Gajim - 2024-03-06

  1. nicoco

    I'd like to try to customize gajim to look a little more "compact". What's the proper way to do that? Should I just edit my own gajim.css or is there an proper way to have custom themes? Are margins and padding defined somewhere else than this CSS file?

  2. nicoco

  3. nicoco

    On this screenshot you can see the margins/paddings I'd like to reduce… It really is a lot of wasted space on non-HiDPI screens (yes I am a dinosaur, I have a 1080p 27'' monitor)

  4. fjklp

    `grep -ir margin` seems to point to relevant lines of code. I'm playing with it now.

  5. fjklp

    I'd suggest to increase the margin to know what is what if you are guessing like me

  6. fjklp

    you can certainly squeeze some pixels out

  7. cal0pteryx

    nicoco: check gtk inspector. It will show you where it's defined (including a live css editor)

  8. nicoco

    oh cool! Exactly what I needed. Looks my GTK theme is also involved for extra fun xD

  9. nicoco

    Oh well, I give up until I finally understand the relationship between KDE system settings colors and themes/qt5ct/GTK3/GTK4/themes/otherstuff. I can only blame myself as I use i3wm and want to use a custom color scheme… But that GTK inspector thing is nice to know, so thanks :)

  10. meson

    Gajim's search panel has no button to start a search, only hitting enter is currently implemented?

  11. lovetox

    You mean history search?

  12. meson


  13. lovetox

    And you think the user does need that? We have no button for sending a message also by default

  14. meson

    I hadn't use it for quiet a while and expected the search to happen automatically after a short timeout after typing, then searched a button to start the search and finally remembered I had to hit enter. Maybe it's not necessary.

  15. meson

    I hadn't use it for quiet a while and expected the search to happen automatically after a short timeout after typing (like in Conversations or KDE System Settings' Search), then searched a button to start the search and finally remembered I had to hit enter. Maybe it's not necessary.

  16. lovetox

    It's really fast in C

  17. lovetox

    I'm not sure we can get this Performance in Gajim

  18. nicola


  19. nicola

    I am trying to create on my mac M1, following the guide here:

  20. nicola

    I am trying to create on my mac M1, following the guide here:

  21. lovetox

    yeah, we have no dev that has a mac

  22. lovetox

    so you are on your own there

  23. meson

    Wasn't there elfchen who could potentially help out?

  24. meson

    ...also I heard Asahi Linux runs quiet fine on the M1 :p

  25. elfchen

    nicola: These instructions don't work: > Alternatively, you can create an .app bundle so Gajim can be run from the desktop as a native app: You need to follow the first half of the instructions and start Gajim via

  26. nicola

    > nicola: These instructions don't work: >> Alternatively, you can create an .app bundle so Gajim can be run from the desktop as a native app: > You need to follow the first half of the instructions and start Gajim via Ok. With it works

  27. elfchen
