Gajim - 2024-02-16

  1. cal0pteryx

    famfo: thanks. Could you add this info here please?

  2. lovetox

    sch: and does warning exist in the spec?

  3. sch

    lovetox, I suppose it is because slixmpp has it.

  4. nicoco

    sch: with slixmpp you can raise an `XMPPError('a-condition', 'A human readable message')` during the execution of an adhoc command, which gajim displays fine AFAIK

  5. sch

    It seems to be "warn", not "warning"

  6. sch

    Thank you nicoco. I will look into it. Do you have an example code please?

  7. nicoco

    just `raise XMPPError('bad-request', 'something went wrong')` is an example but really not great to understand since it's buried in a quite complex thingy. we're getting off-topic for the gajim MUC though ;)

  8. famfo

    > famfo: thanks. Could you add this info here please? cal0pteryx: should I just make the paste persistent and attach it to the issue?

  9. cal0pteryx

    famfo: no, please add the content directly as a comment on that issue

  10. famfo


  11. reg77089


  12. pep.

    cal0pteryx, re #11759, imagine it like being able to use mosh instead of ssh on unstable links. It's life-changing

  13. pep.

    Maybe it could be made with about the same "visual effects" that mosh doe

  14. pep.

    Maybe it could be made with about the same "visual effects" that mosh does

  15. pep.

    (And then I had to use ssh again because Tor doesn't do UDP :(, yet!)

  16. debacle

    In (some?) public MUCs I see typing notifications from others. Can I switch that off somehow?

  17. pep.

    I remember Movim actually had something like that in place too, preventing users from typing while the WS feed was disconnected, which made it pretty much unusable on mobile

  18. lovetox

    debacle, no, why do you want to disable it?

  19. debacle

    It is a distraction. I don't like to see animations in the header of the conversations window or in the workspace for most MUCs. I like the typing notifications in private MUCs and one-to-one, though.

  20. lovetox

    please open a issue

  21. cal0pteryx

    famfo: thanks

  22. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master feat: MessageInputTextView: Change to GtkSource.View and refactor buffer handling -

  23. fjklp

    hmmm, I wonder what this will do

  24. dwd

    > sch: and does warning exist in the spec? - seems so.

  25. lovetox

    dwd this says "warn" slix seems to send "warning"

  26. lovetox

    or rather that comment in slix code is wrong, seems you can add to that list whatever you want

  27. fjklp

    lovetox: It seems like the omemo device id is generated deterministically? Is this allowed by the spec? says: >To participate in OMEMO-encrypted chats, clients need to set up an OMEMO library and generate a device id, which is a randomly generated integer between 1 and 2^31 - 1 (the positive numbers of a signed 32 bit integer, without 0). The device id must be unique for the account.

  28. lovetox

    Yes it's allowed, and no why do you think that.

  29. fjklp

    If I create an account with a given username, then delete the account, then create an account with the same username at the same domain, it has the same device id.

  30. lovetox

    You readded an existing account

  31. lovetox

    Omemo database is not deleted if you delete an account

  32. fjklp

    so gajim is reusing the information?

  33. lovetox


  34. fjklp


  35. lovetox

    We could delete it though

  36. lovetox

    That's historic because it was a plugin

  37. fjklp

    I don't know enough to have an opinion

  38. lovetox

    And Gajim can't know about plugin data

  39. lovetox

    and just so you know, the reason why its says random in the spec has nothing to do with cryptography

  40. lovetox

    the problem is if 2 clients for the same account choose the same device id, they overwrite each others keys on pubsub

  41. lovetox

    and its simply not functioning

  42. lovetox

    so it should be random, that makes it a very small chance that in a space of 2^31 2 clients choose the same device id

  43. fjklp

    I see, thanks