Gajim - 2024-05-14



  2. kaph


  3. mirrornull

    hi 有人会说中文吗

  4. fjklp

    mirrornull: this is english only chat

  5. potato

    > mirrornull: this is english only chat 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 六四天安門事件 天安門大屠殺 反右派鬥爭 大躍進政策 文化大革命 人權 民運 自由 獨立 多黨制 台灣 臺灣 中華民國

  6. fjklp

    potato: I understand

  7. cal0pteryx

    > our company paid the developers for that feature and as I see it is ready and working ann: if you followed the recent discussion about both MRs you'll notice the neither is ready. Please stop pushing

  8. mirrornull

    我想知道一个问题 我如何使用tor去登录twitter?( 或者说 我应该如何使用一个绝对匿名安全的X账号?"I have a question: How do I use Tor to log into Twitter ( Or rather, how should I use a completely anonymous and secure X account?"

  9. intelfx

    This is neither a channel about Tor nor a channel about Twitter/X...

  10. lbiqc


  11. cal0pteryx

    lbiqc: this chat's language is english

  12. lbiqc


  13. lbiqc

    Gajim is a good software

  14. mkf

    what's up with so much non-english spam

  15. Mike Yellow

    Some Chinese came to XMPP for secure anti-government communication, but they are unordered and unorganized cowards after all. They may bring many technical questions into English chat environment and even so their fear will never relieve. Also they bring many political topics. So, I suggest, do not hesitate to ban them. Rules are rules, general unwritten rules are also rules. Offtopics should not be tolerated.

  16. fjklp

    1. Does anyone know if an issue was ever created for the bug where having multiple accounts in gajim joined to a single chat can sometimes cause one of the accounts to not receive a message? I can't find it. 2. Is this bug expected to still exist with the new database?

  17. fjklp

    1. Does anyone know if an issue was ever created for the bug where having multiple accounts in gajim joined to the same chat can sometimes cause one of the accounts to not receive a message? I can't find it. 2. Is this bug expected to still exist with the new database?

  18. fjklp

    1. Does anyone know if an issue was ever created for the bug where having multiple accounts in gajim joined to the same chat can sometimes cause one of the accounts to not receive a message sent in that chat? I can't find it. 2. Is this bug expected to still exist with the new database?

  19. lovetox

    This should be fixed

  20. fjklp


  21. fjklp

    I think middle clicking on a message to reply would be a nice speed improvement. What do you guys think? AFAIK this wouldn't conflict with anything else.

  22. fjklp

    I actually love the idea

  23. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: did you try current nightly? Replies are now a single click already

  24. fjklp

    yes, and I think that's nice, but I think the ability to middle click anywhere on the message would be significantly easier and faster.

  25. fjklp

    it's ultra efficient

  26. fjklp

    I think it would be appropriate to also have the reply button while having more advanced/faster/less discoverable methods

  27. lovetox

    Middle click does other things depending on your OS

  28. cal0pteryx

    Normally middle click closes stuff. Also it's a clipboard pasting method

  29. lovetox

    But we can add shortcuts to cycle through replies

  30. chud

    >Normally middle click closes stuff. Also it's a clipboard pasting method ... For a clipboard that isn't even 100% synchronized with ctrl+c/ctrl+v Xorg is just so full of idiosyncrasies lol. Imho using middle click like suggested is ok even on xorg, since no one would try to "paste" into someone elses message.

  31. fjklp

    If anyone knows of a case where middle click would actually conflict, let me know. Otherwise, I don't see a problem.

  32. lovetox

    As said before it's already single click

  33. fjklp

    Yes, but the two are not equivalent. Middle clicking anywhere on the message means that 1. far less precision is required as the target area is much bigger, 2. the mouse pointer is likely far closer the the target area with middle click so less pointer travel is required

  34. fjklp

    maybe that even makes it qualify as an accessibility feature :)

  35. fjklp

    3. as the reply button will be at the right side and possibly offset from the text, that often means that there is some coordination effort/time to see that the correct message is highlighted as you are about to press the button

  36. fjklp

    I don't know, it just seems totally obvious to me that it would be desirable but if it's a matter of limited time, I understand

  37. fjklp

    a precedent example: firefox tabs have a close button but you can also middle click anywhere on the tab to close.

  38. chud

    > a precedent example: firefox tabs have a close button but you can also middle click anywhere on the tab to close. This. I never use the actual close button.

  39. fjklp

    And replies (could be) a very frequent action. The easier it is, the more likely I am to use it. Less easy, less likely.

  40. fjklp

    And replies (could be) a very frequent action. The easier it is, the more likely I am to use it. Less easy, less likely. Middle click makes it near effortless.

  41. lovetox

    i already can see it, every message from you will contain a reply

  42. fjklp


  43. fjklp

    now I'm going to worry about overusing them

  44. ann

    sorry but question: does latest version of Gajim supports native XMPP replies, as Conversations and Dino does?

  45. fjklp


  46. fjklp

    yes, well nightly. It's not in a release yet.

  47. lovetox

    ann, yes and we also work on reactions, then we will make a release

  48. cal0pteryx

    Conversations doesn't support native replies yet though

  49. cal0pteryx

    But forks do

  50. ann

    lovetox, do you have plans to merge modern VoIP support with one of next releases?

  51. erik

    hi. I'm using the flatpak installation and while on the images in the flathub I can see the plugins window being enabled, mine is disabled. is that because I use flatpak, or does flatpak support installing plugins and should I look at other causes?

  52. lovetox

    ann, i merge it when its ready, you can follow the discussions on our GitLab.

  53. lovetox

    erik, flatpak only supports 2 encryption related plugins currently

  54. lovetox

    so you would need a non-flatpak version if you want to try out plugins

  55. erik

    ok. thanks. I was hoping to use the whiteboard plugin. quite content with the way MS Whiteboard works and wanted to check if I can get the same with Gajim.

  56. erik

    similar, really.

  57. erik

    no problem. I'll be happy with the flatpak version and not be demanding.

  58. erik

    thanks for the quick response!

  59. jordigh

    Any reports of success getting SMS 2FA (god I hate these) from Wise?

  60. jordigh

    I swear I've gotten one in the past but today I had to opt for a phone call instead.

  61. jordigh

    Oooh, nice, Wise lets me use TOTP 2FA instead.

  62. lovetox

    erik, im not sure where you are getting your info from, but that plugin is not distributed anymore for a long time

  63. lovetox

    jordigh, i think you are in the wrong channel

  64. jordigh

    Oh, I am indeed. Hah. I got confused by the Gajim interface.

  65. erik

    lovetox, from memory. I haven't looked at the extension list for a long time.

  66. erik

    so, it may well be that I'm using old information.

  67. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master feat: Parse XEP-0172 nickname in MUC presences -

  68. barnaba

  69. barnaba

    is this an issue on my end (themes), or is width 1080 not really supported? Note the content panel having no left margin

  70. barnaba

    and no user avatars (they were to the left, and by default the rightmost part of the text is invisible)

  71. lovetox

    looks weird

  72. lovetox

    on what version are you?

  73. lovetox

    does it change if you make the window wider?

  74. lovetox

    you can also click CTRL + R to hide the chatlist

  75. Polarian

    Someone has sent me the following issue: Any ideas what could be causing this? (seen as you guys would know the most about the codebase)

  76. chud

    Where do I hook up to make a request to the server when gajim starts? Just nbxmpp BaseModule.__init__?

  77. Polarian

    > Someone has sent me the following issue: > > > > Any ideas what could be causing this? (seen as you guys would know the most about the codebase) I think this is an edge case... someone destroyed their config which causes gajim to segfault