Gajim - 2023-11-07

  1. satish

    hey.. how do i set gajim to auto start ?

  2. nosystemissafe

    How can install omemo plugin on linux when i downloaded gajim from flathib

  3. nosystemissafe


  4. nicoco

    satish: it depends on your OS.

  5. nicoco

    nosystemissafe: there is no omemo plugin anymore, it’s included in base gajim

  6. nosystemissafe


  7. satish

    On Windows?

  8. cal0pteryx

    satish: either you check the checkbox while installing gajim, or you add it to Autostart like any other windows app (start > Autostart folder)

  9. mimi89999

    satish: How did you install Gajim?

  10. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *e59dd99d* < > refactor: Presence: Create contact as late as possible

  11. mimi89999

    Sometimes after resuming from suspend on Windows, Gajim will keep connecting forever

  12. lovetox

    need debug logs of such occurence

  13. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    hey. i have a person who gets an error connecting to the error is: Insecure Connection You are about to connect to using an insecure connection method. Connecting with Plain is strongly discouraged. they already tried restarting the client and it didnt fix the issue. this is flatpak and version 1.8.1

  14. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    i just want to double check that this is a server issue at this point right?

  15. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    although cheogram either connects silently with plain or its only gajim that has the problem. hence the question here ^^

  16. satish

    mimi89999: installer / exe?!

  17. lovetox

    MSavoritias (fae,ve), he needs to disable plain connection in account options

  18. lovetox

    otherwise he will connect unencrypted

  19. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    ah that was the issue

  20. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    thank you

  21. lovetox

    you can ask him, what has led him to activate that option

  22. lovetox

    you can ask him/her, what has led him to activate that option

  23. lovetox

    you can ask him/her, what has led them to activate that option

  24. lovetox

    you can ask them, what has led them to activate that option

  25. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    I told them to enable omemo by default after the convo at the joinjabber room yesterday or something. and they went through settings to look for it. and enabled it then

  26. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    they have no idea why though

  27. MSavoritias (fae,ve)


  28. polarian

    What does

  29. polarian

    oops didn't mean to send yet

  30. polarian

    oh wait RTFM

  31. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *f3baca3c* < > imprv: MessageInput: Regain focus on common key presses

  32. lovetox

    fjklp, ^ have fun testing, i expect this will introduce some bugs regarding shortcuts, but lets try

  33. polarian

    Thanks for 1.8.3 \o/

  34. polarian

    Its hit the testing repo on Arch Linux this morning, and I have signed it off, should be available for all Arch users in the following days :)

  35. polarian

    There are currently not enough testers using gajim to have both sign offs for approval, but its in [extra] so its not mandatory

  36. pep.

    What do you need to do exactly to sign off?

  37. polarian

    test the basic functions... is there any errors... are there regressions (did something break in newer versions), then report the issue, if the issue is upstream then you report it to upstream and then report the report to Arch so that they can track it, if it is a breakage due to a packaging problem, then report it to Arch and let them handle it (and then test their fix)

  38. polarian

    its not the most fun job, but its important :)

  39. polarian

    [extra] packages don't need testing, but all [core] packages MUST be tested

  40. pep.

    I just have to use testing right?

  41. pep.

    A ok

  42. polarian

    well that is the roll description yes

  43. polarian


  44. pep.

    Ah ok

  45. polarian

  46. pep.

    I use testing already

  47. pep.

    Just that I don't generally have to report anything because it just works :x

  48. pep.

    Also I don't have a tester account, maybe I should

  49. polarian

    well if you use testing

  50. polarian

    then you may as well

  51. polarian

    but you will be signing up to reporting issues

  52. polarian

    if you find an issue report it... and remember to sign off software you use

  53. pep.

    Yeah I guess it's a habit to take.. I'll see how much time that takes me :x

  54. polarian

    feel free to join #archlinux-testing on IRC and ask about the job there, so that this MUC doesn't get polluted, you should always check #archlinux-testing on liber.achat too

  55. polarian

    and the arch-dev-public mailing list

  56. fjklp

    > fjklp, ^ have fun testing, i expect this will introduce some bugs regarding shortcuts, but lets try Nice. I'm testing. 🙂

  57. umu


  58. Cyrille

    polarian, I’m on manjaro testing (so still behind arch linux stable branch)

  59. Cyrille

    is it helpful to test gajim 1.8.3 on this system? maybe from AUR…

  60. polarian

    Cyrille, no... to test for Arch Linux you must be running Arch Linux with the testing repositories uncommented

  61. Cyrille

    ok make sense

  62. polarian

    > is it helpful to test gajim 1.8.3 on this system? maybe from AUR… gajim is not in the AUR

  63. polarian

    Arch is better than manjaro anyways 😉

  64. Cyrille

    I think I used to have gajim-git from the AUR

  65. polarian

    Yeah.. but they do not get official testing

  66. polarian

    it must be in the Arch Linux repository to be tested

  67. polarian

    and testing is mainly for `[core]`

  68. Cyrille

    lol, not the point, I think both are equally the same (I have Arch in another PC)

  69. Cyrille

    I mean, the same nowadays. Was not the case before

  70. midou

    >> is it helpful to test gajim 1.8.3 on this system? maybe from AUR… > gajim is not in the AUR > > Arch is better than manjaro anyways 😉 I just installed it from there yesterday, the AUR is there and working :P

  71. Cyrille

    Unfortunately I don’t use Gajim on the other computer and no point in testing there

  72. Cyrille

    ok got it polarian, you’re planning on having official arch linux package for gajim

  73. Cyrille

    good to hear !

  74. polarian

    Cyrille, its already is an official package xD

  75. polarian

    has been for a long time

  76. polarian

  77. polarian


  78. polarian

    Also 1.8.3 is now in the repository \o/

  79. cal0pteryx

    polarian: nice

  80. polarian

    I am sure the gajim devs are just relieved Arch actually is updating gajim now :P

  81. Cyrille

    I meant 1.8.3

  82. polarian

    So many people jumped to void linux because of Arch not keeping gajim updated xD

  83. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *53ea0175* < > imprv: HTTPUpload: Remove temporary files after transfer Fixes #11579

  84. Ichtyx

    > So many people jumped to void linux because of Arch not keeping gajim updated xD That was due to python 3.11 migration

  85. Ichtyx

    Sad news 3.12 is already out lets work 6month to migrate 2500package 🥵

  86. Louis

    when gajim mobile friendly like dino to use it on mobian pmos and etc?

  87. cal0pteryx

    Louis: it was never intended for mobile

  88. umu


  89. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    a different ui on top of nbxmpp could be nice :)

  90. pep.

    Is anything specific happening re DNS/Tor in Gajim? I'm trying to figure out what doesn't work in Dino

  91. cal0pteryx

    MSavoritias (fae,ve): huh?

  92. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    it was to the gajim mobile friendly. i was mentioning that somebody can take the library behind gajim and make a mobile friendly ui on top

  93. lovetox

    pep., TOR does only support A and AAAA record resolution, keep that in mind

  94. lovetox

    other than that, no, nothing special is happening

  95. pep.

    Yeah I know. And I realized Dino didn't care much and got me SRV records anyway, so I figured it didn't use Tor for DNS

  96. lovetox

    so how do you configure tor?

  97. lovetox

    should it not be impossible to get SRV records, that would mean dino does not use tor

  98. lovetox

    of course the server could block tor connections also

  99. lovetox

    do you have a different client that works with the same server over tor?

  100. Louis

    > Louis: it was never intended for mobile I know, but maybe someone oneday could be interested on working on it. I would if I had the skills

  101. Louis

    anyway, it's just a suggestion as I like gajim desktop a lot

  102. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *dfbf5a8e* < > fix: Avatar: Draw status circle correctly for scale > 1

  103. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *6651b2d4* < > fix: Message input: Don't allow text actions if input is disabled

  104. fjklp

    what is status circle?

  105. Veronica

    a circle that shows a status 😁

  106. cal0pteryx

    the colored dot in the status selector

  107. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *829ee4a2* < > fix: Icons: Register icon size to make it work for scale > 1

  108. fjklp

    my big gajim guy shrunk :)

  109. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *6767244a* < > fix: ChatList: Update mute state periodically Fixes #11456

  110. pep.

    > so how do you configure tor? On gajim just the regular way via the proxy settings. I have the tor daemon running and serving socks5 on localhost:9050 as usual. For dino I use torsocks, or maybe the {all,http{,s}}_proxy variables (all set to socks5), I think that worked too

  111. pep.

    I'm more or less sure I get Dino to connect via Tor to the host, but yeah it got my SRV records so that's definitely not Tor.

  112. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *e1b4bc44* < > cfix: Fix contrast of decorative Gajim symbolic background icon

  113. fjklp

    >fix: ChatList: Update mute state periodically I'm just curious, is there some reason that the mute timer timeout cannot signal an update of the icon?

  114. lovetox

    there is no mute timer

  115. lovetox

    thats what this commit implements

  116. fjklp

    umm, we've had an option to mute chat for 30 min, 1 hr, etc. for awhile

  117. lovetox

    yeah but that does not mean you need a timer

  118. lovetox

    30 mins means i set a timestamp to 23:30

  119. fjklp


  120. lovetox

    when a message comes it checks if its past 23:30

  121. lovetox

    no need for some running timer

  122. fjklp

    I see

  123. fjklp

    is it more difficult to do a timer?

  124. lovetox

    its not difficult just not an elegant solution to have X timers running in the background

  125. lovetox

    its easier to save a timestamp

  126. lovetox

    and periodically check if we are past that timestamp

  127. lovetox

    then you have 1 timer running for 100 chats

  128. lovetox

    and not 100 timers

  129. fjklp

    I defer to your choice, but my thinking is that it's more graceful to do a timer, then update icon when done

  130. fjklp

    I imagine the cost of multiple timers is low

  131. pep.

    A timer? How do you do a client-side timer?

  132. lovetox

    but it does not scale

  133. pep.

    Or I don't get the feature maybe

  134. lovetox

    pep., we are talking about code, a callback in X seconds

  135. pep.


  136. pep.

    I thought it was a mute timer, that is muting a person in a room for X seconds :P

  137. pep.

    (Which would be ok, but a bit hard to do client-side)

  138. fjklp

    notification muting for chats

  139. fjklp

    timed notification muting for chats

  140. fjklp

    time-limited notification muting for chats

  141. pep.


  142. lovetox

    that reminds me, i will watch now one more start trek episode

  143. lovetox

    then go to sleep

  144. fjklp

    lovetox: is there anything you would recommend to test with focus returning other than conflicting with shortcuts?

  145. fjklp

    star trek is pretty cool :)

  146. lovetox

    no i guess just use it, as i know you, you will run into something :D

  147. fjklp

    lol, I'll try :)

  148. fjklp

    it's working fine so far

  149. lovetox

    yeah i also made sure you can select text now from a message, copy and then just hit ctrl + v

  150. lovetox

    which reminds me, would be cool to have one shortcut that does this in one go

  151. lovetox

    without ctrl + c and ctrl + v

  152. lovetox

    basically a "move this selection to my input"

  153. fjklp

    like quote selection?

  154. fjklp

    with a >

  155. lovetox


  156. lovetox

    or maybe not quoting?

  157. lovetox

    but yeah most of the time you want quoting

  158. fjklp

    with quoting is more likely useful to me, I think

  159. lovetox

    maybe not even selecting

  160. lovetox

    just place the cursor in a message

  161. lovetox

    and then hit shortcut, should quote the whole message

  162. lovetox

    basically what the message menu "Quote" button does

  163. cal0pteryx

    Make it Ctrl+Q and.. where did Gajim go?

  164. fjklp

    middle-click a line?

  165. lovetox

    ah middle-click already pasts the selection

  166. lovetox

    so this feature is already present on linux

  167. fjklp


  168. fjklp

    it's not much to then press home, the type >

  169. fjklp

    I think middle click quoting would be nice though

  170. Linuxhelptipsxmpp

    how do you creat a xmpp server and how do you connect it too your gajim client, looked everywhere.

  171. Linuxhelptipsxmpp

    how do you creat a xmpp server and how do you connect it too your gajim client, looked everywhere>

  172. Linuxhelptipsxmpp

    how do you creat a xmpp server and how do you connect it too your gajim client, looked everywhere?

  173. fjklp

    Linuxhelptipsxmpp: what gajim version are you using?

  174. fjklp

    are you wanting to create a server or a group chat?

  175. fjklp

    are you wanting to create a server or a new group chat on an existing server?

  176. fjklp

    if you want to create a group chat, just click the + icon at the upper left of the window and click 'Create Group Chat'

  177. fjklp

    that will create a group chat at the domain of the account you choose in that window