Gajim - 2024-01-21

  1. topgun

    hey,devs, i have a suggestion to increase privacy by default, and that would be to turn OMEMO on by default

  2. topgun

    and that when users tries to disable it, that he get a very clear warning

  3. levalian


  4. topgun

    So it means per Default all servers can read all my private messages?

  5. levalian

    Please learn about how xmpp works first

  6. lovetox

    topgun, no, only the server you chosen and the server of your contact

  7. lovetox

    that is, if you *dont* enable omemo

  8. topgun

    levalian, I am learning by making questions

  9. topgun

    lovetox, thats what I mean. People come from whatsapp to xmpp because of better privacy, but by default they will chose a public server, and the public server will have access to all of their conversation, which is worst than whatsapp

  10. lovetox

    why do you think that? i would give my chat history to one server operator any day than to whatsapp

  11. lovetox

    if they care they can enable the encryption, there is even a preference option to enable it by default for most conversations

  12. lovetox

    we are not against enabling it by default in general, but we are not whatsapp, encryption can prevent users from communicating in some circumstances

  13. lovetox

    and we dont have the resource like whatsapp to make it work in 100% of all situations

  14. ☭Mike Yellow

    topgun, There is an advanced XMPP user manual... in Chinese, if you would like to read by machine translation:文档/离线文档/《社会主义XMPP高级用户使用说明书》/目录索引-H.html

  15. topgun

    lovetox, so what you are saying is that the cost of making it work in 100% for all situations would be too high that would jeopardize the project?

  16. topgun has omemo by defaut, dont see why gajim cant have it

  17. cal0pteryx

    Because it's more than simply flipping a switch. Error handling is important

  18. topgun

    well, you can flip the switch on by default, and when theres an error you can ask the user if he wants to unflip the switch

  19. cal0pteryx

    topgun, sure. sombody's got to do that though

  20. cal0pteryx

    there is a setting in Gajim's ACE, where you can enable it by default

  21. cal0pteryx

    it's experimental

  22. topgun

    yes, I enabled it

  23. topgun

    But i think te default for my fresh install was off

  24. topgun

    in gajim

  25. cal0pteryx

    yes, as I said, there is no error handling yet

  26. topgun

    Im reading a little about the OMEMO difficulties

  27. topgun

    FOr instance, wen gajim talk to conversaions, it seems that somehow the gajim keys expires after one day:

  28. topgun

  29. cal0pteryx

    topgun, that's a Conversations issue though?

  30. topgun

    Im not sure. Someone there said coversations waits for 42 days before setting keys as old

  31. topgun

    maybe the issue lies in gajim, or in a server, or in the overall system. People didnt find it out yet

  32. cal0pteryx

    without logs, this is nothing but speculation

  33. topgun

    the issue is new, so it might take some days for people put logs and find the root cause

  34. topgun

    wow, is gajim made in python?

  35. topgun

    it doesnt feel slow and amateur at all!!

  36. topgun

    whats the UI lib you are using?

  37. lovetox


  38. topgun


  39. topgun

    sometimes i sent a message and it doesnt appear as if the user received it

  40. topgun

    but afterwards i repeat the message, and then it goes double

  41. lovetox

    sounds like the chat does not scroll to the end sometime

  42. lovetox

    and you simply dont see the message

  43. lovetox

    try switch chat, and see if the message shows up afterwards

  44. topgun

    i do it

  45. topgun

    i even moved it from workspace

  46. topgun

    it doesnt happen

  47. topgun

    i opened the chat in dino

  48. topgun

    there i can see that even the message was not sent

  49. topgun

    and then i wrote sometjing from dino, and i see that it went thru the chat

  50. topgun

    but opening in gajim and i dont see it

  51. fjklp

    sometimes messages get held up and go through with a delay

  52. fjklp

    actually, it happens to me often

  53. fjklp

    who knows if it's your connection to your server, your server, or the muc server

  54. fjklp

    that's one of the downsides of xmpp

  55. fjklp

    decentralized so you multiple the probability of problems, and much of it is either run on vps servers with bad performance or not carefully tuned by admins so performance suffers

  56. topgun

    i see

  57. topgun

    so i have two clients open

  58. topgun

    when gajim doesnt send the msg then i switch to dino

  59. lovetox

    gather a debug log

  60. lovetox

    this is not normal, could be spam protection by the server

  61. lovetox

    i assume you talk about a groupchat

  62. topgun

    yes, its a gruop chat

  63. topgun

    how can i get the debug log?

  64. cal0pteryx

    topgun: preferences > advanced > debug logging (don't forget to restart)

  65. topgun


  66. topgun

    it created a file named ~/.local/share/gajim/debug/debug-enabled

  67. topgun

    but its empty

  68. fjklp

    it's supposed to be empty, it's not a log file

  69. topgun

    so how can i debug?

  70. fjklp

    check the debug log

  71. fjklp

    is there a file in that directory that ends in debug.log?

  72. topgun


  73. topgun

    just that empty fl

  74. fjklp

    topgun: did you restart gajim?

  75. topgun


  76. fjklp

    huh, I've never heard of it not working

  77. fjklp

    I can only guess that you didn't restart it

  78. topgun

    sorry i actually didnt reset

  79. topgun

    now it works