Gajim - 2024-03-01

  1. r00tobo

    I left my gajim client open since the 18th of feb and i just discovered from my system monitor that it is using 7.1 GB of ram, I had to stop it and start it again it is now setting at 180-190 mb but keeps increasing in ram usage

  2. fjklp

    Mine does gradually use more but I don't think I've seen it hit 2 GB.

  3. fjklp

    and that is letting it run probably 10 days or more

  4. r00tobo

    how many mucs are you in ? I am in like 36-39 mucs lol

  5. fjklp

    I assume activity level in each chat matters

  6. fjklp

    looks like I'm in about 50 right now

  7. r00tobo

    do you have spell checker on ? i read in the gitlab it was causing some excessive ram use but apparently it was fixed

  8. fjklp


  9. r00tobo

    it is now at 217-218 and no increase after that

  10. r00tobo

    gradually increasing but at reasonable pace

  11. cal0pteryx

    r00tobo: any indicator about which action makes it increase?

  12. r00tobo

    ah i just did a scroll down and up in the participants list

  13. r00tobo

    and it is now 223 mb or something

  14. r00tobo


  15. r00tobo

    but there is som activity in other mucs so

  16. r00tobo

    i am assuming if i did any search in the database it will load everything to ram correct ?

  17. r00tobo

    i just did another scroll up and down in another muc and i dont see it increasing

  18. r00tobo

    its at 223.5

  19. r00tobo

    now that i remember i have uploaded dozen of images using http upload to a few contacts in my roster

  20. r00tobo

    since the 18th to today

  21. r00tobo

    before the restart

  22. cal0pteryx

    That's the point, Gajim has to unload things it doesn't use anymore. Sometimes it fails in doing so ("leaking") memory. But one needs to see where that happens.

  23. r00tobo

    it is 229.7 now but i have switched between different mucs and loaded the chat there from unread to read now and sent few messages in those mucs

  24. cal0pteryx

    You'd have to keep tracking, until something sticks out as a possible leak. No need to share all details :D

  25. r00tobo

    yeah sorry :P

  26. chud

    please remind me how do you turn off the gui exception wrapper while debugging

  27. cal0pteryx

    chud: by starting from a terminal

  28. chud

    I am doing ./ and it still pops up the "sorry, that shouldn't have happened" window

  29. cal0pteryx

    Maybe this helps

  30. r00tobo

    i just uploaded few images to a private contact about 4-5 and the mem usage jumed from 233 to 259

  31. r00tobo

    i just uploaded few images to a private contact about 4-5 and the mem usage jumped from 233 to 259

  32. r00tobo

    the images are small in size like kilobytes in size avg. 70-95k

  33. joker

    Hi, I have a problem with URL color in Gajim. In my Gajim client, the URL font color is blue and the "line hover highlight" color is also blue. This makes the URL hard to read when hovering over the message. I have changed the Gajim theme through Preferences -> Style -> Theme to a custom theme I made with the name "red_urls" but the blue-on-blue coloring still persists.

  34. joker

    Here's two screenshots for detail:

  35. joker

  36. joker

  37. joker

    My system is running on Arch Linux with KDE Plasma desktop environment. (So this is a Linux build of Gajim)

  38. stefan

    Hello, I have just seen some strange behavior. In a certain muc that also has a message archive, I was able to retrieve older messages when joining with conversations, it seems without restriction. But with Gajim it did not work. (only the messages from the time of joining were displayed). Is there any way to influence this in gajim so that it also loads the older messages?

  39. lovetox

    not on first join

  40. lovetox

    for subsequent joins you can check the sync threshold in the chat settings

  41. Polarian

    I assume there is no hotkey to add a ZWSP

  42. Polarian

    might be a useful PR 🤔

  43. joker

    > Hi, I have a problem with URL color in Gajim. In my Gajim client, the URL font color is blue and the "line hover highlight" color is also blue. This makes the URL hard to read when hovering over the message. I have changed the Gajim theme through Preferences -> Style -> Theme to a custom theme I made with the name "red_urls" but the blue-on-blue coloring still persists. Any comments on this?

  44. lovetox

    that setting seems to be broken

  45. meson

    the URL color changes for eg group chat info, but for the chat `make_href_markup` won't be called

  46. lovetox

    in this example i would not change the url color, rather the selection color

  47. lovetox

    could be done via adding custom css

  48. lovetox

    not sure we have a wiki for that

  49. chud

    cal0pteryx, >Maybe this helps I did the pycharm instruction and I'm still getting that window... Just getting an option across to a program is sometimes absurdly tricky for some reason. Is there a place in code somwhere I could just comment out to get rid of the "sorry, that shouldn'tve happened" window?

  50. lovetox

    what does the error message say?

  51. chud

    I am modifying gajim so I do expect expections to pop up, that's not the point. I just want them printed to stdout like they normally are

  52. lovetox

    then you simply need to start gajim from console

  53. lovetox

    or check the bottom of gtk/