Gajim - 2024-05-29

  1. why?

    why is the ctrl+c shortcut not working when I use gajim

  2. why?

    Has anyone encountered this problem?

  3. fjklp

    why?, what version of gajim?

  4. why?


  5. ong

    what does the ctrl+c shortcut do?

  6. fjklp

    why?, it should be fixed in the next version.

  7. ong


  8. ong


  9. ong


  10. ong


  11. ong


  12. why?

    > why?, it should be fixed in the next version. nice

  13. Divergent

    > Has anyone encountered this problem? me

  14. fjklp

    It looks like something was recently changed with the date format shown in chat history search results?

  15. usrnme

    how to manually update plugins?

  16. aerion

    Hi there, I keep having issues with one particular person. When using Gajim, our mutual messages can not be read on the other person’s device, with the usual “Message not encrypted for this device”. We have each other’s fingerprints, and marked them as fully trusted, but on the Last seen status is always “Never”.

  17. aerion

    This happens on his Windows PC, and my Linux PC and MacBook running Linux. Our Snikket mobile apps do not have these problems, i.e. we can read each other’s messages, and the Last seen status shows the expected date and time.

  18. aerion

    FYI, we both run our own Snikket servers, running the latest release. Gajim on all affected computers is also the latest stable release 1.8.4

  19. hellogabbar

    Is there a security guide?

  20. hellogabbar

    Adjust settings for max security

  21. cal0pteryx

    usrnme: by restarting gajim

  22. cal0pteryx

    hellogabbar: no, there isn't

  23. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: it should display your "time_format" setting

  24. fjklp

    FYI, I still can't upload images using my account

  25. fjklp

    maybe I should switch to a differenct account

  26. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: thats an issue with's xmpp server I think. And I personally think that we should not offer xmpp services apart from this MUC on that server

  27. fjklp

    that sounds sensible

  28. fjklp

    honestly, if can't have fully working xmpp services, it shouldn't even allow registration

  29. cal0pteryx

    Yes, very much

  30. fjklp

  31. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: check the setting I posted

  32. fjklp

    I did, it's set to '%H:%M'

  33. cal0pteryx


  34. fjklp

    there seems to be something else weird going on with timezone of timestamps in search results

  35. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: I see now why it fails, fixing it later

  36. fjklp


  37. bros. removed by cal0pteryx


  38. bros. removed by cal0pteryx


  39. meson

    bros., please don't be rude and write in English.

  40. Divergent

    bwhhhahahah russian piece of madman

  41. bros. removed by cal0pteryx


  42. grin

    What in the ever living fuck is going on here lol calm down

  43. Divergent

    > Divergent: иди нахуй долбоеб black bag

  44. Divergent

    що ти хрюкаєш свінка

  45. bros. removed by cal0pteryx


  46. bros. removed by cal0pteryx


  47. Divergent

    чорний мешок сидить

  48. grin

    Oh great now there’s xenophobia

  49. Divergent

    скоро на війнє трупом служить будеш?

  50. grin

    Where are the mods when ya need me

  51. grin


  52. bros. removed by cal0pteryx


  53. Divergent

    фашісткий кусок раба

  54. Divergent

    where are mods really

  55. bros. removed by cal0pteryx


  56. Divergent

    > Divergent: хохол? бомбити білгород весело

  57. Divergent

    может тебе в ЛСР вступить?

  58. Divergent

    а не на диване сидеть с пивом

  59. grin

    > where are mods really I’d recommend not engaging with this dude. He’s clearly lost and will just ruin your day. The fact that he’s being xenophobic on the first Ukrainian letter says enough.

  60. bros. removed by cal0pteryx


  61. Divergent

    > > where are mods really > > I’d recommend not engaging with this dude. He’s clearly lost and will just ruin your day. The fact that he’s being xenophobic on the first Ukrainian letter says enough. you're right

  62. Divergent

    it's not worth it

  63. bros. removed by cal0pteryx


  64. nicoco

    lovetox, asterix, cal0pteryx : mods needed!

  65. Divergent

    > Divergent: Ооо свинка украинская русский знает? but he is extremely funny

  66. Divergent

    like how did bro got to us with such views

  67. bros. removed by cal0pteryx


  68. Divergent

    > Твари!!! говорит фашіст

  69. fjklp

    bros., if you have any criticism about gajim, please speak english and just tell what problem you are having

  70. Divergent

    > bros., if you have any criticism about gajim, please speak english and just tell what problem you are having bro is mad that Gajim doesn't work perfectly out of the box and hates Ukranians for... existing, I guess

  71. fjklp

    hmm, interesting

  72. grin

    > bros., if you have any criticism about gajim, please speak english and just tell what problem you are having He’s just being a fascist for the most part. Nothing to see here

  73. grin

    Just wait for the mods lol

  74. Divergent


  75. Divergent


  76. a moderator removed a message


  77. a moderator removed a message


  78. a moderator removed a message


  79. a moderator removed a message


  80. a moderator removed a message


  81. a moderator removed a message


  82. a moderator removed a message


  83. a moderator removed a message


  84. a moderator removed a message


  85. a moderator removed a message


  86. a moderator removed a message


  87. a moderator removed a message


  88. a moderator removed a message


  89. grin

    looks like the mods cleaned it up, thanks!

  90. Divergent


  91. Divergent

    no fazi anymore

  92. daddou

    Hi, how would I join the room that can be accessed at: ?

  93. daddou

    (from gajim)

  94. procrastinator

    daddou: the end has the jid libervia!chat.... put that in the start new chat option from left side's + sign

  95. fjklp is the part you want

  96. procrastinator


  97. singpolyma

    👋 does Gajim look for the disco feature before sending chatstates (specifically composing) or anything like that?

  98. lovetox


  99. lovetox

    but we only send composing, except the user activates specifically more

  100. lovetox

    which i guess nobody does

  101. lovetox

    hm or wait let me check

  102. lovetox

    no we dont check before sending composing

  103. lovetox

    i guess that would be a way to reduce traffic, but who does not support chatstates

  104. singpolyma

    Well, I'm having the opposite issue. I'm trying to get it to send composing but it won't send. So trying to figure out what I need to do. I have presence already and gajim shows it

  105. singpolyma

    but when I type to the contact nothing in xml console going out for composing

  106. meson

    Yep, the downside is ofc that the temporary raw pcm files are much bigger than the opus enc ones

  107. meson

    I need to check what it means for a long 10 min recording

  108. meson

    Sorry, thoae should have been PMs

  109. meson

    Sorry, those should have been PMs

  110. meson

    Confused the UI after going from Gajim over to Conversations

  111. amogus

    cause normies love having options removed and having no control?

  112. lovetox

    singpolyma, hm yes i also had this, i think we have a bug that under some circumstances it does not send composing

  113. lovetox

    a restart of Gajim fixed it usually, but i have to investigate what the reason could be

  114. lovetox

    if you can reproduce it, you can get detailed logging with gajim -l gajim.c.m.chatstate=DEBUG

  115. singpolyma

    ok, I will let you know if I find anything definite

  116. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: SearchView: Show only time_format in result rows -