Gajim - 2024-05-01

  1. procrastinator

    i used to use dwm; dwm and i3 show indicators that window want to be raised (or, urgent). sway does this too

  2. procrastinator

    whenever i get a highlight in irc, sway makes that border and tag red

  3. procrastinator

    gajim used to do this too, but now it doesn't

  4. fjklp

    'there's a setting in the ace

  5. fjklp

    search for urgency

  6. procrastinator

    it's enabled!

  7. procrastinator

    ```python if not contact.can_notify() and not needs_highlight: return if contact.can_notify() or needs_highlight: set_urgency_hint(app.window, True) ```

  8. procrastinator

    this if check seems redundant ?

  9. cal0pteryx

    ...aaand we've got Message Replies! πŸŽ‰

  10. procrastinator


  11. lovetox

    procrastinator, why is it redundant?

  12. lovetox

    ah you mean because if its not False, False

  13. lovetox

    the next condition must be true

  14. procrastinator

    yeah, the second condition is just opposite of first

  15. procrastinator

    brb restarting gajim with message replies!

  16. rom1dep

    > ...aaand we've got Message Replies! πŸŽ‰ huhu \o/

  17. rom1dep

    do you folks have some in mind already regarding threading?

  18. procrastinator

    also i'm having this problem, where messages are repeated each time i restart!

  19. procrastinator

  20. procrastinator

  21. lovetox

    hm that should not happen ..

  22. rom1dep

    procrastinator: I think I've seen that happen when MAM retrieval is still going on when new messages come in

  23. rom1dep

    could it be what happened there?

  24. procrastinator

    i think so, happens right after i restart when mam is doing it's thing

  25. lovetox

    but then you wouldnt see the same message 6 times

  26. procrastinator

    for this chat it gets repeated each time i restart so i guess i restarted 6 times after that!

  27. procrastinator

    it gets written to the db with same stanza_id but different pk

  28. lovetox

    i dont get why i dont have that issue ..

  29. lovetox

    this would mean we request the message again and again from MAM ..

  30. lovetox

    and its only the last message always?

  31. procrastinator

  32. procrastinator

    no, it fetches a lot of messages

  33. rom1dep

    I've seen messages older messages being repeated than just the last one, but then biboumi was in the loop

  34. procrastinator

    yeah in the 6 messages place, there's slidge but it even happens on xmpp only like this very chat!

  35. procrastinator

  36. lovetox

    if you are on linux please, start with "-l gajim.c.m.mam=DEBUG"

  37. lovetox

    and send me the log

  38. lovetox

    i suspect something prevents storing the last message id we received so Gajim requests it always again

  39. rom1dep

    > do you folks have some in mind already regarding threading? I kind of like cheogram/nheko 's approach there, for the record (and probably less UX effort than slack/element style threads)

  40. lovetox

    yes, i think we will add threads, but we are not settled on the UX

  41. procrastinator

    after the latest commit (message replies) i can't launch!

  42. procrastinator

    works with commit c9c5f6c00d85277c3694e9d55c63328bc8e9de6d

  43. procrastinator

    i'll try the debug on this commit

  44. rom1dep


  45. rom1dep

    I just restarted with `-l gajim.c.m.mam=DEBUG` will keep an eye on duplicated messages

  46. cal0pteryx

    procrastinator, you need python-nbxmpp from master as well

  47. procrastinator

    cal0pteryx: thanks!

  48. procrastinator


  49. rom1dep

    cal0pteryx: should I try out reactions?

  50. cal0pteryx

    rom1dep: there is only a gui example, no functionality yet ;)

    πŸ‘ 1
  51. cal0pteryx

    procrastinator: please start gajim using the debug parameters lovetox mentioned above

  52. procrastinator

    i did!

  53. procrastinator

    $ ./ -l gajim.c.m.mam=DEBUG >/tmp/debug.gajim 2>&1

  54. lovetox

    do you have debug logging enabled in preferences?

  55. lovetox

    if yes you need to disable it

  56. procrastinator

    yeah i had that :D, not sure what it does!

  57. cal0pteryx

    It logs everything to disk. Plus it effectively disables other debug logging :)

  58. procrastinator

  59. lovetox

    you didnt give enough time for the requests to be finished

  60. procrastinator

    it's still running

  61. procrastinator

  62. procrastinator

    oops my link-handler stuff is in that, i'll delete that too

  63. procrastinator

  64. procrastinator

    i'm using the same instance still

  65. lovetox

    i see no problems

  66. lovetox

    does it also happen for single chat?

  67. procrastinator

    no, only group chats

  68. procrastinator

    i'll restart to try and get it to happen again

  69. lovetox

    i added more debug logging

  70. lovetox

    do a git pull, and look later when it happens in the log for warnings

  71. procrastinator

    ok it happened again, isn't this the problem: ?

  72. procrastinator

    ```text 2024-05-01T14:48:51 (I) gajim.c.m.mam | ( Request archive:, after mam-id 55bfa84d-db85-495e-a7e1-0b274105f4ce: 2024-05-01T14:48:51 (I) gajim.c.m.mam | ( Request finished:, last mam id: None 2024-05-01T14:48:51 (I) gajim.c.m.mam | ( Request finished:, last mam id: None 2024-05-01T14:48:52 (I) gajim.c.m.mam | ( Request finished:, last mam id: None 2024-05-01T14:48:52 (I) gajim.c.m.mam | ( Request finished:, last mam id: None 2024-05-01T14:48:52 (I) gajim.c.m.mam | ( Request finished:, last mam id: None 2024-05-01T14:48:52 (I) gajim.c.m.mam | ( Request finished:, last mam id: None ```

  73. procrastinator

  74. procrastinator

    the code snippet is from old session, here's the full old session:

  75. procrastinator

  76. lovetox

    on bridges there could be other issues at play which can only be debuged with a full log

  77. lovetox

    im mostly interested in gajim

  78. procrastinator

    ahh, ok, restarting

  79. procrastinator

  80. lovetox

    and you are saying gajim duplicated messages?

  81. lovetox

    in this run? in the gajim groupchat?

  82. procrastinator

    not in this run, in the previous

  83. procrastinator

  84. procrastinator

    no duplicates after that

  85. lovetox

    hmmm i think i have an idea

  86. meson

    > ...aaand we've got Message Replies! πŸŽ‰ πŸš€

  87. gooya

    Is it a known bug that dark theme isn't working on kde plasma 6?

  88. gooya

    Might be a config/theme issue at my end

  89. grin

    gooya, no, it works fine for me both on 5 and 6

  90. gooya

    Weird.. I'm not sure how to further debug this issue.. After upgrading to kde plasma 6 (fedora 40) dark theme seems to suddenly stop working in a few applications

  91. grin

    gooya, i use kubuntu 24.04 for plasma5 and kde neon for plasma6. dark theme gajim works on both of those for me

  92. meson

    gooya: works also fine for me on F40 KDE

  93. meson

    gooya: under global design, application style, 3-dots: gtk style: Have you set default or Breeze or sth else? For the first Gajim's theme is always light for me, Breeze works fine

  94. meson

    gooya: under global design, application style, 3-dots: gtk style: Have you set default or Breeze or sth else? For the first Gajim's theme is always light for me, Breeze works fine though

  95. mray

    trying to join a peertube chat does not seem to work for me - is there a certain "trick" to how one can join ?

  96. lovetox

    why do you think thats a xmpp chatroom?

  97. mray

    Peertube is pretty convincing in saying: "You can connect to the room using an external XMPP account, and your favorite XMPP client."

  98. lovetox

    then it seems to be misconfigured

  99. lovetox

    you did nothing wrong, server cannot connect to this server

  100. lovetox

    procrastinator, i pushed some fixes, can you please pull HEAD and try again if you still see duplicates

  101. procrastinator


  102. procrastinator

    lovetox: it seems to work! \o/

  103. procrastinator

    btw, is it expected that joining a gc takes a lot of time (2+mins)? could it be a client or a server issue ?

  104. procrastinator

    just restarting and then joining this gc takes 2+ mins!

  105. lovetox

    takes me 5 seconds to join this muc

  106. lovetox

    so its either your server or your connection to your server

  107. lovetox

    it also depends how many MUCs you join

  108. procrastinator

    just 6

  109. procrastinator

    but i think it may be the server as well, since bridges connect instantly; i'll contact my admin!

  110. lovetox

    procrastinator, please pull again, i made a mistake that prevents you from getting MAM messages

  111. lovetox


  112. bot

    lovetox pushed 3 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: MAM: Determine stanza-id correctly - refactor: Message: Reduce unnecessary logging - cfix: MAM: Use correct log attribute -

  113. cal0pteryx

    Yay, bot is back!

  114. bot

    lovetox pushed 3 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Notifications: Don’t try to determine scale when storing icon - refactor: Message: Reduce unnecessary logging - refactor: ChatList: Simplify getting nickname -

  115. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Message: Use origin-id for duplicate check -

  116. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Rows: Rename variable db_row -> message - cfix: MessageRow: Display correction icon in all cases -

  117. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master chore: Update .pre-commit-config.yaml -

  118. lovetox

    nicoco, are there any lmitations on some bridges Gajim should know

  119. lovetox

    for example what if i change in a whatsapp groupchat my nickname?

  120. lovetox

    i would guess this is not possible

  121. meson

    There's a working and recommandable WA bridge? Afaik one can only change their nick globally in WA

  122. meson

    There's a working and recommandable WA bridge? Afaik one can only change their nick globally in WA, at least I couldn't find any option now

  123. taba

    have voice calls landed already or what

  124. MarsIronPI

    taba, Gajim has voice calls, but it doesn't support DTLS-SRTP, which is the media transfer protocol that most other clients use.

  125. taba

    then it doesn't count πŸ™„

  126. MarsIronPI

    There is a PR for it, but it's also waiting on PRs to two upstream libraries.

  127. taba

    if it doesn't work for C and dino it might as well not work

  128. chud

    There's a pr not dependant on two upstream libraries

  129. MarsIronPI

    chud, which one?

  130. MarsIronPI

    I only saw the one that depended on PRs for gstreamer and farstream

  131. taba

    > There's a pr not dependant on two upstream libraries seen both

  132. chud

    > chud, which one?

  133. MarsIronPI
