Gajim - 2024-03-26

  1. fjklp

    >then have the Menu Bar functionality cleanly merged into the UI where you previously accessed one of those two pages. what do you mean by this? what is the menu bar?

  2. fjklp

    >then have the Menu Bar functionality cleanly merged into the UI where you previously accessed one of those two pages. Linux in a Bit: what do you mean by this? what is the menu bar?

  3. Linux in a Bit

    > >then have the Menu Bar functionality cleanly merged into the UI where you previously accessed one of those two pages. > Linux in a Bit: what do you mean by this? what is the menu bar? It's that bar at the top of the screen that other apps typically hide by default (try opening a new tab in Firefox and press Alt and it will appear if you have it hidden). In Gajim it says "Gajim Accounts View Help"

  4. Linux in a Bit

    > >then have the Menu Bar functionality cleanly merged into the UI where you previously accessed one of those two pages. > Linux in a Bit: what do you mean by this? what is the menu bar? It's that bar at the top of the screen that other apps typically hide by default (try opening a new tab in Firefox and press Alt and it will appear if you have it hidden). In Gajim it has buttons for "Gajim", "Accounts", "View", and "Help"

  5. fjklp

    I see

  6. richmann

    can gajim do video and voice calls with Conversations app for android?

  7. chud

    my branch can

  8. chud

  9. richmann

    why tf it not built into official

  10. fjklp

    the merge request was only made less than a day ago

  11. agh

    Like 3 hours ago

  12. richmann

    So ur tellin me this question ive had on my mind for years that I finally found the energy to ask today was just merge requested today?

  13. fjklp

    yes, actually

  14. fjklp

    just click the link

  15. fjklp

    But there is another person working on a different implementation right now so I'm curious how this gets handled

  16. sch

    lovetox > Scope is we don't use it as social network > It would be easier if you tell us what you want to use it for 1) Would it be reasonable to have support for browsing node content of JIDs that utilize PubSub nodes? 2) Gajim indicates that it is able to subscribe to PubSub nodes, yet I do not know how is it visually realized. I need help.

  17. sch

    > 1) Would it be reasonable to have support for browsing node content of JIDs that utilize PubSub nodes? I think it would be beneficial to open a chat window (of chat and groupchat) and to browse content that is loaded on its PubSub, if available. The contents may be "group rules", "important notes", "recently shared media" etc.

  18. sch

    Example case: Uploading to a PubSub node of an office groupchat a letter and attaching audio recording and documents of yesterday's directorate minutes that need to be approved and reviewed by participants of the groupchat. I think that PubSub would be useful for doing this, instead of notifying every member or posting about it in the groupchat every now and then, and instead of uploading the data to an HTTP service and consequently opening a web browser to get that data.

  19. sch

    If you think it is beneficial, then I would want to volunteer to develop it.

  20. sch

    If you - The Gajim Team - think it is beneficial, then I would want to volunteer to develop it.

  21. sch

    If you - The Gajim Team - think it is beneficial, then I would want to volunteer to develop it or help with development.

  22. kurion

    Hi, I wanted to ask this for a long time. When I have a groupchat open and I press ESC, why does Gajim ask if I want to leave that group and not just hide the groupchat as in the case of a personal contact?

  23. kurion

    Hi, I wanted to ask this for a long time. When I have a groupchat open and I press ESC, why does Gajim ask if I want to leave that group and not just hide the chat as in the case of a personal contact?

  24. kurion

    I mean, why does _closing_ a groupchat imply _leaving_ that groupchat?

  25. nicoco

    kurion: that's how XMPP "Multi-User Chats" work. When you close the client (or in this case close the chat window) you actually leave it. For private group chats there is a list of "members" and closing the client/window does not change your membership status. I agree this is a bit confusing, and different than what being in a group/leaving a group means in most other chat networks. The XMPP model is closer to IRC than to whatsapp/telegram/signal.

  26. ann

    I just broken OMEMO in gajim with one specific contact

  27. ann

    2024-03-26T16:58:42 (W) omemo_dr.session_manager () No valid sessionsBad Mac! 2024-03-26T16:58:49 (W) omemo_dr.session_manager () No valid sessionsBad Mac!

  28. ann

    how to fix it?

  29. kalkin

    Just noticed: It would be nice if gajim would condense multiple consecutive `join/leave` messages. Or is it solved in > v1.7.4?

  30. lovetox

    no, but only very few users show these, you can simply hide them

  31. lovetox

    kurion, there is a config option to disable this behavior

  32. lovetox

    then ESC closes Gajim, not the active chat

  33. lovetox

    the reason why we dont hide it is, because beeing joined in a groupchat is not performance free

  34. lovetox

    you cannot be joined unlimited groupchats, so the user should be aware where they are joined

  35. lovetox

    sch, that sounds like a bigger feature which needs a well defined XEP and not simply a pubsub browser

  36. lovetox

    this feature can only work, if its well defined what content is on these nodes and how it needs to be processed

  37. lovetox

    there is also no approving build into pubsub, so this would be another standard which needs defining on top of pubsub

  38. sch

    Thank you for the elaborate answer, lovetox!

  39. ozoned

    Good day. I'm absolutely brand new to xmpp, literally started the last few hours, so I might be doing something wrong or misunderstanding something. I have Gajim installed, my account is on, when I attempt to Discover Services and browse a Publish-Subscribe, say, Gajim just locks up and eventually crashes. Anyway to troubleshoot this, is this a known issue? On Debian 12 with the Flatpak'd version from Flathub.

  40. lovetox

    Gajim is not made for browsing some social network content

  41. lovetox

    Its just a chat application

  42. ozoned

    AH. Ok.

  43. lovetox

    if you want to use these social network functionalities you should use a client like movim

  44. ozoned

    Yeah, that's what I'm on right now.

  45. ozoned

    Thank you. :-)

  46. lovetox

    as i understood it, your account is on, that does not mean you use the xmpp client that movim provides

  47. lovetox

    but if you are logged in in the webinterface here

  48. lovetox

    then your good to go, why did you install Gajim?

  49. ozoned

    Right. It's disconnected. A front end and a back end. I was trying to use Gajim to search the articles stuff, but as you stated it's not made for that, so that explains the crash. :-)

  50. ozoned

    I like native clients more than web stuff. And Gajim and Dino were the ones people were recommending. So I started with those. Then found out about the Pub-Sub stuff and saw that Gajim could see it, but I didn't know if it was a bug or me, or as you pointed out, just not something it's designed for.

  51. lovetox

    ah ok, yeah not many clients do the pubsub blogging stuff

  52. lovetox

    movim is the most prominent

  53. lovetox

    i think none that is native

  54. lovetox

    as blogging is most of the time html, and to display this a web client is probably more suited

    👍 1
  55. rude

    do it lovetox add blogging

  56. rude

    is it hard?