Gajim - 2024-05-22

  1. ann

    > of course you still want to know when someone wrote you a message in this chat or not? ah, I thought that it will behave as in another messengers - when you have a badge with unread counter, but its like "inactive", like in MUC when you not mentioned.

  2. fjklp

    I still don't know why it stopped working but 'moderated message retraction' is now working for me with ejabberd 24.02

  3. fjklp

    Actually, retracting messages seems to only cause them to be retracted in current gajim but they remain in older gajim

  4. Mike Yellow

    “Retract” and “Moderate” are different. Older Gajim supports Moderated but not Retracted, I guess.

  5. fjklp

    It's not clear to me what the relationship is between the two

  6. fjklp

  7. fjklp

  8. fjklp

    in any case, I would not expect a revision to break compatibility with existing clients

  9. lovetox

    fjklp, the version is meaningles, its just a document version

  10. lovetox

    yes XEPs can bump a namespace used, and this is always a breaking change

  11. lovetox

    but thats what namespaces are for in xml

  12. lovetox

    I fixed yesterday a few problems regarding moderation, thats why it now works with ejabberd

  13. fjklp

    ok, where is this bumpinjg of namespace documented?

  14. lovetox

    > > of course you still want to know when someone wrote you a message in this chat or not? > ah, I thought that it will behave as in another messengers - when you have a badge with unread counter, but its like "inactive", like in MUC when you not mentioned. If a badge is grey or blue indicates if the chat contains messages especially *for you*, its only used with public groupchats, where the badge only becomes blue if you are mentioned

  15. lovetox

    if you want to know if a chat is muted or not, then there is the symbol beside the badge, i dont see a reason to change the color

  16. lovetox

    even if you dont want a notification for a chat, the messages there are still *for you*

  17. lovetox

    > ok, where is this bumpinjg of namespace documented? if the author mentions it in the document history, then there, if not you have to find out by reading and comparing

  18. fjklp


  19. fjklp

    is there any reason uploads would not be working in this chat? I can't upload an image.

  20. fjklp


  21. lovetox

    you dont upload files to a chat, you upload it to your server

  22. lovetox

    if it did work in the recent days, then i would say something changed maybe on your server

  23. fjklp

    I knew this but somehow it slipped my mind

  24. fjklp

  25. fjklp

    Weird. I went and uploaded in a different chat and it worked. Then it worked here....

  26. fjklp

    Anyway. It might be a nitpick but in the above screenshot I feel like it looks a bit wrong for the microphone icon to be where it is. I feel like it would maybe look better for it to be left aligned where the 'Y' is.

  27. fjklp

    Also, this crossed out microhone which is used multiple places makes me think specifically about audio, not text. Maybe we could use a different icon?

  28. fjklp

    I don't know if we have a specific set of icons somewhere that we select from?

  29. cal0pteryx

    For me it aligns with avatars above the icon, so that's better than it being 'off center'. You can check adwaita/feather/lucide for a different icon :)

  30. fjklp

    Icons are difficult. I don't know how recognizable these are but:

  31. fjklp

    ok, copying on doesn't work

  32. fjklp

  33. fjklp


  34. fjklp

    looks like I did a file upload here for keyboard.svg but gajim is giving an error of download failed

  35. fjklp

    I'll do links

  36. fjklp

  37. fjklp

    potential replacements for the magaphone and crossed out microphone

  38. fjklp

    the megaphone also feels a bit ambiguous to me

  39. fjklp

    oh, I forgot that I use a account, so my upload problems _were_ related to

  40. fjklp

    the file box says "File size unknown". Does gajim still fail on that condition?

  41. lovetox

    yes of course

  42. lovetox

    its not "failing"

  43. lovetox

    when we request a file we need to know how big it is

  44. fjklp

    whatever the problem, I've been experiencing gajim not downloading files many times lately where clicking the link will open it in the browser

  45. cal0pteryx

    Keyboard-off: I wouldn't recognize what this is if there was no name attached

  46. lovetox

    i have to say i can not remember when a file was not downloaded, also your keyboard svg downloaded fine even with preview

  47. cal0pteryx

    Maybe it's a misconfigured service at's xmpp server

  48. fjklp

    ok, I'm on current nightly and the icon above downloads. On an older nightly deb it does not. I assume that means that it won't download for people on the last release. Why is this?

    👍 2
  49. fjklp

    is archiving also required for replies?

  50. lovetox


  51. fjklp


  52. sch

    The RSS feed has items in all languages

  53. sch

    Is it intended?

  54. sch

    Is it intended to be so?

  55. cal0pteryx

    I see english only. Can you point me to a different language?

  56. amindomao

    hello! i've just build gajim from master and during launch see an error > ImportError: cannot import name 'EncryptionData' from 'nbxmpp.structs' (/home/amindomao/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nbxmpp/ Did you mean: 'CorrectionData'? what could be its reason ?

  57. amindomao

    fedora 39, pyhton 3.12.2

  58. meson

    amindomao: have you also checked out and installed the master version of nbxmpp?

  59. amindomao

    thanks, i've just noticed that i didn't

    👍 1
  60. hueso

    happy birthday!🎉

  61. chud

    Why did gajim decide to move away from one big text view with messages as just formatted text inside it, that you could select across?

  62. cal0pteryx

    Because you can't have fancy things in a textview

  63. chud

    What things? Doesn't gtk allow embedding widgets inside text view?

  64. lovetox

    you can have no layout in a textview, its like if you try to do a layout in microsoft word, but without using tables

  65. lovetox

    And seconds, thats not the intendet usecase for a textview, to build complex layouts of widgets in it, meaning if something does not work as you like it, GTK devs tell you, thats not their problem

  66. lovetox

    why other application have cross selection text capabilities, is because they use all some kind of webview, which is basically a browser

  67. lovetox

    thats also something i thought about, there is a webkit gtk project, that may offer a widget that can do both, layout with css and behave otherwise like browser view

  68. lovetox

    but never tried it

  69. bot

    lovetox pushed 3 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: ConversationView: Add stanza id row map - refactor: ConversationView: Remove obsolete methods - refactor: ConversationView: Make method private -

  70. hueso

    please don't

  71. bodqhrohro

    lovetox: won't it be relatively easy to implement multiple message selection by clicking in a message widget and dragging over other ones, like in TelegramDesktop? I don't think granularly selecting parts of terminal messages is highly important, and it would definitely be better than the current kludge.

  72. lovetox

    my gut feeling tells me that its not easy to do, it means caputring mouse input, and mapping coordinates to widgets on the screen, all while not fucking with other functionality like normal text selection

  73. lovetox

    but im happy if someone wants to try, we are open for more convenient methods of selecting multiple messages

  74. bodqhrohro

    So GTK+ lacks convenient mouse enter/leave events like web has, huh?

  75. lovetox

    no thats not what im saying, feel free to try if you think its trivial

  76. lovetox

    my interests are in different areas

  77. Codimp

    Hey everyone, yesterday I created and account on to fill issues but this morning my account seems to be inexistant, did something wrong happened?

  78. lovetox

    yes its deleted in the night if you dont do something with it

  79. lovetox

    its an anti spam measure

  80. cal0pteryx

    Codimp: sorry for that. but sadly this anti spam measure is necessary

  81. Codimp

    ok, so I will recreate it and fill an issue just after it's creation, thanks

  82. cal0pteryx

    Codimp: thanks!

  83. Codimp

    when you work on Gajim I suppose you use XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_CONFIG_HOME env variables so your dev instance of Gajim don't touch your daily instance?

  84. lovetox

    you can have this easier, start gajim with the -c switch an point it to some directory

  85. lovetox

    it will store all data there

  86. lovetox

    if you want to run it side by side with your production instance, you need also specify the -p switch this is a profile and will alter the dbus name under which the instance is registered

    👍 1
  87. debacle


  88. Codimp

    thanks! did the -c argument also impact data stored normaly in .local/share/gajim ?

  89. lovetox

    -c makes gajim store *all* data in that one directory

  90. lovetox

    your home dir is not touched at all

  91. lovetox

    neither for config, cache or local data

  92. Codimp

    cool! thanks, it works like a charm

  93. lovetox

    just beware of the python-nbxmpp dependency

  94. lovetox

    gajim master needs nbxmpp master

  95. lovetox

    but nbxmpp master is incompatbile with released versions of Gajim

  96. lovetox

    so dont install nbxmpp master system wide

  97. lovetox

    except you use the flatpak version as your daily driver, then it doesnt matter, because flatpak is isolated

  98. Codimp

    I can't remove it system wide because my daily Gajim need it

  99. Codimp

    but if I'm in a venv the venv version will be used, right?

  100. lovetox

    yeah so you need to setup a python virtualenv

  101. lovetox

    yes correct

  102. Codimp


  103. lovetox


  104. lovetox

    you can take a look if you want

  105. Codimp

    yep I use it

  106. fjklp

    is it the case that it's not possible to turn off mention notifications for individual chats?

  107. fjklp

    > For me it aligns with avatars above the icon, so that's better than it being 'off center'. You can check adwaita/feather/lucide for a different icon :) It aligns that way for me too, but I see no relationship between avatars and that icon. I see the 'no voice' icon as being more related to the text of the chat and the input field. Also, it aligns weirdly with the icons below. It just feels wrong to me.

  108. lovetox

    fjklp, i think its covered by mute, my first statement was probably a false information

  109. fjklp

    I originally thought that, but I think I tested it and proved that you were right

  110. fjklp

    lovetox, please mention me

  111. fjklp

    ok, looks like it prevents a notification bubble and sound, but still results in blue mention count and tray icon change

  112. fjklp

    ok, looks chat muting prevents a notification bubble and sound, but still results in blue mention count and tray icon change

  113. fjklp

    maybe my resulting assumption that it allowed notifications was based on those things that still happen

  114. lovetox

    yes, and for me thats alright, the only reason i mute something is, because i do something else and dont want to be disturbed, a blue badge at the side of a contact list that shows you that you go a new message, can not disturb you.

  115. fjklp

    right, I think the mention count might make sense, but I'm not so sure about the tray icon changing

  116. fjklp

    we mute individual chats probably because we are downgrading the importance of that specific chat, which means that we still want to be able to be notified of other chats.

  117. lovetox

    normally it just means, this chat is to active and it is enough if i read it once a day

  118. lovetox

    or something

  119. fjklp

    but now our "downgraded" chat prevents us from knowing we have unread messages that we actually want to read

  120. lovetox

    ? that would only the case if we wouldnt show the badge

  121. lovetox

    but thats exactly the reason we show it

  122. fjklp

    the point of the tray icon is that it's a persistent visual indicator no matter what app we are focused on

  123. fjklp

    so we don't see badges

  124. lovetox

    i fail to see the problem

  125. lovetox

    thats the core of muting, dont tell me aggresively that there is a new message

  126. lovetox

    instead i will look myself if i open the app again

  127. fjklp

    I would see the mute as meaning "keep track of mentions here but don't tell me about it. Only tell me about mentions I care about", which means the tray icon should only change for unmuted chats.

  128. Codimp

    is the weblate instance working? I try to register but never receive the confirmation email

  129. lovetox

    its working, but the registration is not

  130. Codimp

    so i need to ask someone to activate my account?

  131. lovetox

    no thats also not possible

  132. lovetox

    currently you have no possibility to contribute translations

  133. Codimp

    oh ok :(

  134. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: AccountWizard: Fix layout for SecurityWarning heading -

  135. Link Mauve

    lovetox, it’d be useful to reopen the translations before the release of 1.9.0, otherwise users will be left with sudden English.

  136. Link Mauve

    Or could we translate the .po files and send you the result?