Gajim - 2024-02-19

  1. fjklp

    I'm suspecting my new bug report is a gtk issue

  2. cal0pteryx

    Yes, me too. But maybe there is a workaround. I'll try that later

  3. bjoern

    Hi all, I asked over the weekend already on Mastodon, you (the Gajim account) recommended to ask here as well. I have my XMPP server managed by In order to verify the SSL cedrtificates I use "PKIX over Secure HTTP (POSH)". This is the easiest way because In don't have to care about certificate renewal. Unfortunatey POSH was dropped with the last rework of Gajim's network code. Are there any plans to bring it back? Do you have s short term solution how I could connect to my XMPP server with Gajim. When I setup the account Gajim ask me if I want to trust the "insceure" certificate. But even if I accept, Gajim still don't want to connect to my server and continues to show certificate errors.

  4. bjoern

    My gajim version is 1.7.3 from Fedora

  5. lovetox

    Record a debug log so we can see what's the problem

  6. bodqhrohro

    > Гаджимурад I didn't even know there is such a name. Can be interpreted as "glad for Gajim".

  7. bjoern

    > Record a debug log so we can see what's the problem This is the debug log: ( is the account with the problems)

  8. bjoern

    lovetox, should I open a ticket in the issue tracker or does it make more sense for keep it in the chat?

  9. lovetox

    I look at it in the evening

  10. lovetox

    Enough here for now

  11. affrip

    How do I hide my ip from glowies using gajim

  12. amogus

    turn off your internet

  13. lovetox

    bjoern, hm it prints additional an generic error, addtional to the unknown ca which Gajim can ignore

  14. lovetox

    i guess you are on linux could you run gajim with GNUTLS_DEBUG_LEVEL=5 env var

  15. lovetox

    and send again the debug log?

  16. lovetox

    would be great if you could disable the other account for a moment

  17. bjoern

    lovetox, I will do so... Give me a few minutes

  18. affrip

    amogus, good idea however I need the internet to work on my fork of templeOS

  19. lovetox

    bjoern, you can also send me the log in private

  20. bjoern

    lovetox, I added the log files here: (19022024-220405-debug-2.log is the new log from gajim, commandline.log contains the output on the terminal after starting gajim)

  21. bjoern

    to late, but there shouldn't be any secrets

  22. affrip

    lvotox can you make it look just like muh heckin' discord

  23. lovetox

    gnutls[1]: Got OCSP response with an unrelated certificate.

  24. lovetox

    bjoern, you can delete the logs

  25. affrip

    uh oh bjoern the glowies are MITM you

  26. lovetox

    its this ocsp stapling issue in gnutls we were not able to track down yet

  27. lovetox

    the only solution we found is disabling ocsp stapling on your webserver

  28. affrip

    is oscp stapling the same as hsts?

  29. lovetox

    no idea, type it into a search maschine

  30. affrip

    I changed my profile pic and it didn't change in this room

  31. affrip

    ill try logging in again

  32. bjoern

    I only control the webserver which serves my webpage (well it is a shared hoster, so also no root access). The xmpp server is maintained by and the certificates of the xmpp server are of course from and not from

  33. affrip

    do you see me with no profile picture or?

  34. lovetox

    bjoern, its not a problem of the xmpp server or the cert i think

  35. lovetox

    its your webserver, the cert is for

  36. lovetox

    and ocsp stapling works by querying the this domain, and it leads to your webserver

  37. lovetox

    gnutls does not like the response, which is probably not your webservers fault, but its a open problem in gnutls

  38. lovetox for example

  39. lovetox

    if you didnt enable ocsp stapling on your webserver for a specific reason, then disabling it is probably the easiest solution

  40. lovetox

    or lets say the only one, because nothing else comes to mind what we can do apart from fixing the bug in gnutls

  41. bjoern

    I can try, but not sure if my shared hoster ( allows me to do so. The other solution as I understand it is, if Gajim would add again support for POSH. Conversations which, supports posh can connect to the xmpp server just fine

  42. lovetox

    conversations does not use gnutls

  43. lovetox

    i bet many clients can connect to your server just fine (with ignoring the unknown CA)

  44. lovetox

    POSH just solves the unknown CA

  45. lovetox

    its basically i receive the cert from the xmpp server and when it throws unknown CA, i query the posh url and compare a fingerprint

  46. lovetox

    then i know this is a correct cert for your domain, but checking the CA is just one verifying step, gnutls does also verify ocsp stapling

  47. lovetox

    and then it will fail

  48. lovetox

    POSH allows you to not see the warning dialog and manually trust the cert

  49. lovetox

    im not against implementing this again, but it will not solve this problem here

  50. bjoern

    Thanks for explaining. I assume that all Linux clients will use gnutls. I already tried Dino which also fails to connect. Unfortunately I couldn't find a way to disable OCSP so far on uberspace. But I will continue to search for a option

  51. lovetox

    i mean depending on how desperate you are, if you are the only user with Gajim on your server, i could point you to the code line where you can ignore the cert error

  52. lovetox

    as Gajim is python, you can easily change it

  53. bjoern

    This would be at least a quick fix for now :-)

  54. lovetox

    what nbxmpp version do you have installed?

  55. bjoern

    version 4.3.1

  56. lovetox

    search the file gajim/common/

  57. lovetox

    ``` --- a/gajim/common/ +++ b/gajim/common/ @@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ def _create_client(self) -> None: self._client.set_username(self._user) self._client.set_resource(get_resource(self._account)) self._client.set_http_session(create_http_session()) + self._client.set_ignore_tls_errors(True) self._client.subscribe('resume-failed', self._on_resume_failed) self._client.subscribe('resume-successful', self._on_resume_successful) ```

  58. lovetox

    around line 168

  59. bjoern

    lovetox, works. I could connect to the XMPP server! Thanks a lot!

  60. lovetox
