Gajim - 2024-05-19

  1. fjklp

    I don't know if it makes sense to report bugs that I can't reproduce but I experienced a bug in gajim nightly flatpak where posting messages in a particular muc resulted in the same message showing twice in the gajim instance that posted it. Other clients showed only a single message. The first message showed my nick in blue as usual and permanently had a pending icon. The second message shows my nick in red and had no pending icon. They both appeared at the same time. This repeated for multiple separate messages posted. After restarting gajim is has thus far been normal. I looked in the xml log when I sent one of these messages and gajim sent only one message stanza and received only one message stanza related to that message.

  2. fjklp

    I guess I'm going to have to read up on the protocols so I know what all these id numbers are and can guess at the problem better

  3. lovetox

    Are you on latest nightly?

  4. fjklp

    lovetox: This was the one built on 2024-05-16

  5. lovetox

    should be latest then

  6. lovetox

    hm i can imagine why this happens, somehow we dont discover the message that is reflected from the muc as our own message

  7. lovetox

    this probably has something to do with that specific muc server

  8. lovetox

    or did you maybe change nickname?

  9. lovetox

    but we have to test this on many different muc settings

  10. fjklp

    I did not change my nickname

  11. fjklp

    it was on which reports the server as ejabberd 24.2.0

  12. fjklp

    before I restarted gajim, I did enter a private muc on the same server and didn't get the same bug

  13. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: ChatControl: Don't fail when trying to jump to deleted message -

  14. fjklp

    lovetox: would the xml I captured be useful?

  15. lovetox

    no, if you cant reproduce i spend my time elsewhere

  16. fjklp


  17. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Cursors: Attept to fix getting default cursor on Wayland -

  18. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: ReferencedMessageWidget: Increase max_width_charts for message -

  19. cal0pteryx

    oof, two typos in a row :/

  20. cal0pteryx

    meson: voice recording works great for me. I think the ui is very intuitive. I'm pushing some changes to the MR in the next days

  21. meson

    Awesome 😃 great it works for you and thank you for finalizing it

  22. meson

    Have you also tested it under Windows or MacOS?

  23. cal0pteryx

    meson, not yet, but will test on Win