Gajim - 2024-05-31

  1. hueso

    cannot send reactions if you don't have voice

  2. hueso


  3. fjklp

    > now we have a new bug with the date header ... Looks good now.

  4. cal0pteryx

    Let's wait for what people say after the release

  5. lovetox

    I use the default reaction all the time, actually i use only them

  6. lovetox

    also "looks" is not a strong argument, we are not trying to win a beauty contest here

  7. debacle

    Maybe the default reactions should be different then the current ones? E.g. I use 🤷‍♀️️, 🥱️, and ☝️more than Gajims defaults. But it depends very much of whom I'm chatting with, of course.

  8. debacle

    Maybe an advanced config option with the current default?

  9. lovetox

    you react to peoples messages more with a "boring" reaction, then a "thumbs up"? seems a bit negative, im sure your contacts can live without the information that they bore you

  10. lovetox

    im not strictly against a advanced config setting, but we will release Gajim as is, and if the wish persists with more users after a longer time, we will consider it

  11. debacle

    lovetox, I was kidding with that. But of the current defaults I only use 👍️, the others almost never.

  12. debacle

    lovetox, it's not *that* important anyway. The important point is to have reactions, which is very good!

  13. fjklp

    I think a config (that makes it possible to use less or none) would be nice

  14. fjklp

    or more even

  15. fjklp

    I've noticed a weird bug where on the first run of gajim after I update my flatpak, the reaction buttons are taller. Then on subsequent runs, they are normal.

  16. fjklp

  17. fjklp

  18. fjklp

    it's a minor problem but just wanted to mention it

  19. debacle

    Btw. I use Gajim master as "daily driver" both at home and at work, and do not encounter major problems.

  20. cal0pteryx

    debacle: that's good to hear :)

    👍 1
  21. debacle

    I'm using message reactions far too often now. Just because it's new. Then I remember, that 90 % of my contacts are on mobile (Conversations or Monal) and can't see them anyway.

  22. epic

    I just installed Monal on my mac lol

  23. epic

    Port to mac looks poor

  24. epic

    At least I learned it has push notifs so that I can recommend Monal to my ios friends

  25. lovetox

    Good news, weblate should now be able to send emails again

  26. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master cq: Remove unused -

  27. aerion

    Hi there, I keep having issues with one particular person. When using Gajim, our mutual messages can not be read on the other person’s device, with the usual “Message not encrypted for this device”. We have each other’s fingerprints, and marked them as fully trusted, but the Last seen status is always “Never”. This happens on his Windows PC, and my Linux PC and MacBook running Linux. Our Snikket mobile apps do not have these problems, i.e. we can read each other’s messages, and the Last seen status for our respective Snikket clients shows the expected date and time. FYI, we both run our own Snikket servers, running the latest release. Gajim on all affected computers is also the latest stable release 1.8.4

  28. ann

    hello @everyone is there a way to jump to MUC subject/topic message? like, some button here or a summary with a possibility to click and jump to "subject changed" message

  29. ann

  30. ann

    maybe we need a checkbox in settings to permanently show MUC topic in (or below) the header with the form of link to original message? now topic can be seen only in conference information

  31. lovetox

    ann CTRL + I

  32. lovetox

    shows you the topic

  33. lovetox

    aerion, remove the fingerprint from gajim with click on the shield icon in the fingerprint window

  34. lovetox

    then restart Gajim and try again to send a message to the contact

  35. ann

    lovetox, ctrl+i is conference information window

  36. ann

    I said about possibility to jump between topics

  37. lovetox

    you said you want to jump to a subject message, i assumed you want to read the subject

  38. lovetox

    CTRL + I lets you read the subject

  39. ann

    the button of conference info doing that too

  40. ann

    I'm thinking about pinned messages and topic of MUC seems like a pinned message

  41. ann

    but there is no way to jump to it

  42. Ichtyx

    If people is annoying about default reaction emoji maybe just use the latest 3

  43. lovetox

    ann, you are suggesting to add a new button, that does exactly what the current button does in the end, show you the current subject

  44. lovetox

    why would we need to jump somewhere to achieve that

  45. lovetox

    what benefit do you as user have from jumping, versus reading it in the info dialog

  46. ann

    the same benefit as from pinned messages in Telegram. when you have large chat with 10000 messages per day, you may want to mark/pin 1 or 2 or 5 messages with *very important* information and instead of reading whole 10000 messages I can read just pinned messages

  47. ann

    a button like this

  48. ann

  49. ann

    would be very useful

  50. lovetox

    you cannot pin messages, you can define a subject for a room, and you can read that room by pressing the button

  51. lovetox

    you cannot pin messages, you can define a subject for a room, and you can read that subject by pressing the button

  52. ann

    just one minute, I'll try to explain better

  53. ann

    we have such window, yes?

  54. ann

  55. ann

    1) I can't click to <lovetox> author and write him/her a MUC PM message 2) I can't click and scroll to exact date when it was set - if we have this message ID in database, shouln't it be possible to jump to it to read messages around, what was happened when you set a subject etc. I know that subjects is not a pinned messages, but it is very close analog of it.

  56. lovetox

    yeah but it is not, thats the thing, all your functionality makes sense if its indeed a message by a user, which happend in a context

  57. lovetox

    but its not. Its a MUC admin typing a separate message, its in most cases the same person, and the context when he set that subject is in most cases completely irrelevant

  58. ann

    but technically subject set is a literally a message

  59. ann

  60. lovetox

    its technically very differnt, for example it is not archived as other messages

  61. ann

    it does have an ID, does it stored in gajim internal db?

  62. lovetox


  63. ann


  64. ann

    no more questions

  65. lovetox

    because we receive it on every join

  66. lovetox

    there is no need to store it in the db

  67. ann

    by the way

  68. lovetox

    but i agree with you, if we get pinned messages in XMPP, all your functionality makes definitely sense

  69. ann

    how are your relationshipts with MIX? are you planning on it? shall we offer another bounty on it?

  70. lovetox

    currently its not planned to implement, because it has no real benefit for users

  71. lovetox

    its just doing the same thing differently

  72. HyperSoop

    oh so we might get pinned messages in XMPP?

  73. HyperSoop


  74. HyperSoop

    would custom emojis be an impossible ask

  75. lovetox

    whats a custom emoji

  76. HyperSoop


  77. meson

    > whats a custom emoji Quick searching shows that the FB messenger offers feat with this technical name: > You can choose a custom emoji for chats on Messenger. The emoji you choose will replace the default thumbs up emoji for all people in the chat.

  78. meson

    > whats a custom emoji Quick searching shows that the FB messenger offers a feat with this technical name: > You can choose a custom emoji for chats on Messenger. The emoji you choose will replace the default thumbs up emoji for all people in the chat.

  79. meson

    Sounds less important than stickers. ;)

  80. Codimp

    Hi everyone (and thanks to reopen translatation tool registration), I'm translating missing sentences in french (and make fix) but I don't really understand what is "C_opy"? Is it the word "Copy" with just an underscore?

  81. aerion

    > aerion, remove the fingerprint from gajim with click on the shield icon in the fingerprint window > > then restart Gajim and try again to send a message to the contact Awesome, that fixed it! Thanks!

  82. lovetox

    Codimp, it means "o" will be a shortcut if you click ALT + Letter

  83. Codimp

    That's what I thought, thanks

  84. lovetox

    if you can make the underscore at the same letter

  85. lovetox

    if thats not possible choose another

  86. Codimp

    yep, in french I set "C_opie"

  87. meson

    aerion, lovetox: wouldn't it be good to show this advice whenver a user encounters the "Message not encrypted for this device" warning?

  88. lovetox

    i should implement that gajim does it automatcally

  89. meson

    Even better

  90. lovetox

    but this depends on the error

  91. Codimp

    I'm also wondering if in french we should change "état" to "status", because it better match nowadays

  92. Codimp

    because "état" is a very literal translation of "state" and it's not used in IM world

  93. lovetox

    no idea, im not french

  94. Codimp

    did things like "<empty>" and "<error>" need to be translated?

  95. lovetox

    is there a sentence ?

  96. Codimp

    nope, it's just this the entire sentence

  97. lovetox

    not sure why this is in translations

  98. lovetox

    i dont think it will have any effect

  99. lovetox

    ignore it

  100. Codimp

    same, I'll search in code

  101. Codimp

    it seems to be present only in translations, so I think it's not important yes

  102. slichtzzz

    lovetox, thank you so much! Finally I got the opportunity to register and upload the complete Russian translation. Still doesn't feel real 😊️

  103. epic

    slichtzzz: spasiba :)

  104. testo7649

    hello does xep-313 also archive private 1-to-1 conversations or are only MUCs archived?

  105. lovetox

    all conversations

  106. testo7649

    but is there no option to disable this on private chats

  107. lovetox

    yes, but it will have negative consequences if you use multiple devices

  108. lovetox

    as the archive is necessary to sync messages between the devices

  109. lovetox

    Accounts -> Advanced -> Archiving Preferences, set the default to "Never"

  110. lovetox

    also it does not prevent your contact from archiving the messages

  111. lovetox

    if you dont want your messages stored in a readable form its better to use encryption, than to disable the archive

  112. testo7649

    thank you very much

  113. testo7649

    > also it does not prevent your contact from archiving the messages so if contact has it enabled it gets archived to their provider?

  114. lovetox

    correct, its like email

  115. lovetox

    your device -> your server -> contacts server -> contacts device

  116. lovetox

    if you fear someone read your messages, use end 2 end encryption

  117. lovetox

    we have it included click the lock icon select OMEMO

  118. testo7649

    okay thanks a lot, i get it now

  119. ic_

    Are there any plans to recommence Debian nightly after a four months hiatus due to the latest sqlalchemy not being available. sqlalchemy 2.0.30+ds1-2 in now available in sid.

  120. lovetox

    i will look into making the build work

  121. Codimp

    I'm finishing checking french translations and see a "translator-credits", but some peoples are in it and other not, do I need to add myself in it? Add other peoples who translate in french?

  122. lovetox

    you can add yourself

  123. Codimp

    ok, thanks

  124. savolla

    hey guys i want to restore my backup from android (monocles chat) to gajim. is it possible?

  125. debacle

    ic_ Btw. sqlalchemy > 2 has been available in Debian experimental since 2023-06-27, so this was probably not the reason not to build a Debian nightly, right?

  126. debacle

    savolla Probably not. But if you use the same account(s) as before, you have your roster and your message archive (minus OMEMO encrypted messages)

  127. ic_

    I was just going by what lovetox said when I asked why the nightly has stopped. I knew sqalchemy was in experimental but I thought nightly was built with sid

  128. lovetox

    yes we build for sid

  129. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Application: Reactived feature actions after sm resume -

  130. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master ci: Debian: Remove sqlite3 dependency -

  131. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master ci: Debian: Update nbxmpp patch -

  132. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master ci: Debian: Update build dependencies -