Gajim - 2024-02-08

  1. r00tobo

    Hi, someone in my roster started disconnectiong and connecting every 1 to 2 secs since today. I checked my xml console and I see ``` <recipient-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /> </error> </presence> <status>Disconnected: Replaced by new connection</status> </presence> ``` he is using Gajim Portable version on Windows

  2. r00tobo

    I have another person in my roster using the same xmpp server and I don't have this issue with him using the same client but on Linux

  3. cal0pteryx

    r00tobo: check if gajim runs twice

  4. 23

    When trying to reply to an encrypted message I now getting error No devices found to encrypt this message to. Querying for devices now… however unencrypted messages work fine as do all encrypted messages on my phones and tablets the senders device is verified.

  5. r00tobo

    cal0pteryx, Thanks. will let him know and check that

  6. lovetox

    23, does the fingerprint window show fingerprints?

  7. 23

    > 23, does the fingerprint window show fingerprints? Only as inactive, I was trying to fix the private MUC not syncing and reinstalled Gajim so have probable caused the current problems but I cant get Omemo to work with same account on Profanity or Dino so it is probably not solely a Gajim issue although Profanity says Can't find a OMEMO device id it all works unencrypted so not a big issue for me.

  8. lovetox

    if keys of your contact are inactive

  9. lovetox

    this means you cannot receive his devicelist

  10. 23

    how do I make them active

  11. lovetox

    you cant, the contact is supposed to send you his active devices

  12. lovetox

    this means most likely you do not recieve that list, which can have multiple reasons

  13. 23

    Is there a solution

  14. lovetox

    for example you are not fully subscribed to it, do you see him online in your contact list

  15. 23


  16. lovetox

    is he on the same server as you?

  17. 23


  18. lovetox

    thats bad .. i suspect your servers pubsub is broken somehow

  19. lovetox

    if you are interested i can anlyse it, but you would need to send me a debug log

  20. lovetox

    like start gajim, wait one minute, then quit it

  21. lovetox

    and send me the log

  22. 23

    I did that the other day over 4000 lines. My server is on a RPi ( yunohost ) probably easier just to burn another sd.

  23. lovetox

    you send the log to this chat?

  24. lovetox

    burn a sd? what does that mean

  25. welp

    Hey random question

  26. welp

    Can I use this number for whatsapp

  27. welp

    Sorry I'm just new to this xmpp thingy

  28. chud


  29. welp


  30. bot

    lovetox pushed 3 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Settings: Include all default settings as fallback - fix: DBus: Don’t fail if no file descriptor list is returned - other: Update metainfo -

  31. cal0pteryx

    welp, did you get a number via this is a gajim support chat, it's for the Gajim client

  32. cal0pteryx

    yay, bot is back!

  33. welp

    Thanks cal0pteryx yes this is from

  34. welp

    Mb, I'll check with them then. Ty

  35. cal0pteryx

    welp, this should be the support chat:

  36. welp


  37. lovetox

    cal0pteryx, i build our own bot

  38. lovetox

    its very limited for now though :)

  39. cal0pteryx

    yay, and nbxmpp bot! :D finally

  40. lovetox

    yeah it would be alot nicer if nbxmpp abstracted MUC a bit more

  41. lovetox

    tracks joins etc

  42. lovetox

    otherwise it was a nice experience, import nbxmpp and in 10 lines of code you are connected to a server and can send your first message

  43. lovetox

    otherwise it was a nice experience, import nbxmpp and in 10 lines of code, and you are connected to a server and can send your first message

  44. cal0pteryx

    That's great :) should we add a DOAP file? :D

  45. lovetox

    to do what what with it? is there a page of bot software somewhere?

  46. cal0pteryx

    not yet, but I could add a section to

  47. cal0pteryx

    there certainly are some bots