Gajim - 2023-09-30

  1. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *37ba4f17* < > refactor: Contacts: Return presence data only from active resource

  2. nicoco

    So we call `self.get_active_resource()` for each property access after all? Most likely optimising this will not have any visible effets, people don’t have thousands of resources connected...

  3. lovetox

    i looked into the code, and we really access this data in very few places

  4. lovetox

    so i opted for cleaner code

  5. lovetox

    but if there would be a hot path somewhere, the code can get the resource, and access the attributes there, instead of going over the barecontact obj

  6. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *61062089* < > feat: RosterTooltip: Display BareContact presence Fixes #10963

  7. lovetox

    ^ please review, if this works now for your component

  8. lovetox

    as for gateway types and names displayed in the tooltip, im not opposed to this, but it should really go into another label and not be a fallback status

  9. lovetox

    nicoco, i would like to improve the support of gateways in general in Gajim

  10. lovetox

    my idea is to have a dedicated dialog thats named "Gateways" and it shows you on the first page all gateways offered by your server, but you can also add others (not on your server)

  11. lovetox

    and providing the register and execute commands option there

  12. lovetox

    another idea is to provide a options to define a default workspace for gateway chats, and give that workspace a appropriate icon

  13. nicoco

    > nicoco, i would like to improve the support of gateways in general in Gajim Excellent! Is the current disco dialog is deprecated too, just like the roster?

  14. nicoco

    The dedicated dialog sounds like an excellent idea to me, obv :).

  15. nicoco

    Exposing "Jabber search" on the gateway would be quite nice too. It's currently implemented in the service disco dialog, it would be a pity to lose it. Cheogram uses jabber:iq:gateway* which could also be interesting for cases where the "legacy network user ID" is something that is human readable and unique, eg a phone number or a username. Maybe the ability to search for "legacy contacts/MUCs" should be part of the "Start Chat" dialog? *

  16. bard_

    did something change with how pinned chats are organized in gajim? restarted it earlier because it was lagging and now my order is screwed up. had it memorized and would use alt and a number to get to certain ones and can't seem to get it quite right now

  17. bard_

    for some reason I can't just drag them around either, thought I could before. I keep unpinning and repinning... really horrible

  18. bard_

    it's possible I had an older version running and now a newer version opened up. ran updates the other day

  19. lovetox

    Hm should work with drag

  20. lovetox

    I have to try, sometimes it's a bit delicate to find the drip point

  21. lovetox

    nicoco: yes that would good in start chat

  22. lovetox

    I try to look at the gateway icon thing today

  23. nicoco


  24. nicoco

    lovetox: about the avatar tooltip, shouldn't just use the tooltip currently used in the roster?

  25. nicoco

    lovetox: about the avatar tooltip, shouldn't we just use the tooltip currently used in the roster?

  26. nicoco

    Next to each resource, add idle time if there is one?

  27. lovetox

    Yes something in that direction was the idea. cal0pteryx wanted to explore if a popover on click would be nicer, as it would allow to add action buttons

  28. lovetox

    This is Les useful in the single chat, but more in the groupchat if you click on an avatar

  29. nicoco

    oh right, he told me and I already forgot.

  30. cal0pteryx

    I'm willing to try two weeks from now ;))

  31. lovetox


  32. lovetox

  33. lovetox

    its a bit tiny, but not sure how to solve that

  34. lovetox

    and also need to find round icons for all the gateways

  35. 23

    I have recently had to do a clean install of Debian and just noticed notifications are not working for Gajim and also Claws mail so probable an OS issue but what setting are required for gajim

  36. 23

    I have recently had to do a clean install of Debian with KDE and just noticed notifications are not working for Gajim and also Claws mail so probable an OS or GTK issue but what setting are required for gajim

  37. 23

    Using Gajim tray icon and a plugin for claws mail guess what the system notifications now work, why have one notification in the tray when you can have three !

  38. kurion

    Hello. I plan to run Gajim without installing it on the my linux box. Kind of in a portable way. So will need to adjust some path variables. I am comfortable with the hassle it will take.

  39. kurion

    Since GNOME is not showing `Gio.Notifications` correctly unless I install Gajim, I made a short notification util method using `Notify 0.7`

  40. kurion

    ``` def one_shot_notification(summary: str, body: str | None = None, timeout: int = 1000): notification =, body) notification.set_timeout(timeout) notification.set_urgency(Notify.Urgency.NORMAL) ```

  41. kurion

    So if I replace `, notification)` in `/gajim/gtk/` with a call to the above method, could it cause unintended behavior down the road?

  42. kurion

    pardon the extra "the" in my first message.

  43. 23

    Using Gajim tray icon and a plugin for claws mail guess what the system notifications now work, why have one notification in the tray when you can have three ! having said that the two app tray icons are much nicer so just deleted the system notification icon

  44. 23

    You can edit your last message using ctrl + arrow up

  45. kurion

    23: I'd like to. But XMPP spec only allows correction on the *last* message. And the extra "the" was several messages before my last message. :(

  46. Lightning Bjornsson (they, he, xe/hir)


  47. lovetox

    kurion, this should work

  48. kurion

    Great!! Thanks

  49. fjklp

    > for some reason I can't just drag them around either, thought I could before. I keep unpinning and repinning... really horrible bard_ dragging and relocating pinned chats works and persists across restarts for me. I'm using nightly. I'm guessing it's a problem on your end.

  50. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *5270fa5f* < > feat: Display gateway icon in avatars

  51. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *518978b2* < > new: Icons: Add telegram gateway icon

  52. fjklp

    the gateway icon # is a bit hard to see with a dark background

  53. fjklp

    I almost can't see what it it

  54. fjklp

    I almost can't see what it is

  55. lovetox

    yes, need to invert the color

  56. lovetox

    or if someone knows some better icon for irc im happy to use that one

  57. Kris

    # is the most universally understood

  58. fjklp

    I'm not sure what conventions exist here but that is a rather small area to be showing an icon or symbol

  59. lovetox

    if you have a better idea im all ear

  60. fjklp

    I don't know if I do but increasing the proportion of the bridge icon is one option

  61. fjklp

    is 25% too large?

  62. fjklp

    but it will definitely be better with a white icon on dark background

  63. lovetox

    i already said the color needs to be inverted

  64. lovetox

    but you werent happy with the size

  65. fjklp

    yes, I saw that

  66. fjklp

    I'm not unhappy with it, it seems like the obvious and needed thing

  67. fjklp

    I'm not unhappy with inverting the color, it seems like the obvious and needed thing

  68. lovetox

    25% looks like this

  69. lovetox

  70. lovetox

    it is a bit better, though if its a single contact, the status circle is also displayed, not much left at that point from the avatar

  71. lovetox

  72. fjklp

    yeah, I'm not sure

  73. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *c2bbe7c2* < > fix: AdHoc: Wrap notes label

  74. hannibal

    > it is a bit better, though if its a single contact, the status circle is also displayed, not much left at that point from the avatar Maybe move the gateway icon to the bottom left