Gajim - 2023-11-03

  1. robertoo

    Is a 'there are devices that you didn't yet decide to trust' notice in the chat view and shields with ! sings normal for blind trust mode? I don't have those despite having blind trust on, but a friend does. What's behind the difference?

  2. robertoo

    If it's due to blind trust disabled for a contact for whatever reason (the toggle says blind trust enabled), the can it be reset?

  3. var

    Does gajim have build in tor?

  4. var

    I see option for tor and tor browser In setting

  5. var

    How is this used

  6. fjklp

    that connects to tor using using socks, no guarantees that things won't be leaked. DNS might leak.

  7. fjklp

    you have to have Tor installed separately to use that, it is not built into gajim

  8. fjklp

    I think torsocks is the recommended way, but I've had problems with that

  9. fjklp

    > but that would not explain the 100% cpu lovetox it was caused by the xml console being opened

  10. umu

    use socat

  11. umu

    set a systemd user service that has a socat socks 4a to the domain ur connecting to

  12. umu


  13. umu

    that only covers that one host

  14. fjklp

    umu: how does this relate to Tor?

  15. umu

    so disable file previews

  16. umu

    socat TCP-LISTEN:1234 SOCKS4A:,socksport=9050

  17. umu

    something like this

  18. umu

    idk it's just reliable way to connect over Tor for most things

  19. umu

    for me idm connecting to my sever over Tor and then downloading files without tor

  20. umu

    I kind of like this as an option

  21. 222m5

    robertoo: did your friend make a manual trust decision at some point? I do not use (or recommend) blind trust, but iirc omemo fingerprints in gajim can/could have an auto trust state, try toggling the contact fingerprints to that > With BTBV enabled, Gajim will blindly trust any device a contact might be using, and new devices will be trusted as well. As long as you don’t verify a fingerprint, Gajim will mark any new fingerprint as ‘blindly trusted’. As soon as you verify a contact, you have to verify every new fingerprint (e.g. if the contact adds a new device).

  22. astanad_

    Hi all ! i want try nbxmpp-client ..... but i dont know how to install gtk4 in python

  23. hannibal

    astanad_: if you are not on windows, your distribution should have it

  24. astanad_

    iam on windows 10

  25. astanad_

    hannibal, how can i install gtk4 with pip command ?

  26. hannibal

    I don't think it's available via pip. As I am no Windows user, I cannot help you with that.

  27. astanad_

    hannibal, okey thanks :)

  28. robertoo

    222m5: no, they didn't do a manual trust decision AFAIK. All the fingerprints have "blind trust" status in their client which I assume is the auto trust don't ask state

  29. robertoo

    222m5: so hypothetically if this is caused by them trying to verify some fingerprint by mistake and then reverting that back to blind trust. Can this be reset, ie. so that they don't have to verify every new fingerprint / no longer have fingerprint notices?

  30. 222m5

    robertoo: best ask one of the devs what the easiest / recommended way is to do that ;)

  31. robertoo

    Devs? You there?

  32. polarian

    robertoo: wait... people arent available 24/7

  33. lovetox

    astanad_, you cannot install it on windows

  34. seacat

    how do i pronounce gajim

  35. meson

    seacat, `/ɡɛˈʒiːm/`

  36. seacat


  37. meson

    btw, who picked _this_ screenshot!?

  38. seacat


  39. seacat

    someone ought to replace it

  40. seacat

    as it does not reflect actual gajim

  41. var

    > you have to have Tor installed separately to use that, it is not built into gajim Tor browser or tor system

  42. lovetox

    meson, you dont like our main feature the server info window?

  43. lovetox

    robertoo, yes, simply press the shield and set to blind trust, if every fingerprint is on blind trust it will not ask you anymore

  44. seacat

    > > you have to have Tor installed separately to use that, it is not built into gajim > Tor browser or tor system tor system

  45. var

    Do you guys think mullvad is trusted

  46. var

    And does it work with gajim

  47. meson

    lovetox, no, it's actually great. The chat functionality is definitely overrated 😹️

  48. meson

    I mean who uses that in Gajim...

  49. cal0pteryx

    Did somebody change it back? I only see the main window's screenshot I uploaded a while ago

  50. meson

    cal0pteryx, nope I still see Discover services and Server info:

  51. meson

    and it's a pretty old screenshot from 2018

  52. cal0pteryx

    Ah that one, yeah I see that one, too. But the main screenshot is of Gajim's main window

  53. meson

    uh, now I see the issue ...

  54. meson

  55. meson

    by bad, for some reason the screenshot was hidden by default

  56. robertoo

    > robertoo, yes, simply press the shield and set to blind trust, if every fingerprint is on blind trust it will not bronko

  57. robertoo

    ask you anymore

  58. robertoo

    lovetox, there's no such toggle in there. If you mean the Blind Trust toggle in account settings, that one's turned on...

  59. lovetox

    in the dialog where the fingerprints are

  60. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *de79ed08* < > cq: Fix _on_draft_update content type

  61. seacat

    i think gajim's logo should be a bit bigger, no

  62. seacat

    in the wikipedia's article

  63. seacat

    also, the screenshot shouldn't be hidden

  64. cal0pteryx

    seacat, I'm about to change that :)

  65. seacat


  66. cal0pteryx

    can't seem to change to logo size. there is a parameter, but it's nowhere documented

  67. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *52033455* < > cq: Logging: Use ISO format for timestamps Closes #11576

  68. Hiker

    Just installed a new Ubuntu 23.10 installation and installed Gajim from repository. Plugin OMEMO is missing...

  69. cal0pteryx

    Hiker, OMEMO has been integrated. no idea which version 23.10 ships?

  70. Hiker

    But under "plugins" OMEMO isn´t noted...

  71. QStambaugh

    It won't appear under plugins anymore. The functionality is integrated. It should be in your account settings instead. What version are you using?

  72. fjklp

    >Closes #11576 nice

  73. Hiker

    Yes I see now - in the dialog config für P2P OMEMO is given as option - so everything ok !

  74. Hiker

    Yes, found it in the account settings - btw version is 1.8.1

  75. cal0pteryx

    Hiker, that's good :)

  76. cal0pteryx

    Post dates are working again:

  77. Hiker

    Oh I see, current version would be 1.8.2 - so flatpak would be better than Ubuntu repository?

  78. cal0pteryx

    Hiker, ubuntu doesn't receive updates that often, so if you want to be on the latest version, flatpak would be an option

  79. seacat

    freebsd is still on 1.3.3

  80. seacat

    is the maintainer here?

  81. Hiker

    Ok , will see - thanks.

  82. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *0611f8d6* < > fix: Emojis: Improve detection of shortcode start Fixes #11594

  83. var

    How to sync between desktop and phone?

  84. fjklp

    cal0pteryx: do you fix these things at random or do you have a list in mind of the ones you want to fix?

  85. fjklp

    the emoji one felt kind of random to me :)

  86. var

    are there any settings on Gajim that i should pay attention to

  87. cal0pteryx

    fjklp, it was random, I browsed issues and thought, well, that should be easy to reproduce

  88. lovetox

    var, not that i know of, if you dont have a problem, dont change anything

  89. var

    what about privacy settings

  90. cal0pteryx

    there certainly are issues I like to have fixed, but some are complex and not a thing for some free minutes inbetween (those complex ones need more motivation, and planning)

  91. fjklp

    I'm certainly not complaining. I appreciate all work done. I can see how a lot of it does require planning to prevent wasted effort.