Gajim - 2024-03-12

  1. r00tobo

    is there a way to ask gajim to force mam history retrieval for mucs ?

  2. r00tobo

    a family member logged in to his gajim install on his pc and was not able to get the full mam history of the private muc even though i have set the default max history to 500 lines which only played back 9-10 lines i will have to ask him if he got the full mam history on his laptop though

  3. r00tobo

    oh just realized Elrond question was related to the same question i asked lmao

  4. Zeke

    Is there any documentation for writing a plugin? I wrote my own plugin by scanning through source code, but I still don't know what "idiomatic" plugin code is supposed to look like. For example, what the list of priorities mean when writing events_handlers.

  5. Zeke

    Another example would be when it's necesary to override the `activate` and `deactivate` methods of `GajimPlugin`

  6. pep.

    lovetox, having gajim implement xhtml-im wasn't exactly "my goal" opening this issue. It appeared in the quote because that's what poezio implements, that's it. I was just pointing out that 393 will inevitably bring this kind of issues :)

  7. pep.

    #11781 is a good addition nonetheless :)

  8. lovetox

    Zeke, no we dont have real documentation, you can ask here if you need help, priorities is the order in which you get to handle the event, in Gajim the same event is handled maybe before your plugin, you need to check in Gajim code and decide if you need to handle the event before Gajim handles it or afterwards

  9. lovetox

    activate/deactivate give your plugin the possibility to discover when the user disables the plugin, this could be important if you have some tasks on this event

  10. lovetox

    for example if you added some UI element to Gajim, the disabled method would be the place to remove it

  11. lovetox

    pep., you posted a "flow" in poezio which only makes sense if you support a markup language

  12. lovetox

    does poezio add the <no-styling> tag?

  13. lovetox

    it should if it support xhtml-im, because if a client supports a markup language then this would imply for me, no 393 kind of styling is ever intended

  14. lovetox

    this would give Gajim the possibility to store that information and display it correctly. This would at least solve the receiving part. For sending i see no other solution than to implement some markup XEP

  15. pep.

    "does poezio add the <no-styling> tag?", no, because otherwise we need to add it to every single message..

  16. pep.

    I just blatantly ignore 393, it does not exist.

  17. pep.

    I would have preferred an opt-in tag, but that was ignored at the time

  18. cal0pteryx

    > I just blatantly ignore 393, it does not exist. Alright then :D

  19. pep.

    cal0pteryx, well, it's the usual annoyance of having to opt-out of a spec I'm not planning to implement :/

  20. pep.

    Why should I need to do anything about it if I don't want it. Those who do can opt-in.

  21. cal0pteryx

    The question is: What can gajim do while not dropping XEP-0393.

  22. lovetox

    pep., if we have something better implemented, we can talk about dropping 0393, but as long as we don’t, i take the 99% useful 0393 and live with the 1% where it sucks

  23. lovetox

    i couldnt find out from your issue what would be a situation that satisfies you.

  24. pep.

    Well today you can already send 0071 alongside, and maybe 0394. And have a proper UI for it

  25. pep.

    lovetox: indeed, 393 isn't satisfactory :p

  26. lovetox

    thats what i thought, thats why i added a issue to implement one of those, because i thought it would solve your problem

  27. lovetox

    but you started the conversation just now with saying that was not your goal, so i was confused

  28. pep.

    But I though I'd rather open issues for concrete problems

  29. pep.

    But I thought I'd rather open issues for concrete problems

  30. lovetox

    yeah the issue is fine for me, just wanted to be on the same page about the solution

  31. lovetox

    i have to say, xhtml is definitly to broad for me, if we reimplement that we probably only want to use some subset

  32. Polarian

    Gajim doesn't start on Arch Linux today:

  33. lovetox

    hm .. try deleting ~/.cache/gajim

  34. Polarian

    Done, same issue.

  35. Polarian

    Exact same error

  36. lovetox

    hm i fear you need to edit the settings.db

  37. lovetox


  38. lovetox

    there is a table with a row called workspaces

  39. lovetox

    it holds all open chats

  40. lovetox

    please send me the content

  41. Polarian

    No there isn't

  42. Polarian

    There is only two tables, account_settings and settings

  43. Polarian

    oh row.

  44. Polarian

    within which table?

  45. lovetox


  46. lovetox

    row, workspaces

  47. Polarian

    Oh boy this has lots of personal info xD

  48. Polarian

    Hm seems the "x" button doesn't work, because conversations which I close, and channels I "leave" are still added to the workspace

  49. Polarian

    *I mean are not removed from the workplace

  50. Polarian

    I have private messaged you lovetox rather not give the JID of everyone I speak to in a public channel 🙂

  51. Zeke

    > Zeke, no we dont have real documentation, you can ask here if you need help, priorities is the order in which you get to handle the event, in Gajim the same event is handled maybe before your plugin, you need to check in Gajim code and decide if you need to handle the event before Gajim handles it or afterwards Thanks lovetox, good to know - would you be looking for someone to write that documentation? Not committing to anything, but if I end up looking through code anyways...