Gajim - 2024-05-12

  1. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: ArchiveStorage: Don’t fail on index creation -

  2. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Don’t fail on missing stanza id -

  3. Sweety

    hello. what are anonymous accounts?

  4. lovetox

    some servers offer to connect to the server without account, they assign you a random id

  5. lovetox

    when you disconnect the account is deleted

  6. geometric

    may I send you a patch file for not to create a fork project?

  7. lovetox

    i already fixed it

  8. geometric

    I also added a couple of lines to join room without subject (in "_on_muc_user_presence")

  9. lovetox

    no, we will not work around non-standard compliant servers

  10. lovetox

    you can supply a patch to whatever codebase uses

  11. geometric here

  12. geometric


  13. Sweety

    lovetox, thank you

  14. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master imprv: Add EncryptionData struct -

  15. fjklp

    somehow my gajim flatpak version ended up in status 'Not Available'. I've never had that happen before.

  16. cal0pteryx

    fjklp, Preferences -> Status > auto not available

  17. fjklp

    looks like it's already turned off. It's also stuck in this state (haven't restarted yet)

  18. fjklp

    update: auto away was turned on. It's also stuck in this state (haven't restarted yet)

  19. lovetox

    if you have multiple accounts, you need to look at all of them

  20. fjklp

    on the flatpak install there is only one account enabled

  21. lovetox

    where do you look at the status?

  22. fjklp

    the dot on the account tab is red and the account page shown when clicking the account tab shows the status

  23. bot

    lovetox pushed 4 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Remove additional data dict - refactor: Message: Remove unused code - refactor: Rework OutgoingMessage class - refactor: Remove obsolete enums -

  24. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Simplify message correction refresh -

  25. renris


  26. fjklp

    The status problem seems to be specific to one account which happens to be the same account that is not doing omemo encryption right on my gajim deb install.

  27. fjklp

    I should probably watch what's happening in the xml console or debug logs