Gajim - 2024-05-16

  1. nicoco

    lovetox: mention by the displayed nickname. Is this for the case where the bridge user themself has such illegal nickname so gajim notifies them? Or is it because you plan to implement a mention-related XEP?

  2. ann

    does Gajim inhibits systemd sleep in case of new notifications? does that intended?

  3. sakuraxpride

    Hello people. Today when I booted my PC it turned out that I can't launch Gajim. Since I am basically cut off my communications via XMPP now, this MUC is my only way to solve this, because searching on the internet returned nothing. The log displays me a critical error about gst_base_auto_convert_register_filter, if you need a more detailed one - just say so, I will send it. Any help regarding this issue is very appreciated

  4. cal0pteryx

    sakuraxpride: are you on Linux and recently updated your system? Arch?

  5. lovetox

    ann: no

  6. lovetox

    We only hold a shutdown inhibitor

  7. lovetox

    But that has nothing to do with notifications

  8. lovetox

    nicoco, i mean when we click the avatar, we put a nickname into the input field

  9. lovetox

    but i guess it was a stupid question, obviously we dont want there the resource

  10. nicoco

    OK! I'll push the slidge update that includes the <nick> in all messages (when != resource). This is required for MAM, right, in case the participant is offline?

  11. nicoco

    Anyway I also updated the MR on

  12. lovetox

    yes, in the mam case, i get a message, and the usual process is to take the resource as nick, if you supply no other information i would overwrite the nickname

  13. nicoco

    Yes, makes sense, same argument as for hats.

  14. sakuraxpride

    cal0pteryx, yup, it is an Arch based distro. Sorry for the late response, I am on a vacation rn

  15. cal0pteryx

    sakuraxpride: might be a regression in glib. I've seen some reports of segfaults. Could you post the full log?

  16. lovetox

    more likely gstreamer if the last message ist something about registering filters

  17. sakuraxpride

    cal0pteryx, yeah, I've checked Arch's gitlab instance and it turned out that it is either glib2 package not being updated in time(?) or the appmenu-gtk-module package being installed. I removed appmenu-gtk-module and it works again, so thanks :)

  18. lovetox

    did you create that issue just now on our tracker ?

  19. sakuraxpride

    No, it wasn't me though

  20. robertoo

    Hey, a friend of mine doesn't receive messages from a few contacts on their Gajim but receives them on Conversations. How to fix this?

  21. robertoo

    MAM is on.

  22. robertoo

    Conversations trusts gajim's fingerprint.

  23. robertoo

    Not Conversations. Quicksy.

  24. robertoo

    Messages aren't visible at all.

  25. lovetox

    Check Accounts -> Advanced -> Archiving Preferences

  26. lovetox

    Default needs to be set to "Always"

  27. goran

    Does Gajim use a turn server if available?

  28. lovetox

    what for?

  29. robertoo

    lovetox: yes, it's set to Always

  30. lovetox

    robertoo, then try to disable encryption and see if the same problem persists

  31. robertoo

    lovetox: how could that fix it in low level terms?

  32. lovetox

    it fixes nothing, it rules out encryption as the source of the problem

  33. robertoo

    as in gajim doesn't show encryption errors, but rather just doesn't show the messages at all?

  34. lovetox

    normaly it should not do this, but yes there are unknown problems that could cause gajim to not show it at all

  35. meson

    I set the button icon via `set_from_icon_name('audio-input-microphone', ...)` but doing so, the icon does not adapt when changing to a dark theme. Is that likely a problem with the icon I use?

  36. robertoo

    Is it worth bugging them about whether they trust gajim's fingerprint, could that cause this? (I'm quite sure they wouldn't mess with keys though)

  37. lovetox

    meson, yes, the icon has to be prepared in a special way

  38. lovetox

    cal0pteryx, maybe you can chime in how

  39. lovetox

    robertoo, no if its just a trust issue gajim would show the message

  40. meson

    feather-mic-symbolic works but looks to big even when setting _Button_ as the icon size.

  41. lovetox

    can you show a screenshot

  42. robertoo

    lovetox: OK. You mean tell someone to send an unencrypted message to that problematic gajim, right?

  43. lovetox

    turn gajim off, send a few unencrypted message to someone, ask them to write a message back

  44. lovetox

    turn gajim on, and see if the messages are there

  45. robertoo

    so they don't have to turn OMEMO before writing back?

  46. robertoo

    so they don't have to turn OMEMO off before writing back?

  47. lovetox

    of course, i thought that is obvious if we are talking about writing a message "unencrypted"

  48. lovetox

    to be precise, yes they need to turn omemo off

  49. robertoo

    OK, will do.

  50. meson

  51. meson

    > can you show a screenshot oh I thought I could reply with a picture

  52. meson

    This feat definitely needs to be added! ;)

  53. cal0pteryx

    meson: inkscape, select all, path > object to path, disable contours

  54. cal0pteryx

  55. meson

    cal0pteryx, thanks. Would you go with the former icon (it was smaller and filled) or with the feather-mic-symbolic icon from the screenshot above?

  56. meson

    The latter already works for dark themes.

  57. cal0pteryx

    meson: I don't have the other icon in my mind :D

  58. meson

  59. meson

    here you go

  60. meson

    I think the feather fits better

  61. meson

    I think the feather fits better to the style of the rest

  62. cal0pteryx

    Ah thanks! I think you need to suffix it with -symboloc

  63. cal0pteryx

    Ah thanks! I think you need to suffix it with -symbolic

  64. meson

    I think feather fits better to the style of the rest

  65. cal0pteryx

    It should be the same color, i.e. grey

  66. cal0pteryx

    But yes, the size fits better

  67. meson

    the bigger one or the smaller one? ;)

  68. meson

    So we can't have both together, can we?

  69. meson

    yes, we can: -symbolic did the trick

  70. meson

  71. cal0pteryx


  72. Sudouser


  73. meson

    cal0pteryx, feature wise I got now everything in the MR I've planned so far, now we _just_ need to make the code pretty and merge-able :)

  74. meson

    extra credits if someone can guess where I took the inspiration for the whole UI :D

  75. cal0pteryx

    meson: alright, I'll test it soon

  76. meson

    thank you! good luck breaking it :P