Gajim - 2023-12-05

  1. Eduard

    Is there some "automatically reconnect" setting on Gajim? It keeps disconnecting me after X time and then I need to close/reopen it to connect again

  2. fjklp

    Eduard: Not that I know of. As far as I know, gajim will try to reconnect any time it knows it's disconnected, but sometimes it doesn't know, or doesn't reconnect for some reason.

  3. Eduard

    fjklp, thanks. It seems that Gajim is unaware of the disconnections here and just says "You are not connected currently to this room" but nothing else

  4. Eduard

    I wonder which checks does Gajim do to check the connection status

  5. sch

    > ** Affiliation of sch has been set to Member by lovetux > ** Role of sch has been set to Participant by lovetux I think that _Role_ should be renamed by _Affiliation_

  6. sch

    Sorry. Please ignore my recent message.

  7. sch

    Gajim is fine. Role is moderator, participant Affiliation is admin, member, owner.

  8. Cyrille

    Eduard, happen to me too when I sent my computer to sleep and wake it up in another network/environment. Especially when the new environment fillter out xmpp ports and I need to connect via alternative method (websocket). The responsible code resides probably in nbxmpp lib…

  9. tomchaplin

    Hello everyone

  10. tomchaplin

    I want to know if there is a bridge between discord and xmpp? I want to see the messages of a discord channel in Gajim. Is it possible?

  11. tomchaplin

    I found some pages, but the instructions went over my head

  12. tomchaplin

    Some of them needs linux or docker

  13. tomchaplin

    I am using windows

  14. 222m5

    tomchaplin: looks like matterbridge has windows builds

  15. tomchaplin

    Oh I was wondering if I can use Gajim to do that

  16. 222m5

    tomchaplin: not that I am aware of; but have a chat with the matterbridge folk, there may be a public bridge you could use

  17. tomchaplin

    Oh ok, thanks. I will try the matterbridge in sometime

  18. 222m5

    xmpp room is on that page

  19. tomchaplin

    Ah i have to use terminal to setup and configure in windows too, its not an installation software. i will play with it,

  20. tomchaplin

    Normally I dont use discord, but found one important discord room for my work, so just for that.

  21. 222m5

    tomchaplin: if you are simply wanting to _access_ a discord room using Gajim, a public gateway running something like may be what you are after

  22. tomchaplin

    oh, i am stuck configuring the discord bot now, thanks for your help 222m5. I will check it right now.

  23. tomchaplin

    by _access_ you mean only reading the posts or comments?

  24. tomchaplin

    Oh it says Group chat support is experimental. I will still give it a try if I can

  25. 222m5

    iirc mattermost is for bridging rooms, whereas slidge is a gateway (like biboumi for irc) … someone please correct me if I've got that wrong ;)

  26. tomchaplin

    I joined the slidge MUC for help

  27. tomchaplin

    coz, I am not sure how to set it up on windows or if i can using pypi

  28. 222m5

    iirc matterbridge is for bridging rooms, whereas slidge is a gateway (like biboumi for irc) … someone please correct me if I've got that wrong ;)

  29. polarian

    222m5, matterbridge is used to bridge multiple different services

  30. polarian

    it was designed for mattermost, but it works for tons of different platforms

  31. Eduard

    Cyrille, I see. That's kinda annoying but well, at least don't happens frequently

  32. 222m5

    polarian: yh, it only mirrors rooms between im protocols though, correct? tbh, I think tomchaplin is looking for a gateway he can utilise… but I've misread & complicated things ;)

  33. polarian

    > polarian: yh, it only mirrors rooms between im protocols though, correct? tbh, I think tomchaplin is looking for a gateway he can utilise… but I've misread & complicated things ;) yes afaik

  34. tomchaplin

    I am confused, I am stuck in it for the past few hours.

  35. tomchaplin

    Theres an error setting up the Slidge, but i think it is what I was looking sure. But not completely sure

  36. 222m5

    tomchaplin: iiuc, wait for someone that can recommend a gateway instance that you can use

  37. tomchaplin

    Yeah, I am in talk with Slidge guys, guys and here too! lol

  38. tomchaplin

    I just wanna say thank you for all your help

  39. 222m5

    np, see what cal0pteryx can suggest

  40. tomchaplin


  41. cal0pteryx

    Sorry, no transport experience here ;)

  42. tomchaplin

    Ah ok.

  43. tomchaplin

    What is channel_name in xmpp?

  44. *IM*

    I prefer "name of public chat room".

  45. *IM*

    ...because it's self explaining.

  46. dandelion

    Hi, my number rang on gajim on my computer through MX Linux KDE, but it does not ring on my current installation of gajim in KDE Neon. Could you please suggest anything I could try to get a call to ring on my computer?