the temp folder gets deleted when quitting gajim

  209. cal0pteryx

    (maybe some tempfile package auto cleanup)

  210. lovetox

    yes > when the object is garbage-collected or during interpreter shutdown

  211. cal0pteryx

    ok, interpreter shutdown it is. those part files persist until I Ctrl+C gajim

  212. lovetox

    cal0pteryx, you say it works from source on windows?

  213. cal0pteryx


  214. cal0pteryx

    But it uses a different temp folder if run from source

  215. maximus

    > maximus, cal0pteryx, there is no need for any update on a -git package in AUR as long as the build instructions don’t change, it will always pick the latest commit on whichever branch we are on. I see but, I thought it was `gajim-git` was basically equivalent to `gajim-nightly` on flatpak, so basically gajim on branch master, but I don't get any updates even though commits are being pushed everyday

  216. lovetox

    thats weird, where is the tmp folder when used from the portable version?

  217. cal0pteryx

    maximus: you need to explicity reinstall I think

  218. cal0pteryx

    lovetox: C:\Users\X\AppData\Local\Temp

  219. cal0pteryx

    (where X is my user)

  220. cal0pteryx

    When running from source, it's C:\msys64\tmp\gajim-***

  221. lovetox

    and it only happens on sending, it creates the parts normally?

  222. cal0pteryx

    It creates parts normally, in the respective folder, yes. Once I stop the recording, it tries to merge the parts. That's where it fails

  223. maximus

    cal0pteryx, ohh thank you very much, it did the trick!

  224. maximus

    I thought they automatically gets updated on every push

  225. lovetox

    cal0pteryx, on the very first start/stop after start of the client?

  226. lovetox

    meaning it never works under any condition?

  227. meson

    cal0pteryx can you try it with a more simple pipeline?

  228. meson

    cal0pteryx can you try it with a simpler pipeline?

  229. cal0pteryx

    lovetox: yes, it never works when using portable, regardless of how many times I stop the recording

  230. cal0pteryx

    meson: sure

  231. cal0pteryx

    Reproducing is hard though, since I can't edit the portable install, and it works fine when running from source

  232. meson

    Replace it with `audiotestsrc num-buffers=100 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! filesink location=self._filepath` or something similar

  233. bodqhrohro

    bodqhrohro: > 🫡 oink

  234. bodqhrohro

    cal0pteryx: > bodqhrohro: if it's duplicated and unnecessary, MRs are welcome oink oink

  235. lovetox

    cal0pteryx, you can move the source file for the picker into the folder, then simply edit it

  236. lovetox

    cal0pteryx, you can move the source file for the recorder into the folder, then simply edit it

  237. cal0pteryx

    Oh, neat!

  238. meson

    cal0pteryx: to build gajim portable, executing win/ is enough or is more needed? There's now a gajim.exe in _build_root/ucrt64/bin/ but I get an error when I try to execute it from the Windows explorer

  239. cal0pteryx

    meson:, and rename gajim.exe to something different

  240. meson

    Build failed, it couldn't find Python.h

  241. meson

    Trying it again after pacman -S python-devel

  242. meson


  243. meson

    No idea why I prefer developing under Linux :)

  244. cal0pteryx

    meson: not sure where that comes from. I'm building the installer using mingw64

  245. cal0pteryx

    gajim.exe (the setup) is created in win/_build_root/gajim.exe

  246. cal0pteryx

    running win/ from a mingw64 terminal

  247. cal0pteryx

    Not sure where I would put that simpler pipeline you mentioned, meson