Gajim - 2024-03-05

  1. ☭Mike Yellow

    I hope Gajim can support XEP-0317:Hats, that is super useful. And maybe moderate multiple messages sent by a spammer in one operation, just like Monocles has implemented.

  2. ☭Mike Yellow

    I hope Gajim can support XEP-0317:Hats, that is super useful. And maybe moderate multiple messages sent by a spammer in one operation, too, just like Monocles has implemented.

  3. lovetox

    Yes we plan to have both

  4. ☭Mike Yellow


  5. ☭Mike Yellow

    Thank you.

  6. pvoigt

    Nice, just installed Gajim 1.8.4 from bookworm-backports. Thanks to package maintainers, if present here.👍️🙂️

  7. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master other: Add brand colors to metainfo -

  8. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master feat: Use default encryption setting for group chats -

  9. chud

    is there a convenient way to define a complex xml structure in one go like from a list or smth instead of doing one .addChild() after another

  10. lovetox

    you can parse a string

  11. lovetox

    other than that nothing comes to mind