Gajim - 2023-12-26

  1. pmgcleary060

    How do you remove yourself from a chat group using Gajim?

  2. fjklp

    pmgcleary060: you simply close the chat with the X button on the chat row in the chat list at left, or Ctrl+w when you are viewing the chat

  3. pmgcleary060

    fjklp Thank you.

  4. jstein

    Does an upgrade from Gajim 1.8.1 to 1.8.4 break the saved passwords? Was there a change in the format? If so, I would add a warning note for our Gentoo users.

  5. lovetox

    no it should not

  6. lovetox

    passwords were migrated i think

  7. lovetox

    but should be no problem for the user

  8. resoli

    > resoli, i think you misunderstand this

  9. cal0pteryx

    resoli, there is an issue already

  10. cal0pteryx

  11. resoli

    Oh ok, I searched with MAM and didn't found it.

  12. resoli

    I added a comment to @

  13. resoli

    I added a comment to #1193 telling my own experience hitting it.

  14. resoli

    I added a comment to #11393 telling my own experience hitting it.

  15. ilac

    In Gajim 1.8.4 flatpak I'm unable to type certain characters such as «». Copy/pasting them work.

  16. jstein

    lovetox, I think I found at least a hint for the failed password migration. The log of the first startup with 1.8.4 shows (E) gajim.c.passwords Password migration failed

  17. jstein

    it is not critical for me personally. If it helps the community and our Gentoo Users to dig a bit deeper here, I am willing to do some tests.

  18. jstein

    Also I get several Errors with gst-core-error-quark: Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.

  19. jstein

    media-libs/gstreamer-1.22.3 is compiled here with "caps introspection nls orc" only "unwind" is missing.

  20. lovetox

    jstein, i think its not worth it

  21. jstein


  22. lovetox

    worst case a user has to type in his password to his account

  23. jstein

    Do you have a hint for the "gst-core-error-quark: Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in." thing?

  24. lovetox

    i cant say anything about the gstreamer stuff, maybe cal0pteryx can help here

  25. lovetox

    ist there more then this single line?

  26. lovetox

    is there more than this single line?

  27. Joaquín Sosa


  28. cal0pteryx

    jstein, make sure you installed all gstreamer packages listed in Gajim's readme

  29. jstein

    cal0pteryx, thank you. I was missing media-libs/gst-plugins-ugly, now it works.

  30. polarian

    Channel PMs, when using OMEMO when I click the shield icon to view the keys, it is blank despite OMEMO being in use, it works in normal PMs but not in channel PMs

  31. polarian

    anyone else can reproduce?

  32. cal0pteryx

    polarian: channels don't have the requirements for omemo

  33. cal0pteryx

    Only private chats do

  34. polarian

    PMs yes

  35. polarian

    nvm its probably a server side issue

  36. famfo

    Hello, I have set up two components on the same subdomain on my XMPP server. The discovery looks similar to example 17 in xep-0030 ( Gajim only finds the first of these two entries, while other clients find all. Is that a bug in Gajim?

  37. lovetox

    what components

  38. famfo

    XEP-0045 (muc) and XEP-0363 (http_file_share)