Gajim - 2024-02-11

  1. lovetox

    bodqhrohro, are on some older debian version? Seems to fixed in bookworm for a long time

  2. lovetox

    bodqhrohro, also did i understand you correctly, you want to send adhoc commands really to a resource like "jid@domain/resource"?

  3. lovetox

    its still not clear from your example, why the device of the user would need to answer that request ..

  4. lovetox

    if you want the transport to answer a request its enough to send a request to "jid@domain"

  5. bodqhrohro

    lovetox: I'm on testing. And I've seen a fix which helped some people with the similar issue last year, but it doesn't help for me.

  6. bodqhrohro

    lovetox: the transport does not really take the resource into account at all, all I need is allowing to send Ad-Hoc commands to such JIDs, bare or full, doesn't matter. Psi+ indeed allows to choose the resource for Ad-Hoc commands from a contact context menu.

  7. lovetox

    what do you mean by "it doesnt matter"

  8. lovetox

    im asking you, for your use case why do you need to send a adhoc command to a full jid

  9. lovetox

    adhoc command to full jid means, the client needs to answer it, not your transport component

  10. bodqhrohro

    lovetox: what client?

  11. bodqhrohro

    I told you from the very beginning that the transports simulates many JIDs on its subdomain.

  12. bodqhrohro

    Many other transports do that as well.

  13. lovetox

    Its clear to me how a transport works, its not clear why you need to address adhoc commands to full jids

  14. bodqhrohro

    It doesn't matter if they're bare or full, as I told.

  15. lovetox

    so the right answer is you dont need to address commands to the full jid, because in fact there is no client waiting on the other side

  16. bodqhrohro

    Technically yup.

  17. gidepi

    Hi. Everyone is talking about Gajim so I had to come and check who are you? In every room some says Gajim that Gajim this. Makes me crazy

  18. cal0pteryx

    gidepi, Gajim is a chat application, checkout

  19. gidepi

    cal0pteryx: ok. Has to do something right.

  20. cal0pteryx

    Sorry I don't understand

  21. gidepi

    cal0pteryx: because everyone is talking about them, they have to do something right

  22. cal0pteryx

    Check for yourself :)

  23. r00tobo

    > Hi. Everyone is talking about Gajim so I had to come and check who are you? In every room some says Gajim that Gajim this. Makes me crazy 😂️

  24. gidepi

    cal0pteryx: I'm not ready yet. Is that thing even on Android?

  25. r00tobo

    gidepi, no, it's for desktop

  26. gidepi

    r00tobo: ok

  27. r00tobo

    cross platform desktop

  28. gidepi

    r00tobo: what that means "cross platform desktop"?

  29. r00tobo

    means it works on windows linux and macos

  30. gidepi

    Ok. I get it

  31. r00tobo

    and bsds

  32. gidepi

    r00tobo: is that a game consol or a sexual disease? Never heard.

  33. r00tobo

    lol no, its an operating system like windows

  34. r00tobo

    freebsd openbsd netbsd

  35. gidepi

    r00tobo: aah. I see. Those are new to me

  36. r00tobo

  37. r00tobo

    the website has everything, check it

  38. bodqhrohro

    Hmm, did I actually build the _right_ libproxy? The backtrace of the distribution build mentions `proxy.cpp`, but in the sources I downloaded there's only `proxy.c` 6_9

  39. cal0pteryx

    bodqhrohro, if you build dependencies yourself, please refer to the librarie's support channels. This chat here is for Gajim. There have been no error reports concerning libproxy after the mentioned fix. I highly suspect an issue on your system (or libprocy build).

  40. cal0pteryx

    bodqhrohro, if you build dependencies yourself, please refer to the libproxy's support channels. This chat here is for Gajim. There have been no error reports concerning libproxy after the mentioned fix. I highly suspect an issue on your system (or libprocy build).

  41. bodqhrohro

    cal0pteryx: I did build it just for the sake of checking if it's fixed in upstream, and removed since then.

  42. pep.

    I just closed a tab in which I had two unread messages, and the notification on the workspace won't disappear..

  43. bodqhrohro

    cal0pteryx: and BTW, I still barely understand why and where is resolved in the first place, as it's executed in a separate thread and GDB is not great for tracing inter-thread calls. AFAIR, I did even attempt to comment out possible places in Gajim's code, but it didn't help either.

  44. bodqhrohro

    Ah, got it, they have rewritten it in pure C in 0.5, 0.4 indeed still contains `proxy.cpp`.

  45. bodqhrohro

    LOL, it's called as early as this:

  46. lovetox

    what are you trying to achive? disable the http request to

  47. bodqhrohro

    lovetox: this request is causing a libproxy crash.

  48. bodqhrohro

    And I would be satisfied with either fix.

  49. lovetox

    every http request will cuase a crash

  50. lovetox

    this is just the first one

  51. bodqhrohro

    Yup, that's why I attempted to patch all them out :P

  52. bodqhrohro

    Gajim is an XMPP client, after all, why would it strictly depend on any HTTP?

  53. amogus

    "telemetry" maybe?

  54. bodqhrohro

    Besides of XEP-0363 and all that stuff which barely works for me anyway.

  55. bodqhrohro

    amogus: gotcha!

  56. lovetox

    you can search for create_http_request and comment them all

  57. bodqhrohro

    Why, I could just make it a no-op if it's all from the same function, hehe.

  58. bodqhrohro

    Ah, I got why did it crash last time I commented those out, it's probably invoked in some plugin as well.

  59. mirux

    Hi, where can I change the device name to a readable form like PC oder OFFICE?

  60. mirux

    ... xmpp-resource

  61. bodqhrohro

    You were right, it's "specific" to my system, hehe

  62. cal0pteryx

    Thank you for filing an issue upstream

  63. hermann

    Hi , in Gajim, is there a shortcut for deleting the all of the text written in a chat box (not yet send)? I just wrote a quite long text. I did copied a word and wanted to paste it with strg + v from one position in the text to another position. I did strg + v (hopefully) and all of my long text disapeared. I couldn't get it back with strg+z or strg+y. That was pretty bad since it took me about 30min. to write this text 😖️ I don't know if I accidentally hit another letter instead of "v" or if this was just a bug or something

  64. gidepi

    Ctrl A selects all but other than that I don't know

  65. lovetox

    Ctrl + A and Backspace

  66. lovetox

    ah i think i get it , you ask if you accidentally hit something that deletes all text from the box

  67. lovetox

    im not aware of any

  68. lovetox

    would also be interested how this could happend

  69. lovetox

    quick test of copying words to other positions, works as expected

  70. bodqhrohro

    hermann: Strg+U with Emacs keybindings enabled.

  71. bodqhrohro

    And I'd really suggest to not trust any kinds of textareas in arbitrary apps for longreads and use a full-fledged text-editor with periodic autosaving for that.

  72. fjklp

    Ctrl+U deletes all text

  73. gidepi

    I'm more like Ctrl F4 user :)

  74. ari


  75. ari

    how do i change my pw on gajim

  76. ari

    or does ex em pee pee not sujpport it

  77. fjklp

    it does

  78. ari

    ok wher

  79. ari

    i cant find it

  80. fjklp

    Accounts > Modify Accounts > account > General > Login

  81. ari


  82. ari


  83. fjklp

    note: gajim supports it, some clients do not

  84. ari

    > note: gajim supports it, some clients do not yeye im using gaujaim

  85. ari


  86. ari


  87. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: AdHoc: Simplify column creation - cq: Dialogs: Always use string for secondary_text -

  88. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: AudioWidget: Remove obsolete statement -

  89. cal0pteryx


  90. ari


  91. sch

    lovetox, are you here?

  92. sch

    I use Gajim 1.8.4

  93. sch

    Slixfeed is a bot which offers commands

  94. sch

    The commands work when JIDs are hidden

  95. sch

    I figured it would be information worth sharing.

  96. sch

    P.S. I know you added support for /resource

  97. sch

  98. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master cq: Fix pyright errors for conditional imports - ci: Upgrade pyright to v1.1.350 -

  99. fjklp

    it would be really cool if right clicking anywhere on a chat messages produced the same context menu as the three dot menu at the right

  100. fjklp

    it could make quoting faster/easier

  101. fjklp

    would that interfere with manually highlighting and copying text?

  102. lovetox

    i think its possible

  103. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: ChatBanner: Disable selecting name_label -

  104. cal0pteryx

    fjklp, see

  105. fjklp

    thanks, I forgot about that issue

  106. intelfx

    hmm, what's the simplest way to clone a nbxmpp iq node?

  107. intelfx

    and is it permitted for multiple such nodes to share the children? or does Client.send() mangle them in some way?

  108. intelfx

    what I'm trying to do is write a fallback path for XEP 0353 where we just send identical session-initiate stanzas to all resources we know about, and then cancel all except the first one to reply

  109. lovetox


  110. lovetox

    thats the safest way

  111. intelfx

    oh clever :-)

  112. intelfx

    thanks, that'll work for now