Gajim - 2024-05-13

  1. renris


  2. renris


  3. renris

    как дела?

  4. fjklp

    I'd like to figure out what's going on with the status problem on one of my accounts but it's joined to a bunch of chats which makes the debug log noisy. Is there a way that I can sage all these chats to rejoin, similar to bookmarking all tabs to a folder, so I can easily rejoin them later without typing and manually joining?

  5. fjklp

    I'd like to figure out what's going on with the status problem on one of my accounts but it's joined to a bunch of chats which makes the debug log noisy. Is there a way that I can save all these chats to rejoin, similar to bookmarking all tabs to a folder, so I can easily rejoin them later without typing and manually joining?

  6. fjklp

    I'd like to figure out what's going on with the status problem on one of my accounts but it's joined to a bunch of chats which makes the debug log noisy. Is there a way that I can save all these chats, similar to bookmarking all tabs to a folder, so I can easily rejoin them later without typing and manually joining?

  7. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: no

  8. fjklp

    hmm, ok

  9. fjklp

    what does the (desynced) mean in the status on the account page?

  10. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: it means that more than one account is enabled and their statuses differ

  11. fjklp

    ah, thanks

  12. cal0pteryx

    You can sync them manually or by going through the app page on the top left

  13. fjklp

    I wrongly guessed it was related to mam syncing which made no sense to me

  14. fjklp

    is there no easy way to export all joined chat jids from either the old or new database? I'm not seeing it by looking.

  15. fjklp

    oh, maybe the table called "remote" in the new db is it?

  16. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: joined chats are not stored in the logs db. Those are stored in settings > workspaces

  17. fjklp


  18. astanad

    Hi guys ! could anyone help me with this code ? i'am trying to make a very basic xmpp client in pure python ! i know this is not a python room but it's an xmpp room 😂️

  19. astanad

    import socket

  20. astanad

    something is missing but i couldn't to figure out !

  21. cal0pteryx

    astanad: I'd like to refer you to That is where xmpp related developer questions fit best :)

  22. astanad

    cal0pteryx, thank you !

  23. fjklp

    What causes messages to have a <delay>? I'm in a chat where I've been receiving a same message from the same user many times and other people are not seeing it. They have a <delay>. Any idea what's going on there?

  24. qy

    mam replay?

  25. fjklp

    what does that mean?

  26. fjklp

    muc supports urn:xmpp:occupant-id:0, I'm guessing it's a bug related to that

  27. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Correctly mark MUC PMs -

  28. lovetox

    fjklp, it can be added by a client to indicate that the message was delayed, for example because of missing connection to the server

  29. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: ConversationView: Add MessageRowActions -

  30. marmistrz

    When is the next release expected? Encryption defaults for groupchats have been fixed 2 months ago and the fix is still unreleased

  31. lovetox

    hm maybe after reactions support is merged

  32. lovetox

    so maybe a month?

  33. marmistrz

    Could we have a hotfix release 1.8.5 containing _only_this change and then release 1.9.0 with reactions support?

  34. marmistrz

    These are literally two commits to be cherry-picked

  35. ann

    if I wish toget rid of rounded corners, which file should I monkey-edit to achieve that?

  36. ann

    gtk/ seems no effect on functions round_corners() etc

  37. lovetox

    marmistrz, no we have no stable branches where we can do hotfixes

  38. marmistrz

    I just thought about taking 1.8.4, creating a new branch, cherry-picking these two commits, and releasing it as 1.8.5

  39. lovetox

    we have no ci infrastructure setup for something like that

  40. lovetox

    but we have nightlies

  41. ann

  42. ann

    definitely better.

  43. ann

    would be great to have an option to have 'circle' or 'round-corders' to draw avatars.

  44. fjklp

    ann: would you mind posting the changes you made?

  45. ann

    it is line 1035 in common/modules/, we do change style: str = 'circle' to 'round-corners' and "modern" shitty circles are gone.

  46. ann

    fyi, functions round_corners() and clip_circle() are defined in gtk/ and it should be easy to add another avatars styling methods, if needed so

  47. ann

    outdated screenshot, it looks like this (difference is in rounded/squared avatars in chat itself)

  48. ann

  49. chud

    Your window decorations are a hate crime tbh

  50. ann

    adwaita sucks, thats true

  51. fjklp

    thanks ann

  52. ann

    asterix, lovetox, cal0pteryx please consider to review merge request with working DTLS/SRTP a bit faster.. if it will be live on one of next Gajim releases there is chance that it will be included in next Debian.. >___>

  53. ann

    our company paid the developers for that feature and as I see it is ready and working