Gajim - 2023-10-15

  1. fjklp

    lovetox: I created a log on a profile just for testing this. It's the full log.

  2. fjklp

  3. fjklp

    if this has nothing to do with gajim, I apologize

  4. fjklp

    also, this was the last messages sent from that I see in gajim: Connecting to (encrypted) Connected to IRC server (encrypted). ERROR: Connection closed: TLS error: Received a record that exceeds maximum size

  5. lovetox

    fjklp, i looked into it

  6. lovetox

    after beeing kicked from the room, gajim sends a presence to rejoin the MUC

  7. lovetox

    but the server never answers it, instead we see that biboumi fails to connect to the server

  8. lovetox

    but if that happens biboumi needs to answer the join presence with a presence error

  9. lovetox

    that would allow gajim to try again 10 seconds later

  10. lovetox

    but as there is never an answer, Gajim thinks the join is in progress

  11. lovetox

    i would report this case to biboumi, its a bug on their side

  12. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 2 commits to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *793276a3* < > cq: Remove obsolete pyright ignore comments *72024252* < > other: Raise pyright version for pre-commit

  13. jstein solved upstream thanks to lovetox for the pointer.

  14. jstein

    btw they are planning to change the option from archive=TRUE/FALSE to something like archive_days=INTEGER

  15. cal0pteryx

    jstein: that will then be reflected by Gajim's dynamic data form :)

  16. nicoco

    Following up on the discussion about url previews, cheogram does already send that: so if someone wants to implement something similar for gajim, it would be nice to make it compatible. The bad part, privacy-wise, is that the ‘image preview’ is just an http url (for now, according to singpolyma, he’s considering bits of binary of), but at least this gives links a title and a description.

  17. jstein


  18. jstein

    What means "Mute Chat" in

  19. jstein

  20. jstein

    I tried it, but saw no change

  21. jstein

    Does this option mute the MUC for all and requires Admin permission?

  22. Link Mauve

    jstein, it prevents notification from this MUC, for instance when there is an active discussion and you want to work quietly.

  23. wuffi600

    Hi! Is there a trick to let windows-client connect even if there is a certificate-problem?

  24. wuffi600

    maybe some hidden feature "allow untrusted certs"

  25. lovetox

    depends on the cert error

  26. lovetox

    if you see no option in the dialog to connect, no there are no hidden other settings

  27. jstein

    Link Mauve, it mutes only the sound, but not the messages, right?

  28. wuffi600

    "The certificate has expired" (View Certificate) (Connect)

  29. wuffi600

    if i press "connect" same requester again in a loop

  30. jstein

    Link Mauve, thanks

  31. Link Mauve

    jstein, the notification, which depends on how your desktop environment displays them.

  32. Link Mauve

    Some will make sound, some will not; some will display a popup window, some will not.

  33. wuffi600

    I've tried some servers to connect to but all provoke this error message. (I'll go trough socks5)

  34. wuffi600

    lovetox: thankx

  35. kurion

    I am trying to understand the implications of Gajim using or not using Googles' STUN servers for the-service-which-STUN-servers-provide. Also, exactly what changes when I'm behind a proxy/VPN/Tor? I'm not well-versed in networking stuff and am finding it somewhat difficult to understand STUN/TURN and its application in a chat app. So if anyone here could provide a short explanation it'd be very helpful.

  36. kurion

    I'm especially curious what this has to do with a user's privacy.

  37. Kris

    it's used for audio / video chat

  38. Kris

    but Gajim doesn't really support (it has some outdated stuff in it that doesn't really work anymore)

  39. Kris

    which Gajim doesn't really support (it has some outdated stuff in it that doesn't really work anymore)

  40. kurion

    Oh, the real time stuff, I guess?

  41. kurion

    I once saw STUN/TURN mentioned in Jitsi meet docs.

  42. kurion

    What does Gajim communicate with these servers during audio/video chat?

  43. lovetox

    Gajim does not use these servers for anything

  44. lovetox

    in theory i think they are used to facilitate easier connections between participants

  45. kurion

    lovetox: thanks

  46. fjklp

    > i would report this case to biboumi, its a bug on their side Thank you

  47. hannibal

    kurion: have you seen it has some information about STUN and TURN

  48. kurion

    hannibal: thanks! read the heading body under "Notes for server admins". I'll need to dig more to fully get it. :)

  49. kurion

    hannibal: thanks! read the heading's body under "Notes for server admins". I'll need to dig more to fully get it. :)

  50. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *d828a0ea* < > feat: ChatBanner: Show contact tooltip when hovering the avatar