Gajim - 2023-09-23

  1. umu

    thankfully it didn't tho

  2. uhh

    i'll try 1.8.1

  3. umu


  4. uhh

    is it impossible to recorrect a message

  5. umu

    its over

  6. umu

    its over r

  7. umu

    its over r r

  8. umu


  9. umu

    ctrl + up key

  10. umu

    works multiple 4 me but only if u said it once

  11. umu

    like the last message u sent

  12. uhh


  13. VA1DER

    Does gajim use pubsub for anything?

  14. Navicon

    Are there custom themes for Gajim?

  15. fjklp

    you can customize some things in Gajim > Preferences > Style > Theme

  16. fjklp

    gajim uses GTK 3 themes

  17. fjklp

    if you change your GTK 3 theme, gajim picks it up

  18. fjklp

    here's a custom theme and instructions for installing it specifically for gajim

  19. fjklp

  20. fjklp

    > this seems to be garbage in gajim

  21. ☭Mike Yellow

    Have you ever seen some roomnames disappear when getting chatroom list on Gajim?

  22. fjklp

    > Have you ever seen some roomnames disappear when getting chatroom list on Gajim? nope, but I have seen that when I have changed the displayed name of a room, on restart of gajim, gajim will initially show the real name, then when it connects it will switch to the custom name

  23. fjklp

    I'm not sure which list you are referring to

  24. ☭Mike Yellow

    Well... if Gajim can change UI language manually, then I cat get a good screenshot for you.

  25. fjklp

    I do see something like what you describe happening in the service discovery thing that lets you browse chat rooms on a server

  26. ☭Mike Yellow

    >service discovery Yeah. “service discovery”.

  27. fjklp

    I just tried it and the room name did disappear for some as it was going through the list and querying for information

  28. ☭Mike Yellow

    That may be a bug. I do not see this situation on Psi(+).

  29. fjklp

    I just tried it and the room name did disappear for some as it was going through the list and populating the information

  30. fjklp

    can you actually verify that names disappear for a specific chat room in gajim but not in psi?

  31. ☭Mike Yellow

    > can you actually verify that names disappear for a specific chat room in gajim but not in psi? Yes.

  32. ☭Mike Yellow

    Also. When a room discription is extremely long, then Room Id be far away.

  33. ☭Mike Yellow

    The room discription displaying height also not so good.

  34. cal0pteryx

    ☭Mike Yellow: the service discovery window hasn't been updated in years. Might expect some bugs there :)

  35. ☭Mike Yellow


  36. cal0pteryx

    uhh: you might experience a delay when sending messages to group chats, if the group chat's server is busy/has bad connection. This is a topic we're discussing at the moment.

  37. clown

    Does Gajim not support calls altogether on windows? Why?

  38. clown

    I mean this piece of code specifically app.window.get_action('start-voice-call').set_enabled( online and contact.supports_audio and sys.platform != 'win32')

  39. clown

    What specifically is broken on windows?

  40. cal0pteryx

    clown: dependencies are not available

  41. cal0pteryx

    /or broken

  42. clown

    which ones?

  43. cal0pteryx

    libnice for example

  44. cal0pteryx

    Since it is quite broken otherwise as well, we simply disabled calls on windows

  45. clown

    Hm. Is anything other than libnice broken/not available on windows?

  46. chud

    ann, I do wonder if your bounty includes windows support?

  47. cal0pteryx

    I don't know. Further testing wasn't possible, since libnice did not work

  48. chud

    If gstreamer itself malfunctions with webcams/etc under windows, which I guess is quite likely, this will mean stuff getting a lot more interesting

  49. chud

    Making do with libnice/etc is one thing, but if gstreamer itself malfunctions with webcams/etc under windows, which I guess is quite likely, this will mean stuff getting a lot more interesting

  50. cal0pteryx

    chud: interesting for whom?

  51. chud

    "interesting" as in harder to bring working calls to gajim

  52. chud

    "interesting" as in harder to bring working calls to gajim (under windows specifically)

  53. cal0pteryx

    Don't know if dino calls work on windows, but they use gstreamer as well afaik

  54. bot

    André pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *2ec5c730* < > chore: Update flatpak dependencies

  55. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *ce8b9331* < > imprv: GroupChatInfo: Improve scaling of subject text Fixes #11586

  56. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *43f1ac2c* < > cfix: Fix git rev-parse when cwd is not gajim directory

  57. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *fed5a7fa* < > cfix: Use pathlib for git rev-parse

  58. chud

    Can gajim import nbxmpp from a folder next to it when I launch it with, not the system wide one?

  59. lovetox

    the right approach is to install nbxmpp in editable mode

  60. lovetox

    pip install -e .

  61. chud


  62. bodqhrohro

    > Can gajim import nbxmpp from a folder next to it when I launch it with, not the system wide one? chud: I do exactly this, this is the default python's behaviour lol, how is it related to Gajim itself? ``` @bq:23:59:09:/media/d/temp/git/gajim$ ls -l nbxmpp lrwxrwxrwx 1 bodqhrohro bodqhrohro 23 Mar 10 2022 nbxmpp -> ../python-nbxmpp/nbxmpp ```