Gajim - 2023-09-26

  1. fjklp

    if only LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 actually worked so I can test things

  2. fjklp

    ok, just had to install DE language pack

  3. fjklp

    If I change a string in the UI that is translated, I also need to replace said string in each .po file if I'm doing a merge request, right?

  4. fjklp

    in this case the new string already exists in the .po file

  5. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: no, you don't need to replace anything. Just change the string in the source file, do a MR, and the rest will be handled by the ci once it's merged. Translations then happen on weblate, and are merged back into gajim before a release

  6. fjklp

    alright, thanks

  7. nicoco

    lovetox: thanks for the reviews :-) I had a look at trying to improve the service discovery UI. Right now it uses hard-coded icons for a few bridge component types (eg, ICQ, gadu gadu, facebook, IRC). Would it be OK to try to fetch the User Avatar (XEP-0084) of the component instead and use this if one is found? Related: how would you feel about using this avatar too "embedded" in contacts avatars, sth like this:

  8. nicoco

  9. nicoco

    oops bad paste

  10. nicoco

  11. lissine

    that looks nice

  12. nicoco

    The second one is more like it (the general idea). I'd like to attempt to do that (not right now, some day™) but I'd like to know if this would have a chance to land in gajim master or if you (maintainers) don't like it (if that's the case, maybe I should attempt a gajim plugin?).

  13. nicoco

    Thanks lissine. I think all of us using gateways would enjoy that, but maybe those who don't don't like the idea of the "avatar render overhead" since this implies checking if the contact's server is a gateway etc.

  14. nicoco

    Also, maybe bottom left is more appropriate than top right. I suck at design :)

  15. lovetox

    Displaying Transport specific Icons in the avatar ist nice, is this only a Mock ?

  16. lovetox

    And yes i would Like that

  17. lovetox

    Spend yout time there rather than Service sicovery dialog

  18. nicoco

    Yes this is only a mock, I have to learn me some GTK before I can do that. The service disco dialog code is a hot mess indeed :). It seems to have stuff for forum-like discussion, were usenet/xmpp gateways at some point…?

  19. nicoco

    Yes this is only a mock, I have to learn me some GTK before I can do that. The service disco dialog code is a hot mess indeed :). It seems to have stuff for forum-like discussion, were usenet/xmpp gateways a thing at some point…?

  20. nicoco

    OK, good to know that you'd like that, I'm not saying I'll start right away but I also think it would be cool to have. Right now I'm trying to support data forms with <reported> elemebt. nbxmpp seems to have all it needs, but right now raises an `AttributeError` because gajim tries to render it as a real form when it really should be a table, cf

  21. lovetox

    Where ? In adhoc commands ?

  22. nicoco

    yes. there you go:

  23. nicoco

    If someone with a cheogram account confirm that my commit fixes for them, it would be nice. It does fix it for the slidge adhoc commands that return "tables in data forms", cf

  24. nicoco

    If someone with a cheogram account can confirm that my commit fixes for them, it would be nice. It does fix it for the slidge adhoc commands that return "tables in data forms", cf

  25. bodqhrohro

    nicoco: thank you for caring about XMPP traditions.

  26. nicoco

    I'm usually not big on traditions but I'm happy to make the client I use play nice with the components I implemented. :-)

  27. polarian

    Hello, I am curious about something, is there any plans for gajim to support xep-0256?

  28. polarian

    I have checked

  29. nicoco

    Polarian: it’s deprecated, is the new one

  30. polarian


  31. nicoco

    And gajim supports it already… but it’s hidden the UI (only in the mouse hover tooltip of the roster view)

  32. polarian

    that explains it

  33. polarian

    It was a discussion with monocles that "only monocles supports xep-0256"

  34. polarian

    but it makes sense if it is deprecated

  35. nicoco

    I am not entirely sure if gajim emits this ‘last user interaction’ in the presences it sends, but it processes incoming ones for sure. I actually attempted a MR to ‘unhide’ it from the UI yesterday:

  36. polarian

    I don't notice the difference

  37. polarian

    showing the status within the UI?

  38. polarian

    sorry the status message?

  39. polarian

    oh I see now, the Idle Since x and stuff

  40. polarian

    _If it is not apparent I do not have the best of knowledge about the xmpp protocol_

  41. bodqhrohro

    Oh, wow, this XEP would be useful for mapping last seen time from Telegram.

  42. nicoco

    bodqhrohro: slidgram already does it and this is what you see in the screenshot of my MR 😛

  43. bodqhrohro

    nicoco: got it, well, zhabogram/telegabber set the presence status with the similar content for a long time, it's more portable among clients, especially legacy ones. I suspect the separate XEP may bring some benefits like automatically converting to local timezone or so.

  44. bodqhrohro

  45. bodqhrohro

    That's 1.3 (probably indeed disabled in 1.8 already).

  46. nicoco

    I marked as draft because it's not ready - but I'd be happy to have feedback anyway as there are a few unanswered questions pending.

  47. cal0pteryx

    nicoco: great :) thanks

  48. nicoco

    I didn't think you'd be interested in the feature, it's a pleasant surprise! It would certainly be nice to use with slidge. I have a few contacts that have the same name and avatar in XMPP and Whatsapp/Signal/whatever and it would be nice to see through what we're talking at a glance because I'm happy to use XMPP if possible. Also, it just looks slick I think. :-)

  49. Kris

    I think Gajim already uses a custom avatar for Biboumi, no?

  50. Kris

    maybe that could be combined into a common system?

  51. Kris

  52. Kris

    these ones I mean

  53. lissine

    nicoco is on a streak!

  54. umu

    lissine: thissss

  55. umu

    nicoco: how ru bridging telegram btw

  56. umu

    off topic ikik

  57. Kris

    Slidgegram obviously

  58. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *16bfe1c9* < > new: Contacts: Allow BareContact to have a presence

  59. nicoco

    Kris: yes, the IRC avatar is applied to IRC gateway, so my MR needs to preserve that I think. But I wonder if it’s worth keeping the custom Facebook, gadu gadu, ICQ... ones

  60. Kris

    I actually think if the IRC thing was only small like your proposal and it used the fallback with the starting letter, that would make it easier to distinguish the IRC channels

  61. Kris

    for IRC you can just use a "#" I think

  62. Kris

    thats pretty universal for IRC channeö

  63. nicoco

    Hmmm probably yes, that big IRC icon for all channels is not great for distinguishing them in the chat list.

  64. Kris

    thats pretty universal for IRC channel

  65. nicoco

    I think you’re wrong, # is twitter, isn’t it?

  66. Kris


  67. Kris

    don't troll me like that

  68. nicoco


  69. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _python-nbxmpp_ < >: *ef32805a* < > refactor: DateTime: Simplify parsing code

  70. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _python-nbxmpp_ < >: *e2f098a6* < > cq: Fix inconsistent return statement

  71. Kris

    any idea why XEP-0402 (pep native bookmarks) arn't working on Gajim?

  72. Kris

    I tried forcing its use by disabling mod_private (XEP-0049) on my server, but this just make Gajim stop syncing bookmarks it seems

  73. lovetox

    check server info -> features

  74. Kris

    I have working pep-native bookmarks on the Movim side, but in neither direction are bookmarks shared via XEP-0402 it see,s

  75. Kris

    hmm, yes. it has a X in front of 402

  76. Kris

    but it works in Movim I think

  77. Kris

    ok let me investigate why 402 is not recognized

  78. Kris

    any hints?

  79. lovetox

    probably because your server does not support the conversion features

  80. lovetox

    but why are you trying to get this working

  81. lovetox

    whats the benefit?

  82. Kris

    I want to force use of 402 so that other clients stop deleting my bookmarks in Movim all the time

  83. Kris

    Movim only supports 402

  84. Kris

    ok so 402 can be supported but if 411 isn't, Gajim will still say that 402 isn't supported?

  85. lovetox

    you need a mod that does a conversion from 402 to older standards

  86. lovetox

    but something does not add up

  87. lovetox

    why would anyone deleting your bookmarks?

  88. lovetox

    especially clients that dont even support the XEP, they dont even know this exsits, how do you think they are deleting something

  89. lovetox

    especially clients that dont even support the XEP, they dont even know this exists, how do you think they are deleting something

  90. Kris

    I think it is Conversations that forces conversion to XEP-0048, thus messing with Movim's bookmarks

  91. Kris

    ok interestingly on my other account that has "mod_private" still enabled, Gajim says that XEP-0411 is working, but still claims XEP-0402 isn't

  92. lovetox

    411 is not needed its to convert from pep to private

  93. lovetox

    you need a mod that converts from 402 to pep

  94. Kris

    I think that only exists on Prosody, no?

  95. lovetox

    but to make this short, on your own risk of losing your bookmarks, in advanced config editor you can enable dev_force_bookmark_2

  96. Kris

    where is this advanced config editor?

  97. lovetox

    preferences -> advanced

  98. Kris


  99. Kris

    interestingly if I browse the pep config under advanced account settings it finds a "urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1" which seems to contain the bookmarks I can see in Movim

  100. QStambaugh

    Ah yeah, I manually deleted that so the MUCs I left wouldn't float around on Movim

  101. QStambaugh

    Oh wait, I think the one I deleted was "urn:xmpp:bookmarks:0" or something slightly different

  102. chud

    How can I make Gajim print exceptions to the terminal, like Python normally does, instead of the "Sorry, that should not have happened" dialogue?

  103. umu


  104. umu

    why cant i mute notifications in gajim

  105. lovetox

    chud, start from console

  106. lovetox

    umu, try setting your status to DND

  107. umu


  108. umu


  109. umu removed by cal0pteryx

    wrong chat

  110. umu

    oops wrong chat

  111. chud

    > chud, start from console I am. Some exceptions are printed to console, some are shown in that dialogue

  112. Kris

    > but to make this short, on your own risk of losing your bookmarks, in advanced config editor you can enable dev_force_bookmark_2 I tried this now and indeed that makes pep native bookmarks work and sync them with Movim

  113. lovetox

    hm no idea, you can disable it in down at the bottom, there is a hook you can comment out

  114. lovetox

    or maybe you have debug logging activated in preferences?

  115. lovetox

    this should be disabled

  116. Link Mauve

    Kris, the issue is Movim decided to exclusively use XEP-0402, disregarding what other clients do.

  117. Link Mauve

    Other clients still default to Private XML bookmarks, and will use XEP-0402 only if it is advertised as sharing the same storage as Private XML, in order to not make the user’s bookmarks “disappear” from one client to another.

  118. Kris

    well, yes also. but I think it is a bug that Gajim doesn't recognize 402 support

  119. Link Mauve

    No, Gajim recognises it very well, if the feature I’m describing is advertised.

  120. Link Mauve

    This feature is urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1#compat

  121. Link Mauve

    Your server should advertise this if you want it to be safe to use bookmarks in PEP.

  122. Kris

    I don't think that is supported by Ejabberd at all

  123. lovetox

    yes ejabberd has no conversion mods

  124. Link Mauve

    Well, fix your server, or use a better one. :p

  125. Kris


  126. lovetox

    and thats bad, Gajim needs to think about users not losing bookmarks

  127. lovetox

    why would a user care what bookmark protocol Gajim uses

  128. lovetox

    all he cares is that his bookmarks are synced and not lost

  129. lovetox

    and thats the number one priority

  130. Link Mauve

    Kris, here is the recommended workflow for clients:

  131. Kris

    but if there is no XEP-0048 support at all by the server, why can't Gajim use XEP-0402?

  132. Kris

    it clearly works if you force it via the dev setting

  133. lovetox

    first you need to realize that server dont support bookmarks

  134. lovetox

    they offer private storage, or pubsub

  135. Kris

    yes XEP-0049 then

  136. lovetox

    and clients can store there whatever they want

  137. Link Mauve

    Kris, there is no disco feature for XEP-0049.

  138. Link Mauve

    This protocol most likely predates XEP-0030.

  139. Kris

    hmm, ok. that's bad

  140. lovetox

    what server support is, conversion between different kind of storages

  141. lovetox

    so if your server offers conversion from private storage to pubsub

  142. lovetox

    then gajim will use pubusb

  143. lovetox

    if your server offers conversion from pubsub to newer pubsub node used for 402

  144. lovetox

    then gajim will use 402

  145. lovetox

    ejabberd supports only the first one

  146. Kris

    yes I know

  147. lovetox

    so this means we use 0048 on ejabberd

  148. lovetox

    how could we upgrade now to 402?

  149. lovetox

    simply moving all bookmarks there? and then all devices who dont support 402 are fucked

  150. lovetox

    so we wait until the server supports 0048 -> 402 conversion, and then we can upgrade, because we know all older clients still have synced bookmarks

  151. lovetox

    now movim seems to went the way, fuck all other clients we do only 402

  152. lovetox

    and instead of telling them that you now have clients with missing bookmarks, you tell us that we should fuck our users as well

  153. Kris

    no, I just would like to configure my server in a way that Movim works and a few other selected clients that support 402 as well

  154. Kris

    its IMHO not great that Gajim supports it, but doesn't use it

  155. Kris

    unless forced to

  156. lovetox

    it feels like i typed that all for nothing

  157. lovetox

    i think i layed out the reason why we cant use it if there is no conversion mod

  158. lovetox

    because bookmarks are unable to sync with clients that dont support 402

  159. lovetox

    that maybe doesnt matter for you if your only other client is movim

  160. lovetox

    but people use other clients than movim

  161. Kris

    No I do understand the problem much better now

  162. Kris

    I just disagree that perfect backwards compatibility is a desireable thing

  163. lovetox

    why in this specific case

  164. lovetox

    you have 0 benefit as a user from 402

  165. Kris

    yes, the benefit to have Movim work properly

  166. lovetox

    but thats a problem of movim, and not all other clients

  167. Kris

    I guess it is mainly a ejabberd problem 😵‍💫️

  168. Link Mauve


  169. Kris

  170. Kris


  171. Link Mauve

    And also a Movim problem since it decided to disregard any compatibility with other clients.

  172. Kris

    Movim says it would be a huge mess to implement the older standards and it really shouldn't be needed (which I agree to)

  173. lovetox

    yeah i do that also sometimes when im lazy

  174. Kris


  175. a moderator removed a message

    wrong chat