Gajim - 2024-04-25

  1. MarsIronPI

    Is there a way to auto-set status when the gajim window is closed?

  2. pedro.ataide

    Hi people. Is everything OK? Are there any plans to abandon python?

  3. MarsIronPI

    pedro.ataide, why abandon python?

  4. pedro.ataide

    Because it is slow and a tremendous resource hog. Gajim`s memory footprint is huge, almost unbelievable. We desperately need a good and real programming language.

  5. pedro.ataide

    The same happens with other python applications, by the way.

  6. MarsIronPI

    pedro.ataide: then you should probably go look at some other XMPP client rather than asking that a project that has always used python to switch languages

  7. MarsIronPI

    pedro.ataide: then you should probably go look at some other XMPP client rather than asking a project that has always used python to switch languages.

  8. pedro.ataide

    MarsIronPI: Why do you think so?

  9. MarsIronPI

    pedro.ataide: I feel like doing a complete rewrite in a new language is out of scope for most projects

  10. MarsIronPI

    I feel like making a new project would make more sense

  11. pedro.ataide

    Oh, I see. Thank you so much for your answer. I didn't know switching programming languages could be such a big deal. To be honest I really don't like what is happening to Python programs. Every single program written in python is slow and a resource hog. Last one I tried: firewalld. Oh my... oh my... unbelievable slow and with a huge memory leakage and footprint. And every new Python version is worst than the previous one. Unfortunately, and to be honest, I feel that in a near future almost all Python projects will have no choice: they will need to switch to another programming language. Prove me wrong. Well, nothing better to just wait and see...

  12. cal0pteryx

    pedro.ataide: gajim will not switch away from python

  13. grin

    > Oh, I see. Thank you so much for your answer. I didn't know switching programming languages could be such a big deal. To be honest I really don't like what is happening to Python programs. Every single program written in python is slow and a resource hog. Last one I tried: firewalld. Oh my... oh my... unbelievable slow and with a huge memory leakage and footprint. And every new Python version is worst than the previous one. Unfortunately, and to be honest, I feel that in a near future almost all Python projects will have no choice: they will need to switch to another programming language. Prove me wrong. Well, nothing better to just wait and see... if you're having _memory leaks_ with python, you might have a broken installation of python.

  14. grin

    python has a lot of issues, but it most certainly has a garbage collector that should ensure you're not leaking stuff

  15. pedro.ataide

    I don't have a broken installation of Python, unless Debian is broken. 😃

  16. chud

    Debian patches the shit out of everything, so might as well

  17. chud

    very unlikely tho

  18. MarsIronPI

    > Is there a way to auto-set status when the gajim window is closed? Is there some plugin for this

  19. chud

    most likely python is just keeping more memory than needed by the program for faster object allocation or smth

  20. MarsIronPI

    > very unlikely tho I'd think that someone would have noticed if a patch caused memory leaks

  21. chud

    someone would've noticed their random number generator patch in openssl right

  22. MarsIronPI

    Ugh, fair.

  23. lovetox

    Please show a screenshot of the huge memory footprint

  24. john

    Is there a good guide somewhere on how to setup OpenPGP or PGP? UI won't let me select either option.

  25. MarsIronPI

    john: why not use OMEMO? Is it because you have PGP keys you want to use?

  26. john

    I want to be able to see messages on both my mobile app (Conversations) and Gajim

  27. john

    Unless you can already do that with OMEMO somehow

  28. john


  29. grin

    john, you can, you just need both devices to be connected to the chat

  30. grin

    set them both to trusted and you're good to go

  31. grin

    i've got 4 devices working fine with OMEMO group chats. 1 windows gajim, 1 linux gajim, 1 macos beagleim and 1 monal

  32. john

    Ah, okay. Thanks 👍

  33. rukmon

    why does my chats say

  34. rukmon

    reject messages from strangers

  35. fjklp

    rukmon: where does it show this?

  36. rukmon

    when i start a conversation and send a message, a yellow triangle appears next to my name and states "messages from strangers are rejected"

  37. fjklp


  38. fjklp

    I wonder if there was a change in gajim to show this message. Also I don't know how gajim is detecting it. I _think_ it probablty means that the server that the message receiver has an account with is configured to block private messages from people who are not in their contact list. You probably have to send them a contact request first and they must add you.

  39. fjklp

    oh wait

  40. fjklp

    the triangle is next to _your_ name? In that case, go to Accounts>Modify Accounts>your account>Privacy>Ignore Unknown Contacts, and see if that is turned on.