Gajim - 2024-03-23

  1. a moderator removed a message


  2. a moderator removed a message


  3. a moderator removed a message


  4. a moderator removed a message


  5. a moderator removed a message


  6. lovetox

    Geld, dont bring your shit here into this room

  7. lovetox

    if you want to create a new xmpp account for every groupchat you are in, we can play this game, it costs me 2 clicks to ban an address

  8. kalkin

    Geld: pep? I'm not sure if I'm confusing, but he also banned me from another room. Just because I didn't want to support his, we ARE DOOMED PEOPLE ARE DYING NARATIVE, and asked him why he is whining online if people are dying 😁

  9. kalkin

    Geld: pep? I'm not sure if I'm confusing, but he also banned me from another room. Just because I didn't want to support his, we ARE DOOMED, PEOPLE ARE DYING NARATIVE, and asked him why he is whining online if people are dying 😁

  10. kalkin

    *sigh* good times. 😁

  11. kalkin checks his notes.

  12. kalkin

    Yes it was pep.

  13. Geld

    lovetox: I don't.

  14. kalkin

    Geld: you can always contact pep in private if you want to annoy him. That's what I do

  15. Geld

    Well I don't have his jid.

  16. Geld

    Let's drop the topic please 🙏🏻

  17. kalkin

    Geld: if morf taught me anything, you can write private message in most mucs

  18. Geld

    Ah that kind of private message. Riiiiiight I totally forgot lol

  19. kalkin

    Back to the topic: a few days ago I installed the latest gajim via flat pack from Fedora Software Center. The Gajim v1.8 ui changes look nice. But it has no plug-ins? Is it a limitation of flathub or did I need to install more flatpacks?

  20. kalkin

    Back to the topic: a few days ago I installed the latest gajim via flat pack from Fedora Software Center. The Gajim v1.8 ui changes look nice. But it has no plug-ins? Is it a limitation of flathub or do I need to install more flatpacks?

  21. lovetox

    plugins have to be published to flathub

  22. lovetox

    we only maintain the encryption plugins there

  23. lovetox

    i guess it would be possible to install plugins which have no additional dependencies

  24. kalkin

    > we only maintain the encryption plugins there You do? There were no plug-ins at all.

  25. kalkin

    Or are plug-ins like omemo not shown in the list?

  26. lovetox

  27. lovetox

    check in the bottom Addons

  28. kalkin

    lovetox: Ohhh, thanks. I looked inside gajim

  29. lovetox

  30. kalkin

    Til that flatpacks can have addons

  31. Simone

    hello, notifications are shown on my right monitor, because I think Gajim identifies that as primary, since I have this situation in Windows..

  32. Simone

  33. Simone

    anything I can do to fix it?

  34. lovetox

    no not really, Gajim does look at the comined screen space and draws it on the right side

  35. Simone

    I see

  36. lovetox

    it not the best, you can open a issue about it if you want, maybe it gets fixed in one of the next releases

  37. Simone


  38. Ge0rG

    Hi, just installed Gajim 1.8.4 and how do I change the status icon set?

  39. cal0pteryx

    Ge0rG: simple, you don't :D

  40. Ge0rG

    cal0pteryx: okay, how far back do I need to downgrade to regain that feature?

  41. cal0pteryx

    If you really wanted to switch icons, you'd have to replace drcraven-* files

  42. cal0pteryx

    I'm not sure which version dropped support. I vaguely remember you asking for how to add icon sets some time ago, and the answer was: we're dropping that feature soon

  43. lovetox

    Yeah simply replace the shipped icons

  44. cal0pteryx

    Didn''t you add bear icons or something? :)

  45. Ge0rG

    cal0pteryx: I did, and it used to work well without much hassle

  46. Ge0rG

    looks like the icons were dropped after 1.8.1, but not sure if the feature was still exposed in that version.

  47. Ge0rG

    also which one is the last version without workspaces?

  48. kalkin

    Ge0rG: given that you can access chats in a workspace via Alt 1-9, I like the combination with workspaces as fast access if you have a lot of pinned chats. 🤷

  49. kalkin

    I would actually be curios what the grande idea is behind workspaces. May be I'm using the feature wrong. Or is it for people using multiple accounts?

  50. Ge0rG

    kalkin: how is "you can use keyboard shortcuts" an answer to my question?

  51. kalkin

    Ge0rG: it's more of do you really want to downgrade just of this? May be my usage of it will inspire you to find a use case for you

  52. mkf

    > Ge0rG: > also which one is the last version without workspaces? 1.2?

  53. kalkin

    Ge0rG: it's more of do you really want to downgrade just because of this? May be my usage of it will inspire you to find a use case for you

  54. Linux in a Bit

    > I would actually be curios what the grande idea is behind workspaces. May be I'm using the feature wrong. Or is it for people using multiple accounts? If there's multiple related XMPP rooms (like Yunohost's) I put them in a single workspace...

  55. Linux in a Bit

    I use them sortof like a single member version of Cinny's Matrix Spaces implementation.

  56. Simone

    what do the double dots mean?

  57. Simone

  58. mkf

    red one should mean away I think

  59. Linux in a Bit

    The green one has a little tiny whatsapp logo... Probably not something Gajim added?

  60. mkf


  61. Linux in a Bit

    Unless it's indicating a call currently in progress.

  62. Linux in a Bit

    Sorry, I'm not at my PC to test it out.

  63. cal0pteryx

    > The green one has a little tiny whatsapp logo... > Probably not something Gajim added? Yes, the green dot actually has a whatsapp icon inside, if you look closely. This is the icon of the bridging service

  64. Simone

    alright, I didn't notice that

  65. intelfx

    okay really stupid codebase question

  66. intelfx

    where are the modules instantiated?

  67. cal0pteryx

    Me neither on first try

  68. intelfx

    esp. optional ones like Jingle

  69. cal0pteryx


  70. intelfx

    ohh I see

  71. intelfx

    I guess they are always instantiated, even if the relevant feature is not supported?

  72. intelfx

    (in current configuration)

  73. lovetox


  74. lovetox

    And they are instantiated per account

  75. Simone

    shouldn't be a marker line for unread messages? I don't see it

  76. intelfx

    lovetox, yeah I see, thanks

  77. intelfx

    another (not so) quick question: do we perhaps want to use event system here in place of hardcoding modules for disco passing?