Gajim - 2023-10-30

  1. umu

    cal0pteryx, wuts debacle?

  2. cal0pteryx

    umu: the person managing gajim's debian packages

  3. PMR

    What about on mint?

  4. nicoco

    lovetox: 6.1, no resource for `` - yes

  5. nicoco

    6.2 - legacy identifiers with JID escaping, yes, usually. For some services, it's an integer, so no escaping needing. For others, there is a human-readable username, I try to use that if possible. For some networks, some IDs, notably groups are case-sensitive, so I used base32

  6. nicoco

    6.3 - jabber:iq:gateway, yes. the current implementation is not great, but I have something. Actually, this is most useful for networks where you need a phone number to have an account. For whatsapp, the phone number is the JID localpart, so it's not very useful, but for signal or telegram, you need a phone number, but then your user ID is not that number, so that jabber:iq:gateway protocol is nice to use I think.

  7. nicoco

    Congrats on the release! Too bad didn't make it for the transport icon in MUCs. I didn't have feedback on this, I guess for biboumi it does some bad things? I didn't notice any.

  8. cal0pteryx

    nicoco: there will always be a next release :)

  9. cal0pteryx

    PMR: For Mint (i.e. Ubuntu) there is no maintainer I know of

  10. nicoco

    hehe ofc there will be! ;-)

  11. PMR

    Isn't mint based off debian?

  12. cal0pteryx

    PMR: either way, no direct maintainer

  13. Menel

    When mint next synchronizes oldstable Debian...

  14. debacle

    cal0pteryx It was by chance that I saw the commit here and had some time at hand :-)

  15. polarian

    new release \o/

  16. polarian

    back to the previous topic I brought up on Sunday morning, gajim broke after the clock ticked past midnight, monocles IM did not have thie issue thus it is _most likely_ not a server issue. Are you sure there is no bugs when handling the timestamps of messages

  17. polarian

    sorry not past midnight

  18. polarian

    when the clock went back 1 hour

  19. polarian

    Gajim couldn't figure out how to put "old" messages which were actually new

  20. polarian

    so firstly sorting of messages is done by timestamp, surely it should be done by unix epoch?

  21. planeterde

    I have added a single contact in Gajim, which is visible in my contact list, but without the message I wrote in the text field of "Add contact". My question: is this standard and I have to wait for the contact's feedback first? Or how can I see my message text?

  22. lovetox_

    That's a message only the contact sees

  23. lovetox_

    It's not a chat message

  24. planeterde

    And I can't see this message on me either? That would mean I can only see my message when the contact has replied to me - right?

  25. lovetox

    planeterde, the message you add when you add a contact, is like a greeting, a message that the contact sees when he gets your friend request. Like "Hi, thomas here, please add me"

  26. lovetox

    thats not a chat message, you will never see that message again

  27. lovetox

    if you want to send the contact a message, click the plus button in the top, type the contact name, and open a chat

  28. CryptoMobley


  29. CryptoMobley

    I have a problem with password saved, every time I open gajim ask for the password Someone can help me ?

  30. fjklp

    I am also curious about the issue polarian describes

  31. fjklp

    I am also curious about the issue polarian describes, but I haven't experienced it

  32. meson

    polarian: > gajim broke after the clock ticked past midnight What does that mean?

  33. fjklp

    he gave some details some hours back

  34. lovetox

    CryptoMobley, do you have a keyring installed?

  35. lovetox

    like GnomeKeyring for example?

  36. lovetox

    polarian, did you experience that messages where in the wrong order?

  37. lovetox

    and was this for loading a new chat, or when live messages arrived?

  38. polarian

    lovetox, yes

  39. polarian

    the messages are in the wrong order

  40. CryptoMobley

    > CryptoMobley, do you have a keyring installed? Yep

  41. cryptomobley

    > lovetox‎ with $ gajim -l gajim.password=INFO output:

  42. lovetox

    Gajim seems not be able to reach the keyring via dbus

  43. lovetox

    what keyring have you installed?

  44. lovetox

    how did you install Gajim?

  45. cryptomobley

    lovetox, idk what keyring I have I installed Gajim by apt

  46. lovetox

    ok, but you need a keyring, its a separate software, gajim does not depend on it

  47. lovetox

    google keyring for your distribution

  48. lovetox

    polarian, i think i found the problem

  49. polarian


  50. polarian

    what is the issue?

  51. polarian

    sorry for not responding to all the mentions I have been pulling apart computers all day (also why I disconnected from the channel because my server was one of them) so I haven't found time to respond.

  52. lovetox

    sorting seems not to consider the timezone

  53. cryptomobley

    lovetox, the keyring is already installed

  54. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *f2245248* < > fix: GroupchatRoster: Check for contact before trying to load roster Fixes #11666

  55. fjklp

    > sorting seems not to consider the timezone nice, I'm glad we caught this

  56. fjklp

    what are these sentry events logged on

  57. lovetox

    bug reports

  58. fjklp

    are they the auto-generated ones from the whatever-it's-called (what is it called?) error detection thing?

  59. lovetox

    i dont know any error detection thing

  60. lovetox

    if there is an error you get displayed a error dialog

  61. lovetox

    you can then chose to send the data, or not

  62. fjklp

    that's what I'm talking about, I didn't know what it's called, if it has a name

  63. lovetox

    maybe error dialog :D

  64. fjklp

    so the auto-generated reports go to

  65. fjklp

    so the auto-generated reports go to I always wondered.

  66. lovetox

    currently yes

  67. fjklp

    so the auto-generated reports go to I always wondered where they go.

  68. lovetox

    we can chose a different error backend at any time

  69. fjklp

    do they include coredumps?

  70. lovetox

    only the data is sent which you see in the error dialog

  71. cryptomobley

    lovetox, I don’t understand what the problem is about keyring

  72. cryptomobley

    other software use it without problem

  73. lovetox

    gajim cannot access your keyring, thats the problem

  74. lovetox

    as it says in the error, the dbus service name is is not there

  75. lovetox

    maybe you need to activate it in your keyring

  76. lovetox

    hard to say when you dont tell us what keyring you use

  77. cryptomobley

    lovetox, keyring - Python-Keyring command-line utility

  78. cryptomobley

    and gnome-keyring

  79. cryptomobley

    gnome-keyring-3 and gnome-keyring-deamon is installed in my OS

  80. lovetox

    hm seems i read the errors wrong, it tries to use kwallet

  81. lovetox

    which is expected to not work

  82. lovetox

    try to start gajim from console like this

  83. lovetox

    `PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring gajim`

  84. cryptomobley

    lovetox, still not work

  85. lovetox

    can you again send the log

  86. cryptomobley

    is the same error

  87. cryptomobley

  88. lovetox

    i need the top of the log file

  89. lovetox

    that lists all keyrings and the priorities

  90. cryptomobley

    is the top

  91. lovetox

    you need to apply the same logging config as befoe

  92. lovetox

    with $ gajim -l gajim.password=INFO

  93. lovetox

    or simple -v

  94. cryptomobley


  95. lovetox

    .... with the environment var set

  96. lovetox

    PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring gajim -v

  97. var

    lovetox: ?

  98. lovetox

    btw what is your gajim version?

  99. cryptomobley


  100. lovetox

    var you chose a good name for a software development channel :)

  101. cryptomobley

    > PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring gajim -v I send this befor run gajim

  102. cryptomobley

    > PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring gajim -v I send this before run gajim

  103. lovetox

    i dont think that works

  104. cryptomobley

    also if I run with "PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring gajim -v" same error

  105. lovetox

    yeah but i need the log !!

  106. cryptomobley

    lovetox, too many output to send on paste service

  107. lovetox

    i need only the linkes from the top where it lists the keyring backends

  108. lovetox

    PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring gajim -l gajim.password=INFO

  109. lovetox

    do this then

  110. cryptomobley

    lovetox, I think I have solved by changing the parameter in the settings uses global key ring

  111. cryptomobley

    Now the passwords where are saved?

  112. lovetox

    global keyring?

  113. lovetox

    i dont know such setting

  114. cryptomobley

    in advanced setting

  115. cryptomobley

    Now I doubt whether the passwords are saved

  116. lovetox

    ok my time is out for today

  117. lovetox

    oh boy this timestamp stuff will be a big refactor

  118. fjklp

    > oh boy this timestamp stuff will be a big refactor dang

  119. lovetox

    luckily the problem will not happen again for a year :d

  120. lovetox

    and who is up at 3 o clock in the morning anyway

  121. Lightning Bjornsson (they, he, xe/hir) sighs

  122. meson

    lovetox: does this issue also happen when travelling and the client's timezone changes because of that?

  123. lovetox

    no, the problem is that we dont use a timezone for sorting

  124. lovetox

    hence timestamps between summer and wintertime exists twice

  125. lovetox

    but this is only a UI thing

  126. lovetox

    in the database everything is utc

  127. fjklp

    > luckily the problem will not happen again for a year :d Actually, for North America DST ends on Nobember 5th.

  128. fjklp

    > luckily the problem will not happen again for a year :d Actually, for North America, DST ends on Nobember 5th.

  129. polarian


  130. polarian

    well then a trail two 👀

  131. polarian

    find an American who is willing to stay up all night haha