Gajim - 2023-12-08

  1. jstein

    Gajim introduced "security labels". What are these exactly? Where are these documented? Would it make sense to name these according to the FIRST TLP scheme TLP:AMBER and so on? This is an international standard to tag classified documents.

  2. lovetox


  3. lovetox

    To get idea what the use case is

  4. lovetox

    But yes you can decide what the labels are

  5. lovetox

    There is no restriction

  6. lovetox

    And it's simply to label certain messages

  7. lovetox

    The server allows you to hide these messages the depending on permissions

  8. lovetox

    But I also heard of people that use it simply to label stuff

  9. lovetox

    Without the permission feature

  10. jstein

    nice thank you.

  11. jstein

    Seems it would make sense to implement TLP 2.0 as default. What do you think?\

  12. lovetox

    You misunderstand how it works

  13. lovetox

    Labels are defined on the server

  14. lovetox

    You need to add the labels thete

  15. lovetox

    You need to add the labels there

  16. lovetox

    There is no need to implement some standard , simply add the labels you need

  17. fjklp

    Has anyone else ever experienced that when you try to press the thumbs up button for a gitlab issue it briefly accepts it, then removes it, every time?

  18. fjklp

    I'm experiencing that for

  19. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: sometimes that happens. Try again later :)

  20. fjklp

    Thanks. In this case, I had previously used an alternate thumbs up or something. I unpressed it, then pressed the one others were using and it rejected it, so I suspect I experienced the same for this issue months back.

  21. fjklp

    Seems like a gitlab bug.

  22. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: no gajim bug then :)

  23. fjklp


  24. huuh

    Hello guys

  25. huuh

  26. huuh

    How do I get a read receipt like the one this guy has?

  27. huuh

  28. huuh

    that read marker style is really inconvenient for me

  29. nicoco

    You can enable single check mark for "delivery receipts" in the settings, but the 2nd check mark for "read receipts" does not exist anymore AFAIK. Maybe I'm wrong and there's a hidden setting for that?

  30. huuh

    Delivery receipts yeah, I enabled them too

  31. huuh

    I don't really get why delivery receipts are implemented but read ones are not

  32. nicoco

    I think it's because this type of read marker style ("has read up to this point") is more in line with how the protocol works, because client don't have to mark individual messages as read according to the spec, but someone who actually implemented it might give you a more relevant answer, stay tuned ;-)

  33. nicoco

    I think it's because this type of read marker style ("has read up to this point") is more in line with how the protocol works, because clients don't have to mark individual messages as read according to the spec, but someone who actually implemented it might give you a more relevant answer, stay tuned ;-)

  34. lovetox

    nicoco: that's the reason

  35. lovetox

    Clients send us the message up to which they have read

  36. lovetox

    And we display exactly this information

  37. nicoco

    playing the devil's advocate, but it would be OK to "double check mar" messages up to the message for which we receive the marker

  38. lovetox

    nicoco: hm I don't think so

  39. lovetox

    It's simply a information we don't have

  40. huuh

    > I think it's because this type of read marker style ("has read up to this point") is more in line with how the protocol works, because clients don't have to mark individual messages as read according to the spec, but someone who actually implemented it might give you a more relevant answer, stay tuned ;-) I don't see a problem with that. Why mark messages as readed individually? > Clients send us the message up to which they have read You just mark all the messages above that one then

  41. lovetox

    Why would we lie to our users

  42. nicoco

    OK, double check mark the message for which we receive the marker with a tooltip that says "has read up to this point" then ;)

  43. huuh

    That's not a lie

  44. lovetox

    And tell them a client send us a read receipt for a message if he didn't do it

  45. huuh

    Why would it be?

  46. lovetox

    Because we don't have that information

  47. huuh

    client sent read receipt for the last message, it means that all messages above are read too

  48. huuh

    you can't *really* know what messages are readed, because we can't read people minds, obviously

  49. huuh

    but all IMs work like that, no?

  50. nicoco

    some other protocols send read marks for each message, notably whatsapp and signal

  51. huuh

    how is that useful?

  52. lovetox

    Why you need a checkmark on every message?

  53. nicoco

    I'm not saying it is, just that it's implemented that way :)

  54. huuh

    well as you said, we can just have this: > with a tooltip that says "has read up to this point" then ;)

  55. huuh

    that's just some technical nuance which end-users won't care about, really

  56. nicoco

    lovetox: to me, the issue with the "read up to this point" thing is that it makes text "jump", and if we want read marks in groupchats (which I think we do?) it can becomes quite "jumpy"

  57. huuh

    > Why you need a checkmark on every message? cause it's convenient and it's the way all other IMs look too

  58. huuh

    nicoco: it's really clunky, yeah..

  59. nicoco

    lovetox: to me, the issue with the "read up to this point" thing is that it makes text "jump", and if we want read marks in groupchats (which I think we do?) it can become quite "jumpy"

  60. huuh


  61. huuh

    you could at least make an option for this, keeping the current thing as default..

  62. lovetox

    Not really

  63. huuh


  64. lovetox

    To take one of your arguments, do you know any other IM which let's you configure how a read marker is displayed?

  65. lovetox

    Its simply not important enough to add 2 different ways

  66. huuh


  67. huuh

    It's important for me

  68. huuh

    And my friend

  69. huuh

    at least

  70. huuh

    I see no problem with adding that option

  71. lovetox

    Of course you don't see the problem, as you don't have to do it 😆

  72. nicoco

    Try implementing it and you might problems ;-)

  73. nicoco

    Try implementing it and you might see problems ;-)

  74. huuh

    so what's the problem?

  75. huuh

    it's just a visual thing, no?

  76. lovetox

    But we probably go that way anyway once we support read markers in MUC

  77. lovetox

    As the current way is not practical for mucs

  78. nicoco

    Good to know, cf

  79. huuh

    > A checkmark. That would be a either second check mark in 1:1 chats (if you enable 'read receipts' in the preferences), or a change of color for this checkmark (2 states: 'received', and 'displayed'). Hope you will keep all options - text read marker, two checkmarks and colored checkmark Sounds really neet!

  80. huuh

    > A checkmark. That would be a either second check mark in 1:1 chats (if you enable 'read receipts' in the preferences), or a change of color for this checkmark (2 states: 'received', and 'displayed'). Hope you will keep all options - text read marker, two checkmarks and colored checkmark Sounds really neat!

  81. huuh

    What is this feature "Media Playback"? Located in: Top menu -> Accounts -> Modify Account... -> your_account -> Privacy

  82. huuh

  83. huuh

    Where can I read more about it - how does it get played media data, what kinds are supported and where does it show the data?

  84. cal0pteryx

    huuh: I for one like the "has read up to this point" really much. That's why I implemented it after having double checkmarks first. Double checkmarks in group chats carry less information than a "x,x, and x have read up to this point" row. And private group chats (where you would see those read markers) are typically small, thus it's still practical.

  85. huuh

    cal0pteryx: I'm not asking to remove it though. And if double checkmark was a thing, why was it removed?

  86. huuh

    Why not just make two options?

  87. cal0pteryx

    Because that's maintenance effort and a source of bugs

  88. cal0pteryx

    Every option multiplies ways where things can go wrong

  89. lovetox

    huuh, you can use a media player on your system that has MPRIS support

  90. lovetox

    the media player publishes information to the system via dbus

  91. lovetox

    and gajim picks it up and publishes it

  92. lovetox

    which means contacts in your contact list can see it

  93. huuh

    are there any articles on configuring it [with mpd] ?

  94. lovetox

    you need to search for it

  95. lovetox

    a quick search turned up

  96. lovetox

    but just so you know, basically no client except Gajim supports this

  97. lovetox

    so while Gajim would publish the data

  98. lovetox

    almost no client will show it

  99. huuh

    which XEP is it?

  100. lovetox

  101. lovetox

    and also Gajim shows it not very prominent

  102. lovetox

    you have to go and search for it really

  103. lovetox

    so .. not that great at the momen

  104. lovetox

    so .. not that great at the moment

  105. huuh

    and where do I search for it?

  106. fjklp

    the internet

  107. fjklp

    you mean to enable it in gajim?

  108. huuh

    I enabled it, I mean where to see my current media playback in Gajim?

  109. fjklp

    it sends the info to your contacts

  110. fjklp

    so they can see it

  111. huuh

    I can see it in Accounts -> Advanced -> PEP Configuration -> protocol/tune

  112. huuh

    uhh, and I can't see it?

  113. fjklp

    To see the currently playing info, go to your contacts list and hover your mouse pointer over the given contact, the now playing info will show up in the tooltip

  114. huuh

    yep thanks, hovering over me worked

  115. huuh

    yep thanks, hovering over "Note to myself" worked

  116. huuh

    that's a cool feature to have!

  117. huuh

    that's a cool feature to have, I like it

  118. huuh

    yeah I hope it will improve in the future also would be cool to see which game your contact is playing

  119. huuh

    through some kind of RPC (like Discord does)

  120. huuh


  121. huuh

  122. huuh

  123. lovetox

    you dont need this

  124. huuh


  125. huuh

    why? i'll rephrase it - who would need it then?

  126. huuh

    why? i'll rephrase my question - who would need it then?

  127. lovetox

    nobody, its used for a feature that does not work anyway

  128. lovetox

    also this lib caused some crashes in the past

  129. lovetox

    better not install it

  130. huuh


  131. huuh

    I thought that maybe it's the cause of my problem with p2p file transfer

  132. huuh

    basically p2p file transfer just doesn't work

  133. huuh

    i send offer to my contact and he sees nothing (and the same way around)

  134. huuh

    i send offer to my contact and he sees nothing (and the other way around)

  135. huuh

    i send offer to my contact and he sees nothing (and the other way around too)

  136. fjklp

    I think this is known. Maybe we should have all known non-working features listed somewhere like the wiki.

  137. fjklp

    I don't know. It feels weird to keep broken stuff in any case.

  138. huuh

    what's the problem with it? why it's not working? if in the past it did, why doesn't it now?

  139. huuh

    what's the problem with it? why it's not working? if in the past it did, why it doesn't now?

  140. fjklp

    Don't know

  141. fjklp

    lovetox: Seems like I should probably make an issue for the omemo cross-account muc leakage thing. I don't understand it well so if yes, is there anything you'd want me to include?

  142. lovetox

    no nothing in particular

  143. lovetox

    just describe what you think is happening