Gajim - 2024-06-03

  1. fjklp

    How is gajim testing whether to show an audio player for a file upload? It seems it isn't showing an audio player for ogg vorbis files.

  2. bodqhrohro

    Why does the text fallback in replies not mention the member whose message is replied? Is that intended? How are users of legacy clients which don't support replies supposed to know their message is replied?

  3. cal0pteryx

    bodqhrohro: legacy clients get the same experience as with xep-0393 quotes

  4. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: you can check for yourself in the logs. It should log the mime type there. Make sure your server actually sends mime types correctly

  5. nicoco

    bodqhrohro FWIW, slidge includes the quoted author in the fallback text, and Monal author+timestamp. I also think it’s better but I think it poses translatability issues. Nothing the replies XEP forbids you from including such stuff in the fallback text.

  6. nicoco

    Well Monal does not support XEP-0461, but when you quote, it includes author+timestamp in the quote.

  7. fjklp

    I think including the nick might be sensible. Timestamps are nice but a user might not want to reveal their timezone.

    🗿 1
  8. fjklp

    It might make sense to have gajim use UTC or some user set timezone option and to include the timezone offset in the time if this was done.

  9. nicoco

    I think I remember seeing a PR for Conversations that did this (prepend "nickname:" to the quote) but it was rejected. Anyway, XEP-0461 is a much finer way to solve that.

  10. cal0pteryx

    Or we leave legacy clients to what they are: legacy

  11. nicoco

    > cal0pteryx: > Or we leave legacy clients to what they are: legacy I think the benefit of this style ☝️ is that you "ping" the quoted message author in basically all existing clients. I don't see any downside to this and I actually really wanted to be pinged on mobile in my rooms with "notify only on mention" setting when I'm replied to. I don't regret my choice of implementing it this way in slidge since neither Conversations nor Gajim (the 2 clients I use the most by far) still haven't released XEP-0461 support. I'm not complaining, but just arguing that - prepending the nick is very useful - when it's so cheap to improve UX for legacy clients, it is worth considering - we don't have an army of client devs, so features take quite a while to actually be released

  12. nicoco

    99% of the time I quote someone, I also prepend my response with their nicks, eg: > Or we leave legacy clients to what they are: legacy cal0pteryx: now you're pinged. Anyway, I should just submit a merge request if this bores me too much ;)

  13. nicoco

    99% of the time I quote someone, I also prepend my response with their nicks, eg: > Or we leave legacy clients to what they are: legacy cal0pteryx: now you're pinged. Anyway, I should just submit a merge request if this annoys me too much ;)

  14. fjklp

    > 99% of the time I quote someone, I also prepend my response with their nicks, eg: > > Or we leave legacy clients to what they are: legacy > cal0pteryx: now you're pinged. > Anyway, I should just submit a merge request if this annoys me too much ;) This is something I do to. I really don't see a downside. When I reply to someone, I probably intend to ping them.

  15. 222m5

    > It might make sense to have gajim use UTC or some user set timezone option and to include the timezone offset in the time if this was done. fjklp: UTC only for privacy; any local timezone offset should probably be handled by the receiving client

  16. fjklp

    nicoco, you've really been going crazy with the merge requests. I respect it.

    🤪 1
  17. fjklp

    yeah, UTC makes sense for multiple reasons. It's just neutral.

  18. lovetox

    There is no deeper reason, we simply never included the nick in quotes

  19. Ichtyx

    Quote with no oing is just dumb

  20. Ichtyx

    Quote with no ping is just dumb

  21. bodqhrohro

    > ‎03/06/24 | 08:35:30 ‎cal0pteryx‎: bodqhrohro: legacy clients get the same experience as with xep-0393 quotes Well, I had same complaints about that builtin "quote" feature too. But it was easier to circumvent its limitations manually. (Not like I can't explicitly mention the replied message author too though.)

  22. Kevin

    Hello , how can i transfer my user data folder in a gajim flatpak install ?

  23. meson


  24. Kevin


  25. Kevin

    I had a portable install though

  26. Kevin

    So no separate config directory

  27. Kevin

    Ok so i think i should leave the config folder and just paste the contents of user data into data folder

  28. Kevin

    So i copied but no luck

  29. Kevin

    Maybe i start gajim fresh

  30. Kevin

    ohh i did not import my backup but still encrypted chats got decrypted 🤔️

  31. Kevin

    i might somehow got access to the omemo keys folder

  32. yaaxu

    How do I change keyboard shortcuts in Gajim? (Without touching the source code, if possible.)

  33. nicoco

    So… latest conversations lost the ability to avoid honoring the bookmark autojoin flag for MUCs… lovetox: how would you feel about an advanced setting in gajim to use a custom bookmark extension instead of the autojoin flag, or maybe simpler: just not respect the autojoin flag and join all rooms which are not "closed" in the UI?

  34. nicoco

    In any case, the current behaviour is a bit inconsistent, the only way to get to that "you have left the group but its tab is still opened in gajim" state is to leave from another client, right? That's kindof weird.

  35. lovetox

    yaaxu: check out our wiki

  36. lovetox

    Don't have the link at hand I'm on the phone

  37. meson


  38. nicoco

    > So… latest conversations lost the ability to avoid honoring the bookmark autojoin flag for MUCs… lovetox: how would you feel about an advanced setting in gajim to use a custom bookmark extension instead of the autojoin flag, or maybe simpler: just not respect the autojoin flag and join all rooms which are not "closed" in the UI? oh well, looks like you would be on board since you opened this 4 years ago <>

  39. lovetox

    nicoco: if it's about what is described in the issue, yes. No clue why we use a custom bookmark extension

  40. lovetox

    nicoco: if it's about what is described in the issue, yes. No clue why we should use a custom bookmark extension

  41. nicoco

    Yeah, a custom bookmark extension is probably not needed, just allowing to not honour the autojoin flag is probably enough.

  42. nicoco

    A custom extension would make sense if we wanted to keep the current behaviour, ie having some groupchat tabs open on startup but not joined by gajim until you click "join"

  43. nicoco

    (I don't have any use for that)

  44. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: Menus: Rename 'Modify Accounts' to 'Manage Accounts' -

    👍 1
  45. lovetox

    meson, i cannot merge your MR because of conflicts

  46. lovetox

    we should talk about your workflow, it seems you use merge to merge code in master into your branch

  47. lovetox

    you should simply use git pull --rebase, which puts your commits ontop of HEAD

  48. lovetox

    but i think now its to late

  49. lovetox

    i think you have to merge the current master in again

  50. meson

    Oh, sorry, I'm not at home right now and can first do it tomorrow

  51. cal0pteryx

    Maybe squashing helps

  52. cal0pteryx

    Squash, rebase, merge

  53. meson

    Will try tonite if I get home early enough

  54. ong

  55. ong

    this effective power txt meme still crashes gajim tfw

  56. ong

    im no gnome 46

  57. ong

    on wayland

  58. lovetox

    yeah thanks, for me too

  59. lovetox

    i will open a bug report

  60. ong

    ty gamer

  61. fjklp

    oh boy, lol

  62. fjklp

    if you paste that in a chat, you will not be able to open the chat without manually editing the message out of your database

  63. fjklp

    it crashes for me on X11

  64. ong


  65. ong

  66. ong

    2 chat app bugs for me in one day lol

  67. ong

    we grinding

  68. ong

  69. fjklp

    org.gajim.Gajim.Devel.desktop[213288]: ** org.gajim.Gajim.Devel.desktop[213288]: Pango:ERROR:../pango/pango-layout.c:4566:process_line: assertion failed: (result == BREAK_SOME_FIT || result == BREAK_EMPTY_FIT) org.gajim.Gajim.Devel.desktop[213288]: Bail out! Pango:ERROR:../pango/pango-layout.c:4566:process_line: assertion failed: (result == BREAK_SOME_FIT || result == BREAK_EMPTY_FIT) org.gajim.Gajim.Devel.desktop[213287]: /app/bin/gajim-devel: line 2: 3 Aborted (core dumped) gajim --gapplication-app-id=org.gajim.Gajim.Devel "$@"

  70. lovetox

    its the pango line wrap functionality that breaks

  71. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Reactions: Improve action visibility/state toggling -

  72. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: MessageLabel: Prevent potential segfault -

    👍 1
  73. deport

    Hmm, I wonder what the cases are where wrapping at character boundaries makes sense

  74. lovetox

    if you send a long word?

  75. fjklp

    wait, might this char versus word mode play into that whole problem with spam with long lines slowing down gajm a lot?

  76. yaaxu

    lovetox, meson: Thank you! Let's say it comes quite close to changing the source code. 😉️ Plus, I have a sneaking suspicion that the shortcut overview won't match my new assignments. The table is already wrong since I changed the sending command to Ctrl-Enter. Perhaps I'm too spoiled by KDE…