Gajim - 2024-02-14

  1. bodqhrohro

    Wow, nice spinning indicators!

  2. bodqhrohro

    I failed to fix libproxy 0.4 and instead have just rebuilt glib-networking with the libproxy module disabled and launched Gajim with `GIO_MODULE_DIR=/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gio/modules` (probably any empty dir would suit as well, I doubt any of them is crucial, hehe).

  3. bodqhrohro

    There's something totally weird with C++ constructors/destructors/exceptions and compiler optimizations, I'm tired to dive into all of that. No surprise they have rewritten 0.5 in pure C lol.

  4. bodqhrohro

    But the Debian build still sticks to 0.4 somehow, despite v5 in the package name, and that the 0.5 support seems to be brought into upstream about a year ago.

  5. bodqhrohro

    Yeah, and I now finally can execute commands on users in Gajim too, thanks.

  6. rincewind

    Hi people, happy "I love free software" day and thank you so much for Gajim :-)

  7. r00tobo

    does anyone have an issue with Gajim where the Block contact option gets greyed out from time to time ? and if you go check in the accounts advanced option you see the blocking list option also greyed out ? the only way for me to get the option again is to mark the account offline and go online again

  8. r00tobo

    and I also noticed that the archiving preferences gets grey out too in the same time

  9. thisisnotme

    > and then you can press a shortcut in gajim, and it gets the current playing song and paste it into your message input I see, so it's not setting your status to the currently playing song?

  10. Emil

    is there any way to force gajim to resync archive of MUC?

  11. Emil

    I wrote a message on public MUC with conversations, but when I checked on my PC the message does not show up

  12. Kevino

    > I wrote a message on public MUC with conversations, but when I checked on my PC the message does not show up It happened to me too

  13. Kevino

    But it may be related to sync issue

  14. Kevino

    Do you have a lot of chat history ?

  15. Emil

    a bit

  16. Emil

    I'll check on another PC, if it would sync that message

  17. Emil

    nope, there is not

  18. Emil

    one PC with Gajim was running when I sent that message, other one - not

  19. Emil

    so looks like server issue to me

  20. Emil


  21. Emil

    message failed to be delivered xD

  22. Emil

    my bad, I just didn't sent that message

  23. fjklp

    > > and then you can press a shortcut in gajim, and it gets the current playing song and paste it into your message input > I see, so it's not setting your status to the currently playing song? I don't think it does. As I recall, this info is only shown in the tooltip when hovering over the contact in the contacts list.

  24. fjklp

    I don't remember if it works in mucs.

  25. fjklp

    Emil: nice watch

  26. Emil
