Gajim - 2024-04-22

  1. fjklp

    Is anyone else noticing chat text shifting up and down when typing notification appear/disappear? I only started noticing this recently.

  2. coldiceevo

    where can I check where is gajim and chatlog is?

  3. coldiceevo

    I don't have enough c drive space

  4. fjklp

    coldiceevo: if you are wanting to delete all chat history, there is an option to do this in the preferences menu

  5. coldiceevo

    thanks, I already did but but where is it?

  6. fjklp

    I don't use windows

  7. coldiceevo

    *where is the chat history location

  8. fjklp

    coldiceevo: you might try going to Gajim>Preferences>Advanced> then click the folder icon next to Debug Logging. I think that will get you close.

  9. coldiceevo

    thanks, that just point to my debug folder, but I will look around.

  10. fjklp

    try going up one level from there

  11. fjklp

    for me, the directories are gajim/debug, with gajim/logs.db being the database for gajim chat logs

  12. coldiceevo

    i found cache.db

  13. coldiceevo

    and logs.db

  14. fjklp

    logs.db is it

  15. coldiceevo

    only 6mb, i guess i just purged it

  16. coldiceevo

    after purging a lot of stuff out of c drive, i get to clean up 6gb out of other things

  17. coldiceevo

    thanks fjk

  18. fjklp

    if you haven't, I recommend you use one of those drive mapping tools that shows you where storage space is being used most

  19. fjklp

    you're welcome

  20. coldiceevo

    i used that.

  21. fjklp

    That bug with the line wrapping in the text input field is very ugly. It would be nice if we could do a workaround.

  22. cal0pteryx

    > That bug with the line wrapping in the text input field is very ugly. It would be nice if we could do a workaround. If you find one, be my guest. Otherwise it's a GTK issue

  23. cal0pteryx

    > Is anyone else noticing chat text shifting up and down when typing notification appear/disappear? I only started noticing this recently. That's on my todo. But I haven't found a good solution yet

  24. fjklp

    we need a workaround for GTK

  25. cal0pteryx

    That's an odd thing to say ;D

  26. cal0pteryx

    I think there is an open issue in the gtk tracker already

  27. Рад сообщить

    > i try to fix this today, so tomorrows nightly works as expected Great, everything works. Thanks

  28. nicoco

    Since I switched to master, I see a lot of `warning: Received message without text` in my logs, which after some investigation are related to "reactions stanzas" (which are expected to not have bodys). It's triggered from ` gajim.common.modules.message.Message._message_received()`

  29. nicoco

    Since I switched to master, I see a lot of `warning: Received message without text` in my logs, which after some investigation are related to "reactions stanzas" (which are expected to not have bodys). It's triggered from `gajim.common.modules.message.Message._message_received()`

  30. nicoco

    Shouldn't this just be a debug-level log? Or maybe check `if properties.reactions is None` before actually raising a warning here? As a general rule, shouldn't the XML of the "stanzas that trigger warnings" be logged as part of the warning? It does not seem very useful to just have repeated warnings about stanzas without logging the actual stanzas (they're logged at the DEBUG level, sure, but you don't use this level usually, do you?)

  31. nicoco

    I know, these are a lot of philosophical questions for a monday morning.

  32. Anon Ymous

    > i try to fix this today, so tomorrows nightly works as expected New nightly fixes the crash on opening any chat, thx lovetox!

  33. lovetox

    Anon Ymous: thank You for reporting and testing nightly

  34. hueso

  35. cal0pteryx

    hueso: which gajim version is that?

  36. cal0pteryx

    Those are audio previews?

  37. meson

    Looks like the audio for the lower widget is still in the progress of being downloaded (100%)

  38. meson

    hueso: do you have some steps to reproduce or remember what you did before?

  39. cal0pteryx

    but it's the same audio, as it seems from the waveform

  40. hueso


  41. hueso

    yep it's the same audio twice

  42. cal0pteryx

    that's an issue in the updating process then. I'll check later if we already fixed that

  43. hueso

    oh wait it's not

  44. hueso

    I received the second audio at the same time I was pressing play on the first one

  45. hueso

  46. hueso

    this is how it looks after reopen

  47. cal0pteryx

    oh, that's odd. thanks for the info! :)

  48. hueso

    (that was in a group chat)

  49. meson

    At least with a "note to myself" from C to Gajim 1.7.3 I could not reproduce it by sending an audio message while playing the last one (= last message) back

  50. meson

    Maybe my timing was not correct, you said at the same time

  51. meson

    Tried it with a larger file, which takes more time to download: negative. Very odd indeed.

  52. lovetox

    this is certainly just a drawing bug in gtk

  53. lovetox

    every row is its own widget, how would it even have access to a message before

  54. meson

    Yep, each player widget is instantiated with the uri to the just downloaded audio file. I wanted check it anyway.

  55. hueso

    well the UI actually reproduced the same audio on both controls

  56. hueso

    started downloading the second right when starting to playback first. it looks like timing was critical

  57. Polarian

    If someone sends you a subscription request, and you block it, why does it still add them to your roster?

  58. Polarian

    surely it should block them and deny the request?

  59. lovetox

    it should not add them to your roster

  60. fjklp

    I assume that there is no documentation on the old or new logs.db layout other than poking around in the database?

  61. fjklp

    I can't find a way to search the whole wiki

  62. fjklp

    oh, I can search the wiki in the upper left search bar

  63. fjklp

    I see but I seem to remember that it was no longer accurate last time I looked

  64. cal0pteryx

    there is no documentation on the new layout. and yes, that wiki entry is outdated

  65. meson

    Code documentation in general would not be bad, but is ofc time consuming :)

  66. fjklp

    Has anyone yet bothered to write a script to do a comparison of the migrated database to the original? I probably will if it doesn't exist.

  67. cal0pteryx

    fjklp, there is a log during migration, which lists messages in question

  68. fjklp
