Gajim - 2024-05-21

  1. fjklp

    meson: regarding >Need to investigate: Is it called audiotestsrc on all platforms or are there more devices to be blacklisted? Are you wanting to know the input devices listed in the gajim preferences menu?

  2. fjklp

    ubuntu 23.10 has 'Audio test'

  3. fjklp

    ubuntu 23.10 has 'Audio test', but not 'audiotestsrc'

  4. fjklp

    looks like gajim detects lack of support for replies but not reactions

  5. debacle

    ann Is there a MUC for your software, where I can follow the development and ask (stupid) questions?

  6. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: lack of support as in..?

  7. fjklp

    I press the reaction button and nothing happens

  8. cal0pteryx

    Please check the logs

  9. fjklp


  10. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: 1:1 chat or MUC?

  11. fjklp


  12. cal0pteryx

    Channel or Private?

  13. fjklp

    "public", not sure what the channel/private distinction is

  14. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: thanks. Thats a public channel then. It needs support for occupant id. But the reaction widget should only show if this condition is met. So logs are necessary :)

  15. fjklp

    I still need to memorize modernxmpp guidlines

  16. nicoco

    Wow! REACTIONS HAVE LANDED IN MASTER! 😱️ GG cal0pteryx and lovetox !

    👏 1👍 2
  17. fjklp

    I'm not sure how I feel about reactions but I honestly am very happy about replies

  18. nicoco

    I don't know if it's my GTK theme, but the emoji count looks a bit too close to the right side, or the emoji too far away from the left side maybe. It does not matter much TBH but that's my feedback so far ;)

  19. nicoco

  20. nicoco

    Also, maybe the emoji count in 1:1 chat is not necessary, not sure about that. The telegram desktop client does not have any count in 1:1 chats FWIW.

  21. cal0pteryx

    nicoco: you can check with gtk inspector. It looks like the emoji label has some x-padding

    👀 1
  22. cal0pteryx

    > Also, maybe the emoji count in 1:1 chat is not necessary, not sure about that. The telegram desktop client does not have any count in 1:1 chats FWIW. That's indeed a point :D

  23. fjklp

    the count digit looks to have equal space on both sides for me, unlike that screenshot

  24. nicoco

    Hmmm OK my GTK theme sucks theme

  25. nicoco

    > That's indeed a point :D Oh I just checked, telegram does display a count when there is more than one reaction, even in 1:1. The contour of the emoji bubble indicates whether or not *you* reacted with that one, but without the count you can't tell at a glance if the other party also reacted with that one emoji.

  26. nicoco

    Maybe it's just count=1 that's useless after all

  27. cal0pteryx


  28. cal0pteryx

    I'll check how it looks in comparison

  29. nicoco

    > nicoco: you can check with gtk inspector. It looks like the emoji label has some x-padding Indeed, it had `row {row label { padding-left: 8px` - reactions looks much better with that set to 0

  30. nicoco

    A bit more annoying, switching from and to MUCs with a lot of messages and reactions freezes for several seconds, I think it should be easy to reproduce by opening (and maybe lurk for a few days…)

  31. nicoco

    Anyway, I'm thrilled this was merged, since my gateways have been supporting that for almost 2 years and the client I use the most by far now supports them. I can't wait to discover new bugs now that I will use them daily through my gateways. So far it looks awesome, even my hacks for networks that only support 1 emoji/message or a subset of emojis. I'll have a look at adding support for for a better UI in this case, I wonder how easy it is to customize the emoji picker (I fear it is not trivial at all).

  32. lovetox

    its not possible

    😿 2
  33. nicoco

    Crap! I thought so. I guess I could still have a stab at that 1 emoji/user/message restriction though.

  34. lovetox

    in a MUC?

  35. lovetox

    its not necessary, if the muc does not allow it, gajim will not display it

  36. nicoco

    In 1:1 too. My current hack involves sending a "emoji clear" stanza on behalf of the user for 1:1 chats, if the server allows the gateway to do it via XEP-0356: Privileged Entity

  37. nicoco

    Also the gateway replies with an error stanza to the emoji stanza and sends a chat message to the user: "Maximum 1 emoji/message". Just silently ignoring the reaction is worse UX wise. Anyway, these are gateway-specific details, we shouldn't care too much. With server-side XEP-0356 support it's actually more than OK with gajim right now.

  38. nicoco

    > A bit more annoying, switching from and to MUCs with a lot of messages and reactions freezes for several seconds, I think it should be easy to reproduce by opening (and maybe lurk for a few days…) Huh, it's now OK after, for some reason it only happened the first time I switched to that chat. Maybe there is some additional DB migration when we first open a MUC or something? Weird.

  39. nicoco

    > A bit more annoying, switching from and to MUCs with a lot of messages and reactions freezes for several seconds, I think it should be easy to reproduce by opening (and maybe lurk for a few days…) Huh, it's now OK after all, for some reason it only happened the first time I switched to that chat. Maybe there is some additional DB migration when we first open a MUC or something? Weird.

  40. lovetox

    no but that chat has 1000 members

  41. lovetox

    maybe close the roster

  42. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master new: Do not log warning on presence of unavailable MUC member -

  43. lovetox

    nicoco, also if you are on a laptop, Gajim performs considerably worse if you are on low battery and your OS goes into energy saving mode

  44. chud

    ann: >our goal is to achieve something like Telegram in its best state, like year ~2018, when UI was clean and nice and UX was one of the best in messengers, Imho telegram's defining trait isn't the UI but rather that it's more like a common cloud database - efficient history search, editable and deletable history, etc. All things that all xmpp clients lack *severely* and imho not easily changeable - xmpp still to this day manages to screw up message order or fail delivery altogether.

  45. lovetox

    in a ecosystem where every user can setup his own server, there is much more chance to fuck something up, as with a centralized messenger service

  46. nicoco

    > maybe close the roster maybe that was it, yeah

  47. chud

    I have never seen matrix losing messages tbb. It's about the algorithms I guess.

  48. chud

    Xmpp's QoS methods seem... Like an interesting choice

  49. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master imprv: Improve support for full stanza encryption -

  50. lovetox

    I never saw my server lose a message, so i guess we are even :D

  51. lovetox

    and dont google "Matrix missing messages" or else you will discover that your experience is maybe not a universal truth

  52. nicoco

    shhhh… ignorance is bliss

  53. ann

    > Imho telegram's defining trait isn't the UI but rather that it's more like a common cloud database - efficient history search, editable and deletabl

  54. ann


  55. ann

    okay, seems to be longpost :D

  56. meson

    > ubuntu 23.10 has 'Audio test', but not 'audiotestsrc' The latter is a technical name I'm looking for

  57. ann

    > I never saw my server lose a message, so i guess we are even :D I saw messages being lost on official shitmatrix server and also saw single messages being delivered two or three times on our own synapse instance, so IMO matrix is NIH XMPP :) by the way, could someone recommend reliable bridge between XMPP and matrix? I saw at least three different implementations, bifrost, etc, and also newer releases of Ejabberd could serve Matrix and XMPP simultaneously, did someone tested it?

  58. lovetox

    thanks for sharing your experience ann, and also about your previous post about a fork of conversations, we are not in competition to other xmpp clients, if you offer a client some users like, i think its a net positive

  59. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: Add transport icons to MUC avatars - cq: Remove duplicate method -

    🚅 1
  60. chud

    > and dont google "Matrix missing messages" or else you will discover that your experience is maybe not a universal truth Nothing found

  61. chud

    >Gajim is in Python and my laptop with Ryzen 7 is overcoming with 100% core load Pretty sure those two are not relevant, must be some bug where gajim enters a busy loop >I saw messages being lost on official shitmatrix server and also saw single messages being delivered two or three times on our own synapse instance, Bruh... I guess I just didn't use matrix enough to encounter this. I didn't expect them to have the same idiotic problems as xmpp.

  62. chud

    ann: what telegram bridge do you use? I tried some but it shat itself violently where I would get group chat replies as personal messages etc

  63. ong

    matrix is way worse I use both xmpp and matrix

  64. chud

    I kinda wish there were also bridges for telegram/whatsapp calls

  65. ong

    if you accept media from csam gets mirrored on ur server almost instantly if you hang out in any public chat

  66. ong

    matrix is sustainable for enterprise but not end users and hobbiests

  67. chud

    >in other hand, Jabber is designed in 1998, when there was no cloud and unlimited internet from every tree in a any forest The amount of xml bloat it sends around... Almost seems like they did expect unlimited internet

  68. ong

    idk the biggest fail point is retention on the server

  69. ong

    if the retention is offloaded to the clients the server pretty much just acts like a relay

  70. ong

    once the message is transported to the client it's stored atomically

  71. ong

    matrix servers don't act as relays they act as restapis between the clients and the servers

  72. ong

    chatting without a relay method is way more bloat than chatting with a relay method because you have to constantly pull data from the server

  73. meson

    cal0pteryx: thanks for the refactor, reads much sleeker now

  74. meson

    Will try do adopt in the future

  75. meson

    Will try do adopt this style in the future

  76. meson

    Anyrhing left to do except testing on other platforms?

  77. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Message: Fallback to message-id if origin-id is not available - cfix: Reactions: Display emojis always with emoji presentation -

  78. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Reactions: Fix emoji presentation in tooltip -

    💗 1❤ 2❤️‍🔥 3
  79. cal0pteryx

    meson: thank you :) I'll try to test it on Windows next. Then it's good to go from my side

  80. meson

    Great, maybe lovetox can also have a look andthe last say. But no rush, I don't wanna push anything, I'd feel better if it were worked out as good as possible before it gets merged.

  81. meson

    Great, maybe lovetox can also have a look and the last say. But no rush, I don't wanna push anything, I'd feel better if it were worked out as good as possible before it gets merged.

  82. fjklp

    cal0pteryx: could you tell me what specifically you want from the logs? Would this be an iq stanza from the server? Just let me know what you need.

  83. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: just a debug log from the moment you click on the reaction button

  84. meson

    Well, next (soon) I'll try to figure out where and how to add extension points in order to write plugins for STT for both the recorder (live) and player.

  85. fjklp

    cal0pteryx: 2024-05-21T11:12:11 (W) gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.message| No reaction id 2024-05-21T11:12:12 (I) gajim.gtk.main | Captured key pressed: Alt_L

  86. fjklp

    that's it

  87. fjklp

    unless you are looking for something many seconds later

  88. lovetox

    what does not work fjklp ?

  89. fjklp

    in this particular muc, pressing the reaction button does nothing

  90. lovetox

    check if it supports archiving

  91. fjklp

    it does not

  92. lovetox

    yeah, then you cannot use reactions

  93. lovetox

    we will disable it in the interface

  94. fjklp


  95. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Reactions: Disable reactions if stanza-id is not supported in MUCs -

  96. cal0pteryx

    > Well, next (soon) I'll try to figure out where and how to add extension points in order to write plugins for STT for both the recorder (live) and player. Nice :D

  97. ic_

    After debian (sid) upgrade this morning the icons have almost doubled in size and I can't reduce the participant column width which worked ok before. I have now toggled it off as it was taking 25% of the (gajim) screen Similar problem with Claws mail (GTK) but I have managed to restore that as before.

  98. fjklp

    > We can also do fancy things with css I think. Like inverting cal0pteryx this sounds potentially good

  99. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Reactions/Replies: Improve check for action availability -

  100. lovetox

    ic_, can you show a screenshot

  101. lovetox

    if it affects multiple applications, it doubtful that is a Gajim problem

  102. lovetox

    nothing comes to mind that we changed regarding avatars recently

  103. ic_

    Yes I agree it is unlikely a gajim issue apart from not being able to reduce the column width

  104. fjklp

    I've noticed sometimes a chat is stuck in the connecting state and if I just press abort, then connect, it connects after a seconds or two. Maybe this connection thing needs a timer to retry or something?

    👍 1
  105. fjklp

    that was on the most recent nightly deb. I guess I need to be careful to only report on current nightly

  106. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master change: Rename XML Console to Debug Console - chore: Update translations -

  107. cal0pteryx

    Gajim turned 20 today 🎂️

    🍾 2🥳 4🎂 8💐 4👍 3🎉 7
  108. Neustradamus

    Happy birthday and thanks a lot to asterix!

  109. asterix

    Wow 20 years !

  110. resoli

    Happy birthday Gajim!!!

  111. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master cq: Protocol: Add type annotations -

  112. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master chore: DOAP: Add 'since' for XEP-0444 and XEP-0461 -

  113. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Store message drafts when switching workspaces -

  114. dislive5

    > Happy birthday and thanks a lot to asterix! 👍️⭐️

  115. dislive5

    .... and all others involved ... ( it made several days of my life when far away from my neighbourhood & while corvid ... )) thank you , all

  116. dislive5

    .... and all others involved ... ( it made several days of my life when far away from my neighbourhood & while covid ... )) thank you , all

  117. Ichtyx

    Why sometimes ctrl c doesnt work and need to click on : to select copy ?

  118. lovetox

    no idea, it works for me always, maybe try to find the condition where it does not work

  119. cal0pteryx

    Ichtyx, Gajim 1.8.4 had an issue with Ctrl+C. Do you run from master or 1.8.4?

  120. Ichtyx

    cal0pteryx, ah yeah 1.8.4 from arch

  121. Ichtyx

    didn't it was recommanded to run from master 😅️

  122. Ichtyx

    didn't know, it was recommanded to run from master 😅️

  123. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master feat: Update XEP-0425 to latest version -

  124. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Moderation: Adapt to nbxmpp changes -

  125. lovetox

    Ichtyx, there will be soon a new release

  126. Ichtyx

    1.8.5 or 1.9 ?

  127. Ichtyx

    btw congratz on 20 years and all the new stuff in master (reaction and co) 🍾️

  128. cal0pteryx

    Ichtyx, it's not recommended to run from master, that's only for the brave :D 1.9 will be the next version

  129. Ichtyx

    cal0pteryx, 🤡️ was joking sorry

  130. ann

    why Gajim sometimes does indicate unread messages in permanently muted private chat?

  131. ann

    > Ichtyx, it's not recommended to run from master, that's only for the brave :D 1.9 will be the next version I hope one of dudes with A/V DTLS PR will make it until 1.9 :D

  132. lovetox

    > why Gajim sometimes does indicate unread messages in permanently muted private chat? sounds like a bug

  133. lovetox

    could be that highlight overrides mute? please keep an eye on the specific message that causes this

  134. ann

    mentions in private messages?

  135. ann

    in MUC of course there was indication of unread in case of highlight

  136. ann

    in private messages mentions should be ignored, shouldn't they?

  137. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master chore: DOAP: Update XEP-0425 version -

  138. meson

    > Gajim turned 20 today 🎂️ Congratulations, to the next 20 years! 💚️

    🎉 1
  139. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master cfix: Moderation: Adapt IQ request to new XEP version - imprv: Add new moderation namespace disco info property -

  140. Neustradamus

    It is possible to have an article on website for the birthday?

  141. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Rename moderation related code - feat: Support XEP-0425 0.3.0 -

  142. fjklp

    I thought the mute option only prevents audio notifications?

  143. lovetox

    ah yes, should be correct

  144. lovetox

    ann, mute means only no system/sound notification

  145. lovetox

    of course you still want to know when someone wrote you a message in this chat or not?

  146. fjklp

    I also was under the false assumption that this setting would prevent all notifications and actually wanted that feature. I wouldn't be surprised if others have this wrong assumption. It might be something to consider to rename it or even implement total notification prevention.