Gajim - 2024-02-05

  1. adfvavafv

    I want to chat with someone on gajim. I have his JID and omemo fingerprint. But I don't know how to procede. Can someone help me here?

  2. adfvavafv

    I am a newbie.

  3. adfvavafv

    how can I verify the user's identity?

  4. Fiona

    Have you already opened a chat with the other person?

  5. adfvavafv

    No. I couldnt send a single message (error - no devices found query in progress). He is not added in my contact.

  6. adfvavafv

  7. adfvavafv

    it's empty.

  8. Fiona

    > He is not added in my contact. That might be the problem. I haven't formally checked, but my experience is that OMEMO works only with contacts. 🤔️

  9. Fiona

    The screenshot looks like you're using a pretty old Gajim version, but I don't think that should be the problem here.

  10. adfvavafv

    so should I try sending the user an unencrypted message.

  11. Fiona

    You should add them to your contacts, if you haven't already.

  12. Fiona

    It might be they need to accept before you can see the keys, but I'm not sure about that.

  13. adfvavafv

    ohh okay.

  14. adfvavafv

    I just was able to send the user an unencrypted message.

  15. adfvavafv

    and also I have sent the user the request for adding them in my contacts.

  16. adfvavafv

    so I should wait, right

  17. sch

  18. sch

  19. sch

  20. sch

    The above dialogs do not appear with Gajim

  21. sch

    Gajim says: > An error occurred > item-not-found

  22. sch

    Gajim says: > Requesting Command List > An error occurred > item-not-found

  23. sch

    Gajim: Requesting Command List > An error occurred > item-not-found

  24. cal0pteryx

    sch, if you want help, please post XML logs. posting PSI screenshots won't help here

  25. sch

    Fine. I will do.

  26. sch

    Fine. I will do so.

  27. sch

    cal0pteryx, could this help?

  28. cal0pteryx

    nope, that's too late in the logs. please be aware that you are leaking addresses

  29. sch

    This one is probably better

  30. sch

    I know. Thank you for the notice.

  31. cal0pteryx

    sch, your log doesn't show what you sent

  32. sch

    I will try again

  33. sch

    The relevant line gets truncated in online pastebin

  34. sch

  35. sch

    cal0pteryx, I hope this would do.

  36. sch

    You can contact the bot yourself. It is open for all.

  37. cal0pteryx

    sch, you only ever post the answer. but not what you sent originially for that answer to be sent by the server.

  38. sch

    The logs are running fast. I will log to a file and send it to you.

  39. cal0pteryx

    sch, use the XML console

  40. cal0pteryx

    sch, please use the XML console. you just sent me a complete log from gajim start to x. I'm not doing a needle-haystack game for you, that's your task ;)

  41. sch

    Fine. I will filter the relevant contact.

  42. sch

    This is easier!

  43. sch


  44. lovetox

    ok, so your account doesnt offer adhoc commands as it looks like

  45. lovetox

    ah sorry, you sent this to

  46. lovetox

    what is that? a user?

  47. lovetox

    a group chat?

  48. lovetox

    somekind of service?

  49. lovetox

    JID does not answer to disco info ..

  50. sch

    It is a bot

  51. sch


  52. sch

    > JID does not answer to disco info .. Perhaps subscribe to it first.

  53. sch

    Please try again.

  54. sch

    I am working on it, so I restart it every few minutes.

  55. sch

    It will be online now, without interference from my side.

  56. sch

    lovetox, did you get from the bot the information you need?

  57. lovetox

    sch, i have no time for testing your bot

  58. sch


  59. lovetox

  60. lovetox

    there you can ask question, when you developing something xmpp related

  61. sch

    This is not about testing the bot, if that what you mean.

  62. sch

    Psi is able to lists commands published by the bot, and Gajim does not.

  63. sch

    Psi is able to list commands published by the bot, and Gajim does not.

  64. sch

    What can I do to acquire the desired information that would lead to solving the issue with Gajim?

  65. lovetox

    starting by reading the XEPs and implement your functionality accordingly

  66. lovetox

  67. lovetox

    it seems your bot fails at this first step

  68. sch

    Thank you for the information. I wll see what can be done,

  69. lovetox

    if i think about it its probably that the requests needs to be directed towards a specific resource your bot has

  70. lovetox

    but Gajim can only send adhoc commands to bare jids