Gajim - 2024-04-08

  1. gooya

    > Pong pikurasa: ping

  2. potato


  3. gooya

    lovetox: I created the ticket regarding notifying a user of moderated message(s) just now. >

  4. gooya

    I hope it's clear and concise enough?

  5. meson

    Working on the voice message recording: I've noticed that there's a noticeable delay when constructing the pipeline until the recording is started, therefore I need to construct the pipeline in beforehand I guess. What would be best way to react to `app.settings.get('audio_input_device')` changes in the settings to directly adjust the pipeline whenever the user changes the setting? Right now the setting is queried only once when the VoiceRecord class is created.

  6. cal0pteryx

    meson: you can bind to settings value changes

  7. cal0pteryx

    Nice to see you working on this again

  8. meson

    > Nice to see you working on this again Very last exam passed, now I have some time until I start my thesis :)

  9. cal0pteryx

    Time well-spent :)

  10. cal0pteryx

    meson: app.settings.bind_signal('show_send_message_button' for example

  11. meson

    cal0pteryx, thanks. `app.settings.connect_signal('audio_input_device', self._on_foo_bar)` seems to do itz

  12. meson

    cal0pteryx, thanks. `app.settings.connect_signal('audio_input_device', self._on_foo_bar)` seems to do it

  13. meson

    or is bind_signal better?

  14. cal0pteryx

    meson: no, you are right

  15. meson

    Is the list of "Input Device" from `AudioInputManager().get_devices()` expected to change during runtime?

  16. meson

    Is the list of _Input Devices_ from `AudioInputManager().get_devices()` expected to change during runtime?

  17. meson

    Can the list of _Input Devices_ from `AudioInputManager().get_devices()` change during runtime?

  18. bard_

    ugh I accidentally closed my chat tab with C-w and I don't see how to easily reopen that MUC

  19. bard_

    it was pinned and everything and it's just gone now

  20. bard_

    ffs it closed it in Conversations on my phone too. absolutely miserable. awful UX

  21. bard_

    okay got it open again from the blue +, somehow that was like the third thing I tried

  22. bard_

    I think I was trying to delete a word while editing my message with readline bind in mind. maybe pinned tabs should ask you before being closed sorta like in a browser

  23. cal0pteryx

    bard_: by default, Gajim asks if you want to close a group chat. please check Preferences > Advanced > ACE > confirm_close_muc

  24. bard_

    interesting! wonder why that was changed. could it be a change in defaults and I was locked in to the previous one?

  25. bard_

    changed it back now. I don't remember changing it myself anyway

  26. bard_


  27. cal0pteryx

    bard_: could be a result of multiple migrations from the past :)

  28. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: HTTPFileTransfer: Improve error fallbacks -

  29. cal0pteryx

    > Can the list of _Input Devices_ from `AudioInputManager().get_devices()` change during runtime? I _think_ they naturally do if you plug/unplug devices?

  30. meson

    Tried it with an USB mic, hasn't changed

  31. gooya

    I really think it would be a good idea if there was a confirm dialog for making someone an administrator or owner. The 'make member' is right under administrator and I often feel the need to double check if I didn't accidentally make someone an administrator instead of member..

  32. gooya

    It doesn't hurt to have one extra click of the occasional instance you approve someone to be a moderator but the consequence of giving a random person moderator role can be quite detrimental

  33. gooya

    It doesn't hurt to have one extra click for the occasional instance you approve someone to be a moderator but the consequence of giving a random person moderator role can be quite detrimental

  34. gooya

    cal0pteryx ⇢ I'm happy to make a ticket for this if you also think it would be a good idea.

  35. cal0pteryx

    gooya, yes, do that please

  36. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Utils: Catch exceptions when trying to load surfaces and icons -

  37. gooya

    cal0pteryx ⇢ I made the ticket. Also, off-topic complaint about gitlab.. What a pain has it become to use it. They asked me to verify phone number and even credit card information. You might want to consider moving to another federated repository manager

  38. cal0pteryx

    gooya, never heard of that. this is a self-hosted instance, it only requires an email and a password

  39. cal0pteryx

    you don't have to register with

  40. gooya

    Maybe it was because I used the to use my existing non-completely-verified account

  41. cal0pteryx

    most likely

  42. gooya

    lovetox ⇢ I was also able to somewhat convince prosody devs of adding <x mlns> tag in muc's for policy violation announcements. I made the ticket a few days ago, hopefully they will pick it up soon.

  43. lovetox


  44. bard_

    is it possible to rearrange pinned stuff? it looks almost like it is but it isn't working

  45. bard_

    I can't seem to order them how I want but some sort of rearranging happened

  46. bard_

    half-figured it out. when you drag and drop the chats there's no visual change (at least on my machine, probably a bug), but then if I go and send a message in those chats they jump to where I dragged them before