Gajim - 2024-01-15

  1. 9.8GraceSkinm555222555525525222255252Not answered yetappcrUsernamehh52555252522522525

    mathieui, sch, sch, sch:

  2. tree

    Interesting user

  3. paper67


  4. thephoneguy


  5. Anonimo

    Hey guys

  6. Anonimo

    I'm having an problem

  7. Anonimo

    Everytime I click "start voice call"

  8. Anonimo

    It doesn't ring

  9. Anonimo

    It doesn't do anything

  10. Anonimo

    I'm on arch

  11. fjklp


  12. fjklp

    it's not supported

  13. zhanggaoli

    Hello everyone, may I ask why there is a yellow exclamation mark when I send a message?

  14. zhanggaoli

    The problem has been solved, sorry to bother everyone

  15. lovetox

    hey guys i found out that if you hold down CTRL while picking emojis from the emojichooser

  16. lovetox

    it will not close

  17. lovetox

    hm except you pick an emoji from the recent section, seems to be a gtk bug

  18. fjklp

    Is it supposed to be possible to use omemo in a whisper?

  19. fjklp

    > it will not close I cannot reproduce

  20. fjklp

    either with the emoji chooser or with emoji shortcodes

  21. lovetox

    you need to pick emojis *not* from the recent section

  22. fjklp

    yes, I used the top "recent" part

  23. fjklp

    oh, oops

  24. fjklp

    that keeps the menu open after selecting, but then clicking in the message input field closes it

  25. fjklp

    anyway, omemo seems to not work in whisper messages, so it would be nice if I can get a confirmation here

  26. lovetox

    i think we never implemented that

  27. lovetox

    because if you are in a OMEMO MUC

  28. lovetox

    this means you know the real jid

  29. lovetox

    if you double click on the user, gajim would default to open a direct conversation

  30. lovetox

    and not a whisper message

  31. lovetox

    and in direct you have omemo

  32. fjklp

    My case is being in a semi-anonymous muc

  33. bluespace

    Hello. Currently I am using the Gajim client, but I'm open to suggestions. I am wondering if it is possible to "appear offline" in xmpp clients, so that I can read muc's and such, while being invisible? Thank you.

  34. fjklp

    bluespace: I don't think you can prevent your name showing up in the MUC participant list. You can turn off sending "chatstate", which I believe is just the notification that you are typing. This can be changed per account or all accounts.

  35. fjklp

    Though, I wonder if this is possible per the specs.

  36. lovetox

    we dont offer omemo in semi-anonymous mucs, so why would we on MUC PM in such mucs

  37. lovetox

    bluespace, no currently you can not appear offline

  38. bluespace

    Understood, thank you. Is that because it is not part of the xmpp spec? (I am asking, I don't know whether it is or not) fjklp: yes I have it all disabled :)

  39. lovetox

    you can never be invisible in a groupchat, thats simply not possible with the spec, because going offline is the same as leaving the groupchat

  40. lovetox

    to your direct contacts you could be offline

  41. lovetox

    there is also a spec for that, but no server implements it to my knowledge

  42. fjklp

    You could always hack on the muc module of the server to make it possible :)

  43. fjklp

    Working within the system as it exists, you could make your client connect, get mam, then go offline immediately. Send messages in the same way. Then, maybe no one ever sees you as online.

  44. fjklp

    > You could always hack on the muc module of the server to make it possible :) By this I meant modifying the code of a server that you run.

  45. adamski

    Does Gajim support contact display names?

  46. adamski

    All my contacts are listed using their usernames.

  47. adamski

    Also can I see which groups **I** belong to?

  48. paper67

    how do i get video calls working on gajim on arch

  49. adamski

    Also can I see which groups *I* belong to?

  50. adamski

    paper67, click Help > Features for audio/video call dependencies.

  51. adamski

    You can also setup your device config in Gajim > Preferences > Audio/Video

  52. fjklp

    I'm starting to suspect trolling

  53. adamski

    trolling detected?

  54. fjklp


  55. fjklp

  56. paper67

    thanks bro

  57. fjklp

    it's just that this question has been asked like 3 days in a row, which is more than usual

  58. adamski

    fjklp, idk haven't tried it in a while. But it should work for Gajim-Gajim calls unless I'm mistaken.

  59. fjklp

    you're welcome

  60. fjklp

    maybe it does, feel free to report your success cases and I'll integrate that into my answers

  61. adamski

    Jitsi is probably what you want for the most client compatability.

  62. adamski

    > it's just that this question has been asked like 3 days in a row, which is more than usual Downside of support chat vs forums.

  63. lovetox

    > Does Gajim support contact display names? yes

  64. lovetox

    > Also can I see which groups *I* belong to? you can see which groups you are currently joined in the chatlist

  65. lovetox

    if thats what you mean by "belong"

  66. adamski

    By chatlist do you mean the Start Chat menu?

  67. adamski

    > > Does Gajim support contact display names? > yes lovetox, don't know why but I am only seeing users by their usernames.

  68. adamski

    > > Does Gajim support contact display names? > yes lovetox, I only seeing users by their usernames. Unless I give them a nickname myself.

  69. lovetox

    look into logs if you see any errors

  70. lovetox

    can be many reasons why you dont see a nick

  71. adamski

    > you can see which groups you are currently joined in the chatlist lovetox, I'm looking for a list of group titles I am a member of. e.g.: [devs, gamers, ...]

  72. adamski

    > look into logs if you see any errors This seems to be the only relevant output: RosterItem(jid=JID(localpart='username', domain='domain', resource=None), name='', ask=None, subscription='both', approved=None, groups={'groupname'}) with localpart, domain and groups redacted.

  73. adamski

    > look into logs if you see any errors This seems to be the only relevant output: RosterItem(jid=JID(localpart='username', domain='domain', resource=None), name='', ask=None, subscription='both', approved=None, groups={'groupname'}) with localpart, domain and groups redacted.

  74. adamski

    name='' for all my contacts

  75. fjklp

    > > it's just that this question has been asked like 3 days in a row, which is more than usual > Downside of support chat vs forums. It's the frequency combined with the weird style of trolling I see going around xmpp.