Gajim - 2024-05-09

  1. meson

    cal0pteryx: I've rebased and factored out the widget. There's more to be done though :) Thanks for the feedback you had provided so far.

  2. cal0pteryx

    meson, thanks a lot, will have a look again!

  3. meson

    I think I should try to add some Tests at some point for both the recorder, player and visualizer.

  4. meson

    KDE uses some nice auto UI tests with selenium for their projects.

  5. debacle

    cal0pteryx sqlalchemy > 2 is in Debian experimental since almost one year :-) Just: `echo "deb experimental main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/experimental.list`

  6. cal0pteryx

    debacle, cool! :)

  7. debacle

    Also, it looks like it can be moved to Debian unstable (and then testing) soon. There are still one or two fixes missing in other packages, IIRC.

  8. chud

    Only a year to move a package that's readily available on pip

  9. cal0pteryx

    nobody is forced to use Debian, but it's Debian's policy to "move slow" in order to provide stable packages

  10. chud

    lovetox: where inside nbxmpp do you want adhoc_async and sdp?

  11. lovetox

    async a module in the root folder

  12. lovetox

    sdp, maybe, module/jingle/ or what you think fits best, i cant remember right now what everything is in that module

  13. chud

    There's no module/jingle in nbxmpp. There's no mention of jingle in nbxmpp other than the namespace alias.

  14. lovetox

    yes, i think its worth to add it, jingle is a big topic in xmpp, its very likely more gets added there in the future

  15. meson

    On master, when I select multiple messages and click on copy or delete it only takes the message into account, for which the context menu is opened. Regression?

  16. lovetox

    what do you mean by "or"

  17. lovetox

    copy works as exepcted for me

  18. lovetox

    multiple delete was never a feature

  19. cal0pteryx

    meson, can you describe that workflow? I think this is something unintended? you select more than one message and then click the menu?

  20. cal0pteryx

    because only the overlay box is what works for multiple messages, not the menu

  21. meson

    Here's a screenshot, which hopefully explains it better:

  22. meson

  23. meson

    I thought I could use the context menu now for all selected messages.

  24. meson

    I thought I could use the context menu now to act on all selected messages.

  25. lovetox

    nope you cnat

  26. lovetox

    nope you cant

  27. lovetox

    though multiple delete would be probably a nice feature

  28. meson


  29. meson

    > though multiple delete would be probably a nice feature Indeed!

  30. lovetox

    ah you tried to add a reply in a correction

  31. meson

    yes :)

  32. lovetox

    and it worked nicely :)

  33. meson

    it's really great

  34. meson

    iirc I could copy (ctrl + c) and paste multiple selected messages somewhere before or what was its purpose? because right now it doesn't copy anything for me when I try it.

  35. meson

    maybe another gtk / kde bug

  36. lovetox

    do you copy via menu?

  37. cal0pteryx

    meson, do you actually see the overlay with the two buttons?

  38. lovetox

    the only way this worked until now was, when you click the copy button on the overlay

  39. meson

    the context menu? or is there another menu I didn't see?

  40. meson


  41. meson

    sorry ...

  42. cal0pteryx

    just wanted to ask :D

  43. meson

    too obvious. 🙈️

  44. lovetox

    yeah tough, we could disable menu entries that will not work for multiple message

  45. lovetox

    dont know if we can easily detect if we are in multi message mode

  46. meson

    I think it's fine, it could still be useful and it's probably just me who doesn't see the bold blue button in front of his nose

  47. meson

    I think it's fine, it could still be useful and it's probably just me who didn't see the bold blue button in front of his nose

  48. meson

    do you plan to add a thumbnail when replying to a picture, so it becomes clearer which one is meant w/o clicking on it?

  49. meson

    right now it's just a symbolic icon.

  50. lovetox

    a icon and the filename

  51. lovetox

    when you click you jump to the picture

  52. lovetox

    if its so long ago that its not visible anymore in the chat

  53. lovetox

    we thought about it .. but i dont think we had plans for now

  54. lovetox

    i would think about this if we get more feedback from users, and its a issue for many people

  55. lovetox

    we also dont show the whole text message in a reply

  56. lovetox

    so its not evident why we would need to show a whole picture

  57. meson

    If there are only a few pictures it's irrelevant, but if there are many it would definitely enhance the UX. E.g. we have a `Fotografie` muc (, where many photos are shared and it would come in handy if you knew to which one someone replied.

  58. cal0pteryx

    Cheogram shows a picture icon as well, not the original preview

  59. lovetox

    as said, we are open to it, but lets remember that only a few people even have tried replies in Gajim

  60. meson

    sure :) I'm just thinking filename might not be too useful to identify a picture. `DSC_1234.jpg` or `Pixel_20240509_2043.jpg` or even worse if omemo is in play `252o352jt2to-3sdf25-j3o2jo24.jpg`.

  61. amogus

    why cant the filename be preserved if the files are encrypted anyway? just decrypt the filename when the file is downloaded

  62. meson

    amogus, iirc there's a new version of omemo which allows that by sending encrypted metadata along, but it hasn't been adopted yet.

  63. amogus

    yeah it would be useful to at least have an option depending on the context, for example sometimes you would want the name to be randomized, other times you dont

  64. meson

    why would you want to have the name randomized if you send the actual content?

  65. amogus

    because sometimes the filename contains personal information while the content doesnt, for example screenshots often have the date and time they were taken in the filename, and may be bad if anonymity is required

  66. meson

    amogus, fair. Indeed Gajim keeps the original filename: :P but Conversation doesn't anymore since 2020 or so

  67. geometric

    i'm in debug in gajim. I see that debugger never comes to is_joined state in couple conferences. But in nbxmpp everithing is ok. It receives a good data from server... Where to set breakpoint to understand what is going on?

  68. lovetox

    you would first need to tell us, what the problem is you have

  69. chud

    lovetox: I created an mr with adhoc_async to nbxmpp as requested

  70. lovetox


  71. chud

    Also out of curiosity I counted my locs and it's just 1653 under jingle_bells, not 5k

  72. chud

    Farstream has 46k while libdatachannel only 29k

  73. chud

    Farstream has 46k while libdatachannel only 27k

  74. lovetox

    you can see the loc in the merge request

  75. lovetox

    under the changes tab

  76. lovetox

    one thing please, in the whole discussion it was never about farstream, its not farstream vs datachannel, as i understood it they are not doing the same thing, farstream is not using webrtc. Its just one transport, and we can support multiple. Jingle is the framework that lets clients negotiate what to use. Thats why saying we dont need any kind of abstraction in Gajim feels wrong. I can guarantee you that not the whole xmpp ecosystem will use webrtc datachannels, if i later want to add a new transport, i dont want to reimplement the whole session negotiation logic and so on ..

  77. lovetox

    i thought about the whole thing, and i have nothing against the async stuff, i need to look into it to better understand it but i think its better than the non-async generator stuff we have today in nbxmpp for some IQ workflows. What i still cant really see is how the separation between nbxmpp and Gajim can be uphold, nbxmpp should do all tasks that are related to the protocol, so we will need to think how that can be achieved. The code that really does the jingle negotiation does look not that big, if we can move more of it to nbxmpp, and find a good separation, i think i can live without that jingle framework stuff for now, at least until we implement more other stuff from jingle.

  78. meson

    cal0pteryx, just noticed that jumping to a deleted message via a reply results in an empty message screen with "Scroll up to load more chat history…" text. I guess the reply should instead be discarded too?

  79. meson

    cal0pteryx, just noticed that jumping to a deleted message via a reply results in an empty message screen with "Scroll up to load more chat history…" text. I guess the reference message in the reply should instead be discarded too?

  80. lovetox

    hm no, it should simply not jump anywhere

  81. lovetox

    and the text in the reply box should probably be updated to, "reference to unknown message" or something

  82. meson

    that's basically what I suggested

  83. lovetox

    i thought you meant hiding that the contact did try to reply to a message

  84. meson

    Sorry I had described it badly

  85. meson

    The same should then also happen if you delete a message after you hit reply: now the reference is still shown but vanishes (locally) when you send the message

  86. 33777

    اصبح هذا التطبيق مملا ولا احد يستخدمه ابدا لاينفع ابدا انه تطبيق مخترق وغير امن ولايفي بالغرض

  87. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: ServerInfo: Don't fail if there is no certificate -

  88. cal0pteryx

    33777, this chat is english only. If you want to complain, please do so in english :)

  89. fjklp
