Gajim - 2023-11-26

  1. Geld

    > Nepptün wrote: > Is it planed to include libretranslate in gajim ? Yes. We also work on Minecraft launcher and an Ice Maker.

  2. fjklp

    hell yeah, I knew gajim is going places

  3. polarian

    Geld, what do you mean minecraft launcher and ice maker?

  4. Geld

    > polarian wrote: > Geld, what do you mean minecraft launcher and ice maker? You will be able to play Minecraft while sipping your favourite drink with ice cubes.

  5. Geld

    All in Gajim.

  6. fjklp

    lovetox: do you happen to know why the muc disco info bug apparently only happens with some versions of ejabberd and nothing else?

  7. danielstein

    Gajim aio solution for happines

  8. fjklp

    are the following log messages indicative of something being wrong? (W) gajim.c.settings Unable to determine context for: (W) gajim.c.m.caps ( Error from item-not-found - Invalid node name

  9. sch

    Is there an online read-only archive of

  10. polarian

    > All in Gajim. sounds awful

  11. fjklp

    Sometimes I think it would be nice for gajim to work better with nick changes relative to chat history. An example of an improvement that I think would be easy to do would be to add a column to the logs table in the logs.db called something like 'self_sent', with each row having either a 0 to mean it was not sent by myself, or a 1 meaning it was sent by myself. That way if I have changed my nick in a given chat and I want to search for messages sent by me, I can do a search with a special variable like 'from:@me' and it will return all messages with a 1 in the self_sent column for that jid.

  12. fjklp

    Sometimes I think it would be nice for gajim to work better with nick changes relative to chat history. An example of an improvement that I think would be easy to do would be to add a column to the logs table in the logs.db called something like 'self_sent', with each row having either a 0 to mean it was not sent by myself, or a 1 meaning it was sent by myself. That way if I have changed my nick in a given chat and I want to search for messages sent by me, I can do a search with a filter and special variable like 'from:@me' and it will return all messages with a 1 in the self_sent column for that jid.

  13. fjklp

    I don't think of it as a high priority, just sharing the thought

  14. sch

    > sounds awful All in XMPP, then?

  15. sch

    fjklp, sounds good. I suggest to send a ticket to

  16. fjklp

    Also, the ability to view messages that mention my nick, regardless of nick change. The only way I can currently think to do it would be to "grep" for current nick when message is received (not sure if we might consider this too resource intensive to be feasible) and if there is a match, we put a 1 in the to_self column. Then we can search and filter for these messages with 'mentions:@me'.

  17. fjklp

    wait, we are already doing this nick matching anyway because we get notified of mentions, so it doesn't add any resource usage, just an extra logs.db column.

  18. fjklp

    But I can see how this might be just a part of other changes like having and "inbox" so maybe this is already being worked out or something.

  19. fjklp

    But I can see how this might be just a part of other changes like having an "inbox" so maybe this is already being worked out or something.

  20. lovetox

    fjklp, yes its already done in the database refactor mr

  21. astanad_

    Hi all ! why there is no full documentation for nbxmpp ? it would be great for others to understand nbxmpp in order to make other xmpp clients !!

  22. lovetox

    there is no documentation, you can see an example project at

  23. astanad_

    lovetox, will it be available in future ?

  24. lovetox

    probably not

  25. astanad_

    lovetox, okey thanks !

  26. debacle

    astanad_ You probably know that, but just for completeness: There are multiple Python XMPP libaries, e.g. aioxmpp, slixmpp and wokkel. I use slixmpp for my little projects.

  27. astanad_

    debacle, is slixmpp well maintained ?! works with ejabberd/prosody/openfire ?

  28. astanad_

    debacle, last commit on github was in oct 3 , 2022 !!

  29. debacle

    astanad_ Yes, sure. There is a MUC

  30. astanad_

    debacle, oh thank you !

  31. debacle

    astanad_ Who would use github :-)

  32. astanad_

    debacle, what's wrong with github ? because of microsoft ? 😂️

  33. debacle

    astanad_ That's probably not something to discuss here :-)

  34. astanad_

    debacle, yes !

  35. debacle

    astanad_ Anyway all four libs (aioxmpp, nbxmpp, slixmpp, wokkel) are actively used and it depends on your taste and your use case, which one you use.

  36. astanad_

    debacle, okey ! i'll try to read the source code of all these libraries and then i'll decide wich one i'll use ! 😀️

  37. debacle

    There are some dead libraries, too: python-xmpp, pyxmpp and more, but they never made the switch to Python 3 and their respective homepages are dead.

  38. debacle

    astanad_ Haha, yes, that's the spirit!

  39. astanad_

    debacle, thanks for your help !!

  40. debacle

    astanad_ yw!

  41. sch

    Where could the list of bookmarks be found at? (xep 0048)

  42. sch

    It appears that every groupchat is bookmarked automatically and there is the option of "forget" to remove it.

  43. cal0pteryx

    sch, "Start Chat" lists all your group chat bookmarks

  44. sch

    Thank you

  45. lovetox

    sch, and right click on a groupchat in that dialog, allows you to forget it

  46. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *1b318b73* < > refactor: Scripts: Remove usage of deprecated datetime method

  47. sch

    I think it would be good to list bookmarked MUCs (under Groupchats) in Gajim's contact list

  48. cal0pteryx

    sch: Start Chat is the replacement for Gajim's contact list (roster)

  49. sch

    Does it mean that it will replace the current contact list or will it remain an addition?

  50. lovetox

    not sure, but what you are searching is the Start Chat Dialog

  51. lovetox

    Gajims Contact List is a representation of your Roster on the server

  52. lovetox

    so no it will never contain groupchats, as they cannot be in your roster

  53. lovetox

    In the Start Chat Dialog you have also a filter button, and can filter for groupchats

  54. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 3 commits to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *58398a31* < > change: Raise nbxmpp version *d4d818ca* < > chore: Flatpak: Update dependencies *f9d1e5b3* < > chore: Update translations

  55. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *f36a0308* < > release: 1.8.4

  56. sch

    > so no it will never contain groupchats, as they cannot be in your roster Contacts under "contacts" and Bookmarks under "groupchats" I don't see any problem with it.

  57. sch

    > so no it will never contain groupchats, as they cannot be in your roster Contacts under "contacts" and Bookmarks under "groupchats" I don't see a problem with it.

  58. lovetox

    thats why we already have this, check out the Start Chat Dialog :)

  59. sch

    I understand

  60. sch

    When I got aware of the special feature of XMPP, which was by Gajim and Psi, I have seen the bookmarks via a menu of the menu-bar.

  61. lovetox

    bookmark does not mean what you think it does from a Browser

  62. lovetox

    its just a storage format for information on the server

  63. lovetox

    nothing the user needs to do or see

  64. lovetox

    its just the information what group chats you are joined

  65. sch

    When I got aware of the special feature of XMPP, which was by Gajim and Psi, I have seen the bookmarks via a menu of the menu-bar. I was also able to open a bookmarks dialog with which I could edit preferences to each groupchat. So, I understood that my account had also groupchats saved to it, in bookmarks. Contacts to roster and Groupchats to bookmarks.

  66. sch

    I have updated my last message.

  67. sch

    As a new person getting to know XMPP, by seeing the groupchats at Start Chat, I wouldn't realize that these are in any way saved to my account.

  68. ☭Mike Yellow

    sch, I know you want the appearance of Contact list and Group list like Conversations. But Gajim has its own features.

  69. ☭Mike Yellow

    It does not matter much.

  70. sch

    So I think it would be worthwhile to make the appearance in a way that would clarify to the person what bookmarks are. Make bookmarks as "tangible", so to speak, as contact roster.

  71. sch

    ☭Mike Yellow, lovetox, I agree with both of you.

  72. lovetox

    Why would i need as a user what Gajim stores on the server and what not?

  73. lovetox

    I expect that if i log in Gajim restores as much as possible

  74. sch

    I want less technical people to understand, as easily as possible, what they are dealing with when they see XMPP, a standard, portable and (truely) open communication platform.

  75. sch

    When I got to know XMPP, I was exposed to many features, Roster, Bookmarks, Transports and then I was able to understand that it is even more flexible than these and can be used in many other ways, like connecting a Download Manager to it etc.

  76. sch

    The more technical details I was presented by the GUI, the more I could understand.

  77. sch

    This is my argument. I'm not sure how strong it is though.

  78. ☭Mike Yellow

    I guess you may want Gajim make “contacts, groups” filter open by default in the window “Start Chat” as an easy way to change in the UI.

  79. ☭Mike Yellow

    Instead of the funnel icon button?

  80. lovetox

    i understand that you are interested in the technical details, and there is nothing stopping you reading about them, but we try to design the GUI for people wanting to chat, not to educate people about thecnical details

  81. sch


  82. ☭Mike Yellow

    sch, you just want to learn more about XMPP?

  83. sch


  84. sch

    I'm learning

  85. procrastinator

    is there any way to open to the last-read position of a chat? i understand that gajim needs to keep track of which message has been last read (incl. by other clients?) and it'd be nice to jump to that message when switching chats

  86. lovetox

    > I guess you may want Gajim make “contacts, groups” filter open by default in the window “Start Chat” as an easy way to change in the UI. that might be good idea to make it more discoverable

  87. lovetox

    procrastinator, currently no

  88. lovetox

    procrastinator, currently not

  89. ☭Mike Yellow

    sch, here, an advanced XMPP user manual. Use a translate plugin in your web browser to read. >文档/离线文档/《社会主义XMPP高级用户使用说明书》/目录索引-H.html

  90. sch

    > that might be good idea to make it more discoverable Yes

  91. ☭Mike Yellow

    By the way, I guess the three selections in the filter are “all”, “contact”, “group”. The Simplified Chinese translation of the “contact” should be “联系人” but not “聊天”(“chat”).

  92. sch

    Thank you, ☭Mike Yellow

  93. lovetox

    ☭Mike Yellow,

  94. ☭Mike Yellow

    If these volunteer translators are here or they have public XMPP addresses, then it can be easier.

  95. ☭Mike Yellow

    Oh, sorry, the original text is “Chats”. Nevermind.

  96. chili-b

    i've noticed an issue in 1.8.3 where after sending a file, the chat title is highlighted instead of the chat box

  97. chili-b

    i.e. i have to click the chat box to continue sending messages instead of just being able to start typing again

  98. cal0pteryx

    chili-b: fixed in 1.8.4

  99. chili-b

    oh, did that just release?

  100. cal0pteryx


  101. Андрей

    Hello, please tell me why Gajim does not start on Windows 10 VLSC after installation

  102. Андрей

    Is this like this for everyone?

  103. lovetox


  104. lovetox

    how did you install Gajim?

  105. Андрей

    I downloaded Gajim from this link from the official website then installed Gajim 1.8.4.exe, after which I started launching it from a shortcut on the desktop. Unfortunately, it did not start, nothing appeared on the desktop. Rebooted the computer and tried to start again from the shortcut and again nothing.

  106. cal0pteryx


  107. Андрей

    Yes, enterprise VLSC(LTSC) 22h2

  108. cal0pteryx

    Андрей, try starting gajim-debug.exe from the same folder

  109. lovetox

    or try starting the exe from console

  110. Андрей

    It still won’t start, can I somehow remove the log and send it here? When you run Gajim debug, text appears in the console and the console closes.

  111. lovetox

    start it from the terminal

  112. Андрей

    Log from the console ** (Gajim-Debug.exe:12056): WARNING **: 21:30:01.658: expected enumeration type void, but got PyGLibOptionArg instead Logger gajim level set to 10 Logger nbxmpp level set to 20 Logger omemo_dr level set to 10 2023-11-26T21:30:01 (I) gajim | Gajim Version: 1.8.4

  113. lovetox

    puh not much to see here

  114. lovetox

    when did this problem start?

  115. lovetox

    what was the last version that worked?

  116. Андрей

    I installed the client for the first time on Windows, on Linux everything is fine, it works like a charm :)

  117. lovetox

    hm can you deinstall, and try installing it from the windowsstore

  118. Андрей

    At the same time, there is no store in the VLSC store, so it won't be possible to install it, I can only try to install Windows 10 Pro, just maybe some component is missing? I don’t use Vasyan’s builds, only msdn or vlsc representatives :)

  119. lovetox

    can you try

  120. cal0pteryx

    Gajim 1.8.4 has been released:

  121. Андрей

    This version is up and running. Thanks everyone :)

  122. lovetox

    Андрей, do you have time for some testing?

  123. Андрей

    lovetox: There is still time.

  124. lovetox

    could you install on the same machine the portable version

  125. lovetox

  126. lovetox

    and delete one dll afterwards from the portable folder

  127. Андрей

    lovetox: I'll install it now, no problem :)

  128. lovetox

    search then only in the portabl folder for "libgstamfcodec.dll"

  129. lovetox

    and delete it, then try to start it

  130. lovetox

    be aware that no other gajim instance is running though

  131. Андрей

    lovetox: I did as you said, the portable version of Gajim worked

  132. lovetox

    hm thanks

  133. lovetox

    i just used portable because it does not interfere with your installed version

  134. lovetox

    but you can apply the same hack on the normally installed gajim version

  135. Андрей

    lovetox: Thank you, I will now try to use it on the installed version of Gajim 1.8.4 :)

  136. elisoandr

    lovetox, On the installed version 1.8.4 everything worked out, everything works :)

  137. lovetox

    good to hear, thanks for testing

  138. lovetox

    we will apply that fix in the next version

  139. cal0pteryx

    nice, thanks for testing, elisoandr

  140. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *e88921c8* < > fix: Windows: Remove problematic DLL This DLL causes a crash on Windows

  141. pep.

    Is it possible to disable ^W closing a tab? :(

  142. pep.

    Same curse as with firefox..

  143. pep.

    Except in Firefox, as much as it's annoying, I can reopen the tab directly with ^T