Gajim - 2023-10-24

  1. umu

    dryan: u wanna sign ur messages with pgp?

  2. dryan

    umu: do you have an ideea?

  3. umu


  4. umu

    ig u can just do inline for now if you'd like

  5. dryan

    > wym umu: *#verifiable_identiy_in_public_mucs* In case someone is trying to impersonate you *IN A PUBLIC MUC* -aka MITM ( like in the case of ) -or malicious admin -or somebody who stoled/knows the password of your xmpp account

  6. dryan

    > wym umu: *#verifiable_identiy_in_public_mucs* In case someone is trying to impersonate you *IN A PUBLIC MUC* -aka MITM ( like in the case of ) -or malicious admin -or somebody who stoled/knows the password of your xmpp account

  7. dryan

    *#how* I wish I attach to this account a PGP public key. And change my name to: *[key id] dryan* or something like that, where *key id = last 8 digits of the PGP public key fingerprint*

  8. dryan

    This way, if I chat a lot, people could recognize it ( I hope ). So, if someone somehow gets my password and tries to impersonate me in a public MUC, he can't demonstrate that is me. -If he says something funny, he is unable to sign that message with my public key at someones request. -If he is trying to change the PGP key, he will need to also change the "key id" at the nickname. And people will notice ( Again. I hope. ).

  9. dryan

    *#question* When I create the gnupg key pair, it asks me for "name, email, etc". Should I put my xmpp account, ex: ? Is it a good ideea to keep my xmpp address private?

  10. umu

    why not just every day ur online set an account canary comment in ur vcard signing the time and the btc block #

  11. umu

    in gajim

  12. dryan

    umu: I have to understand the method. And your slang 😂 Someone else suggested is one suggestion

  13. umu

  14. dryan

    umu: you you suggest to sign a message and put in the comments every day? A bit of pain in the ass.

  15. dryan

    umu: you suggest to sign a message and put in the comments every day? A bit of pain in the ass.

  16. dryan

    umu: you suggest to sign a message and put in the comments every day? A bit of pain in the ass. And does not prevent someone to impersonate me latter in the day.

  17. dryan

    umu: you suggest to sign a message and put in the comments every day? A bit of pain in the ass. And does not prevent someone from impersonating me latter in the day.

  18. dryan

    umu: you suggest to sign a message and put in the comments every day? A bit of pain in the ass. And does not prevent someone from impersonating me latter in the day. And I don't think anyone will verifiy that signed message every day.

  19. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    Omemo already signs messages. You dont have to use a different encryption to sign messages.

  20. fjklp

    what might cause corrected messages to display as separate messages instead of replacing the original?

  21. mrdoctorwho

    gajim is constantly consuming 10-15% of my CPU even when idle

  22. mrdoctorwho

    no log activity, no xml log activity

  23. fjklp

    mrdoctorwho: are there any chats that are in a reconnecting state where the chat row in the chat list to the left shows the rotating icon?

  24. mrdoctorwho

    fjklp, yes

  25. fjklp

    stop those and check cpu usage

  26. mrdoctorwho

    yes, it helped

  27. mrdoctorwho

    thanks fjklp

  28. fjklp

    you're welcome, I've run into that myself

  29. mrdoctorwho

    fjklp, did you report it?

  30. fjklp

    I have in this chat

  31. fjklp

    I think it's just one of those things where the only thing that could reduce cpu usage is eliminating the animation

  32. dryan

    For how long does gajim run on python?

  33. fjklp

    I don't know what my opinion is on these things. Maybe a static "connecting" icon would be better?

  34. cal0pteryx

    I doubt that a CSS animation causes 15% cpu

  35. cal0pteryx

    dryan: 19 years

  36. fjklp

    > I doubt that a CSS animation causes 15% cpu it does something close to that for me

  37. fjklp

    > I doubt that a CSS animation causes 15% cpu it does something close to that for me. I believe over 10%. No, it's not an ancient or slow cpu.

  38. Link Mauve

    Modern CPUs can go down to very low frequencies, mine for instance can stay at 400 MHz when in idle, in that case 15% isn’t that much.

  39. Link Mauve

    They can also go much higher, mine turbos to 3.6 GHz.

  40. mrdoctorwho

    Link Mauve, that's not the case

  41. Link Mauve

    mrdoctorwho, what frequency is yours?

  42. fjklp

    Honestly, I have no idea how monitoring tools like htop or gnome-system-monitor calculate cpu percent used. Are they counting percentage against current frequency or max frequency?

  43. Link Mauve

    mrdoctorwho, also you can run `perf top -p $(pidof gajim)` to get a feeling of where that CPU time is spent.

  44. Link Mauve

    fjklp, against current of course.

  45. fjklp

    that's not at all my intuition

  46. Link Mauve

    Also they only report what the kernel reports.

  47. Link Mauve

    That’s why profiling usually counts in cycles, not in percentage of usage.

  48. fjklp

    that kind of makes the percent numbers meaningless

  49. umu


  50. umu

    cpu regulates itself

  51. Link Mauve

    Indeed, they have been meaningless ever since the first CPUs with frequency scaling.

  52. umu

    depends on it's state

  53. umu

    if it's overheated the capacity is reduced

  54. umu

    so it works from both ends

  55. Link Mauve

    Still a good indicator if e.g. you have one core used at 100%, you know there is either a long computation going on, or an infinite loop of some kind.

  56. fjklp

    an someone summarize how these tools do or can measure this?

  57. fjklp

    can someone summarize how these tools do or can measure this?

  58. mrdoctorwho

    Link Mauve, I'm sure my cpu was not running at 400MHz as it was used by other applications. I can't reproduce the problem now, but if I see it, I'll see which core that was and what frequency it was at

  59. Link Mauve

    umu, when writing software, one of the goals is to not overheat anything, to maximise battery usage, to minimise power consumption, etc.

  60. umu


  61. umu

    why would it overheat when writing software?

  62. Link Mauve

    fjklp, I’m not well-versed in the details, but some tools (like valgrind) will run the program in a simulator, keeping track of every single instruction, this is obviously quite costly.

  63. Link Mauve

    Some tools (like perf) use a stochastic approach, where they will poll hardware counters at regular interval to estimate how much time is spent where.

  64. Link Mauve

    Some tools (like cProfile) will instrument the code, adding overhead at the beginning and end of each function in order to obtain informations about it.

  65. Link Mauve

    Which one(s) you use depends on which particular areas you are interested in, which language the program you’re profiling is written in, etc.

  66. Link Mauve

    umu, I mean you write the software hoping that it will not cause those issues on the users’ computers.

  67. umu

    wouldn't the CPU handle that tho?

  68. umu

    the not overheating part

  69. Link Mauve

    Many developers don’t take those into account, this creates software which is less efficient for every user.

  70. Link Mauve

    umu, sure, at worst your computer will shut down instead of destroying itself, but unless the software you are using is a scientific program which uses as much computation as possible, it’s generally expected that you don’t overheat anything.

  71. Link Mauve

    Even (good) video games try to avoid overheating anything, so that it continues running correctly during a long period of time.

  72. dashabi


  73. Link Mauve

    Hi dashabi, welcome here. :)

  74. meson

    > Many developers don’t take those into account, this creates software which is less efficient for every user. In this context I'd like to mention the > FOSS Energy Efficiency Project and the > Blauer Engel For FOSS (BE4FOSS) certification of the German Environment Agency, which together aim to enhance the efficiency of Software:

  75. meson

    > Many developers don’t take those into account, this creates software which is less efficient for every user. In this context I'd like to mention the > FOSS Energy Efficiency Project and the > Blauer Engel For FOSS (BE4FOSS) certification of the German Environment Agency, which together aim to enhance the efficiency of software in order to reduce the energy consumption of the system:

  76. dashabi

    gajim support o memo and it is safe

  77. dashabi

    what about otr

  78. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    Otr is obsolete

  79. ☭Mike Yellow

    (sigh) I guess this “dashabi” is another Chinese who still persists OTR.

  80. Belgin

    ☭Mike Yellow, how rude

  81. franck-x

    rudeness is the meaning of "da shabi" in chinese, i'm right Mike ?

  82. ☭Mike Yellow

    Please, talk in private messages.

  83. polarian

    MSavoritias (fae,ve), not exactly, it is still used for rigidly anonymous clients (such as coyim)

  84. polarian

    OMEMO is now preferred for every day use

  85. polarian

    but OTR is still useful for a one off conversation which you never want to be seen

  86. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    no its not

  87. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    cryptography has moved on

  88. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    if you want to see metadata resistant protection i reccomend reading the bramble protocol from briar

  89. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    it will give you a sense where we are currently in cryptography.

  90. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    that and signal stuff of course

  91. polarian

    MSavoritias (fae,ve), well tell other clients to catch up then if you want to be a twat about it

  92. polarian

    I think you forget the complexity of implementing secure encryption algorithms

  93. polarian

    some XMPP clients support no E2E encryption at all

  94. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    every xmpp app i have come across has caught up so no idea what you are talking about

  95. polarian

    Spark doesn't have any encryption

  96. polarian

    and I am pretty sure Coyim still uses OTR

  97. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    i feel like we are getting ot here. and these seem like clients that need to be updated. especially since they dont have a doap file to be added to the site

  98. Neustradamus

    It is possible to look for Thanks in advance

  99. polarian


  100. polarian

    channel bindings has been coming up a ton in the XMPP community since the MitM

  101. polarian

    but channel bindings is designed to prevent authentication credentials being yanked and reused

  102. polarian


  103. polarian

    channel bindings require a large amount of time and developer effort, other XMPP software has stated to implement it they would need a full time developer to do so

  104. polarian

    Maybe its different for gajim, but thats what I have heard

  105. wwww


  106. debacle

    MSavoritias (fae,ve), I assume, OTR might still come handy, if you like to communicate encrypted with IRC users over Biboumi.

  107. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    ah there yeah probably it does. i wonder how many actually do that nowadays though. with choices like jami, briar and i2pbote even. i hope at least.

  108. Zatalyz

    Hello ! I have Gajim 1.8.1. Since some time, I have a trouble : when I connect, i don't join my room automatically. it say that "i left this room". But I never leave, only close Gajim at the end of the night... There are an option to change this ?

  109. pep.

    Zatalyz, maybe it's just a question of UX. Technically you do leave everytime you disconnect. Just that maybe it was never shown this way in previous releases

  110. chud

    How do you test the flatpak version, is there some trick like pip -e ?

  111. chud

    I'm having a hard time getting flatpak-builder to actually "notice" the changes I'm making

  112. pep.

    Zatalyz, there would be an issue if you had to rejoin manually (by clicking something), but I don't think that's the case, right?

  113. Zatalyz

    I can join manually, no problem for this

  114. Zatalyz

    juste it take a long time to click on each room one after the other

  115. pep.

    Ah so you do have to click?

  116. Zatalyz

    yes, click and click again :)

  117. pep.

    Ok that's meh

  118. Link Mauve

    Zatalyz, do you know whether your bookmarks are set to autojoin?

  119. Link Mauve

    This sounds like they aren’t.

  120. dryan

    No. It is not a Conversations bug it seems. I send a pm from Gajim. But the reply is received only on C. I tought that's because I use C and Gajim at the same time. Or because I have the server archive disabled ( sorry Licaon_Kter 😆️ ). But it seems it is a Gajim bug. I can see I'm sending pms. But I can't see those I receive. I have to close the PM windows, and reopen it. And only then the pms seem to appear. Gajim 1.5.1 ( 1.4.7 really debian oldstable backports ), connected over Tor to a clearnet provider.

  121. Zatalyz

    Link Mauve : I don't know where we see "bookmark" on gajim. Maybe that but where i can fix it ?

  122. dryan

    > Link Mauve : I don't know where we see "bookmark" on gajim. Maybe that but where i can fix it ? Zatalyz, look on 'Advanced Configuration Editor'. Search there for 'bookmark'. Change some settings and the restart. Don't forget to make a backup.

  123. cal0pteryx

    Zatalyz: this button only appears if the bookmark is not set to autojoin

  124. Link Mauve

    Zatalyz, I think just joining a room once sets the autojoin to true.

  125. Link Mauve

    But perhaps not if it’s set to false before? I don’t know.

  126. cal0pteryx

    >> Link Mauve : I don't know where we see "bookmark" on gajim. Maybe that but where i can fix it ? > Zatalyz, look on 'Advanced Configuration Editor'. Search there for 'bookmark'. Change some settings and the restart. Don't forget to make a backup. That is plain wrong. Please don't

  127. lovetox

    Zatalyz, i think your server has a problem storing the bookmark information

  128. lovetox

    you would need to provide debug logs

  129. lovetox

    there is nothing you can do yourself probably

  130. Zatalyz

    I am on movim :s

  131. Zatalyz


  132. pep.


  133. Zatalyz

    (yes ^^ )

  134. lovetox

    ah no movims bookmarks are broken

  135. lovetox

    the server currently has problems

  136. pep.

    lovetox, the server does?

  137. lovetox

    they investigate this currently

  138. pep.

    Isn't it just movim?

  139. Zatalyz

    Ok so... it is this, I just wait :)

  140. Zatalyz

    thanks lovetox !

  141. pep.

    (the client and not the xmpp server, I mean)

  142. lovetox

    i assumed his server is

  143. lovetox

    why would he come to gajim chat, and tell us that he uses movim

  144. pep.

    their*, yes

  145. lovetox

    fyi pep

  146. pep.

    ugh, ok I see

  147. Zatalyz

    Yes, my account is on and I use gajim has client ;)

  148. Zatalyz

    sorry for noise, as I had updated the computer shortly before seeing this problem, I thought it was my client who was at fault

  149. dryan

    > No. It is not a Conversations bug it seems. I send a pm from Gajim. But the reply is received only on C. I tought that's because I use C and Gajim at the same time. Or because I have the server archive disabled ( sorry Licaon_Kter 😆️ ). But it seems it is a Gajim bug. > I can see I'm sending pms. But I can't see those I receive. I have to close the PM windows, and reopen it. And only then the pms seem to appear. > Gajim 1.5.1 ( 1.4.7 really debian oldstable backports ), connected over Tor to a clearnet provider. I don't see the PMs I should receive on gajim. I see only those I sent.

  150. dryan

    > I don't see the PMs I should receive on gajim. I see only those I sent. Should I open an issue?

  151. lissine

    You didn't mention that you disabled server archiving...

  152. dryan

    > You didn't mention that you disabled server archiving... Or because I have the server archive I did. But I did some tests with it enabled and it is the same thing. Thank's that you rememberd me to disable it again.

  153. lissine

    Oh sorry, it's actually mentioned in the quote that you disabled archiving

  154. dryan

    lissine And with Conversations, the PMs in *public mucs* work fine without server archiving. On Gajim doesn't work either way.

  155. bot

    Philipp HĂśrist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _python-nbxmpp_ < >: *8a87dc77* < > refactor: Rewrite channel binding code - Fix some bugs related to XEP-0388 (SASL2)

  156. lissine

    > refactor: Rewrite channel binding code congrats!

  157. lovetox

    the code is non-functional, its just there in case of GLib supports it some day

  158. bot

    Philipp HĂśrist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _python-nbxmpp_ < >: *bf73fcc1* < > change: Raise GLib version

  159. Link Mauve

    lovetox, what is missing in glib?

  160. Link Mauve

    Is there an issue?

  161. lovetox

    not exactly glib, its the bindings

  162. lovetox

  163. lovetox

    seems the developer adding channel binding to glib, chose a very rare way to pass the data

  164. lovetox

    one thats not currently supported by the bindings

  165. lovetox

    or broken

  166. var

    Thoughts on simplex claims its better than xmpp and matrix

  167. dryan

    var, You belive me I was about to ask the same thing?

  168. var

    Apparently its funded by village global

  169. var

    Which is funded by bill gates, Jeff bezos, mark zuck

  170. dryan

    Well, it is still open source.

  171. dryan

    AGPL-3. Not open-source. It is free/libre software really.

  172. bot

    Daniel BrĂśtzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *4fd5f6a0* < > imprv: ChatBanner: Don't show QR code for privated MUCs Fixes #11647

  173. var

    > Well, it is still open source. Open source, decentralized, no identifiers

  174. var

    You connect by sharing a link

  175. var

    But the funding is suspect

  176. dryan

    It looks amazing. But I don't know how it really works. I'm not that skilled and I don't have the time. I'm way to poor.

  177. dryan

    lovetox, Thank you for all the great work you do.

  178. dryan

    > > No. It is not a Conversations bug it seems. I send a pm from Gajim. But the reply is received only on C. I tought that's because I use C and Gajim at the same time. Or because I have the server archive disabled ( sorry Licaon_Kter 😆️ ). But it seems it is a Gajim bug. > > I can see I'm sending pms. But I can't see those I receive. I have to close the PM windows, and reopen it. And only then the pms seem to appear. > > Gajim 1.5.1 ( 1.4.7 really debian oldstable backports ), connected over Tor to a clearnet provider. > I don't see the PMs I should receive on gajim. I see only those I sent. > > You didn't mention that you disabled server archiving... > Or because I have the server archive > I did. But I did some tests with it enabled and it is the same thing. Thank's that you rememberd me to disable it again. > lissine > And with Conversations, the PMs in *public mucs* work fine without server archiving. On Gajim doesn't work either way. Should I open an issue about this, or should I wait to upgrade to 1.8.1 before anything?

  179. dryan

    And lovetox, regarding this issue, about 'Distrust all certificates'. There are xmpp servers operators like and which have the fingerprint of the certificate posted on their websites. So again, I think that option it is really usefull for some people.

  180. lovetox

    you should try gajim 1.8.x because you are the first user in a long time that reports problems with PMs

  181. lovetox

    dryan, a website also uses TLS and a cert, why would you trust the website cert more than the xmpp server cert?

  182. lovetox

    chud, i think you have to build the flatpak after each code change, not sure why you would want to do that though

  183. lissine

    Actually, I recently reported problems with PMs =] But not this specific problem

  184. lovetox

    what problem?

  185. dryan

    I should run the older version, 1.3.1. I think it didn't open the pm in a separate window. It may be something about that.

  186. dryan

    > a website also uses TLS and a cert, why would you trust the website cert more than the xmpp server cert? lovetox, you are right. is uses the same cert for the web also. Hmm. And the warrent canarry is outdated.

  187. umu


  188. umu

    does gajim default to starttls

  189. umu

    or does it use regular tls

  190. umu

    if both are availible

  191. pep.

    Depends on the priority set by the server no?

  192. pep.

    Unless all have the same priority, right.

  193. umu

    does it?

  194. pep.

    It should. Otherwise we might as well get rid of SRV priority straight away

  195. umu

    i thot

  196. umu

    there was seprate

  197. umu

    srv records

  198. umu

    for both starttls and tls

  199. umu

    they arent in the same record meme

  200. umu

    isnt the priority determined for that single txt entery?

  201. pep.

    hmm that's true they aren't

  202. dryan

    Whice one is better? umu Direct or Start?

  203. umu

    direct obcourse

  204. dryan

    Gajim defaults to start tls.

  205. polarian


  206. umu


  207. polarian

    why did startls take over than direct tls?

  208. polarian

    afaik startls is less secure

  209. polarian

    because the initial connection is unencrypted

  210. polarian

    and it has to be upgraded

  211. dryan

    Noo wayyy.

  212. Menel

    Because once it was the successor of plaintext and a second tls port

  213. polarian


  214. umu

    probably internal firewall reason

  215. Menel

    It's jsut the standard for historical reasons. But every server can signal to support direct tls and clients will follow if they can

  216. dryan

    > because the initial connection is unencrypted > and it has to be upgraded I didn't know that. I have to change all my passwords. But I use the gajim version of the last year. Maby 1.8.x is different.

  217. umu

    xmpp and email is intended to be used on corportate networks

  218. polarian

    Menel, so basically direct tls should be used...

  219. polarian

    well I know why SMTP uses startls

  220. Link Mauve

    dryan, umu, STARTTLS isn’t any less secure no.

  221. polarian

    its for compatibility

  222. Menel

    >> because the initial connection is unencrypted >> and it has to be upgraded > I didn't know that. I have to change all my passwords. > But I use the gajim version of the last year. Maby 1.8.x is different. No. That's not how it works

  223. Menel

    You're fine

  224. Link Mauve

    The only benefits of direct TLS are one roundtrip less, and better integration with reverse proxies and such.

  225. umu

    start tls has different shape than tls tho

  226. Link Mauve

    Other than that, STARTTLS is the same.

  227. umu

    if u were multiplexing on 443 for fun might not be good4u

  228. dryan

    If the first connection is not encrypted, I might get mitm.

  229. Link Mauve

    dryan, direct TLS also isn’t encrypted on the first connection.

  230. dryan

    AA. Yea. I remember. That's why we need certificates.

  231. Link Mauve

    You first start by sending in clear text “hi, I’d like to talk with <domain>” and then the server replies with “oh sure, I’m <domain>, here is my certificate.”

  232. Link Mauve

    Then you can start encrypting.

  233. Link Mauve

    That’s exactly the same as STARTTLS, except there it’s done using XMPP stanzas instead of TLS.

  234. Link Mauve

    This comes from the era before SNI was a thing, XMPP got the ability to have per-domain certificates long before the web did.

  235. dryan

    Ahaa. Thank you. Not the place for the discussion. But thank you very much Link Mauve.

  236. umu

    does gajim default to websockets on connection?

  237. Link Mauve

    You’re welcome. :)

  238. dryan

    Link Mauve, I have a question if you have the time and the others. If some mitm intercept the handshake can he redirect me to another website and give the certificate of that other website? I mean if the is able to also mitm my dns request.

  239. Link Mauve

    Of course not, that’s what the certificate protects against.

  240. Link Mauve

    A DNS attacker can trick your client into thinking it has to connect to when you ask for your server, but then has to present a valid certificate for your domain.

  241. Link Mauve

    If the attacker controls DNS, and you don’t validate DNSSEC, that is.

  242. Link Mauve

    Also in that case, your server won’t even see the request, as it would be redirected to instead.

  243. dryan

    Aha. I understand that. But let's say he is redirecting me from to and I didn't notice. And the has a certificate that's valid.

  244. dryan

    If it is too complex and takes a lot of your time, I will search in other place. Thank you anyway for everything. I really apreciate it. 👍️

  245. Menel

    You're thinking like a browser does use http `moved`? That's not a thing. You want and your client will not somehow go to something else

  246. Menel

    If you want your client will error on anything except a valid cert for

  247. dryan

    > You're thinking like a browser does use http `moved`? That's not a thing. You want and your client will not somehow go to something else AA. Yea. That makes sense! Such a stupid question. I hope someday I will find enough time to learn about these things. I love it. Thank you very much Menel. And all of you.

  248. lovetox

    pep., fyi Gajim will always use direct tls if available first, there was this one xep that said to gather all priorities from all the connection methods and choose the highest or something, but its way to much work, no network lib supports mixing priorities from different dns entries, so you need to query all the dns entries and then add this logic on top

  249. lovetox

    we had a discussion about this a few years back, and the conclusion was, to not do this

  250. Menel

    Sounds reasonable, especially since everyone deploying direct tls as a sever sets records with higher priority for them anyway as far as I've seen.

  251. var

  252. Menel

    So its the same thing with less code, and why not let the client deside in the first place

  253. umu

    > can it do multi device?

  254. Menel

    var: from one vendor controlled protocol, with exactly one implementation? You can move there if you want but don't have to hijack rooms with other topics

  255. var

    >> > can it do multi device? Not yet

  256. dryan

    lovetox - I managed to hack somebody who has Blind Trust activated. He was such a not techical person. So, nothing worth bragging about 😂️. But young. So. I don't know. - A friend of mine. I was testing the security of our setup. I made an account that looked pretty similar to the one we chat on. I'v sent him a message. 'Please give me my number FAST, cuz I don't know it and I don't have it stored anywhere. I need it very fast'. And he did. And started talking about his personal stuff afterwards with somebody that wasn't technicaly me.

  257. dryan

    *The unverified chats should be colored the same way untrusted or unencrypted ones are.* Ok. Maby not red. But orange or yellow. - Or at least make that *lock* or *shild* icon bright yellow or birght or something that popsup.. The way it is right now, you don't really differentiate between verified and just blind trusted.

  258. umu


  259. dryan

    I made an account that looked very much like mine + the blind trust *icon* that you could barely differentiate that is not an verified account = WE HAVE A BIG SECURITY ISSUE.

  260. hannibal

    > I'm having a hard time getting flatpak-builder to actually "notice" the changes I'm making chud, if you are using the yaml files from repository, you have to change the source of the gajim module. You could change `type: git` to `type: dir` and `url: https://...` to `path: ..`.

  261. dryan

    > I made an account that looked very much like mine + the blind trust *icon* that you could barely differentiate that is not an verified account = WE HAVE A BIG SECURITY ISSUE. - Even for someone techy and worried about security, he can't easily differentiate between blind trusted and verified. And everyone has bad days. I think it's really really important to make the difference pop up. - Not an annoying difference. But a easy visible difference. Like making the icon really pop up either for blind trusted, either for verified.

  262. dryan

    > Every blindly trusted message has a lock, verified ones have a shield For which you need superman vision + eyeglasses + time + focus + and luck to differentiate.

  263. dryan

    > No message history isn't an indicator it is a different contact? Belive that when we talk about security, won't be any history most of the time.

  264. dryan

    I have sent him a video tutorial about how to set that autodelete to 1 day. Easy. It would be nice to have a future to delete his history like in TG or even Whatsapp. But I didn't requested that. I have requested a more visible difference between blind trusted and verified.