Gajim - 2023-09-18

  1. mrdoctorwho


  2. mrdoctorwho

    Gajim crashes when trying to send many images over HTTP upload

  3. mrdoctorwho

    21 images, 442MB total size

  4. mrdoctorwho

    Crashes with segfault

  5. mrdoctorwho

    I have backtrace from gdb if you need it

  6. opal

    > fjklp, this is not overlooked that was my assumption sorry, i missed "direct messages via muc" specifically

  7. opal

    mrdoctorwho, im curious about the backtrace if python software is segfaulting again lol

  8. mrdoctorwho


  9. opal

    oh it's a glib segfault ouch

  10. mrdoctorwho

    I think it's traced down to the horrible beautifulsoup

  11. opal

    >_PyRun_AnyFileObject this doesnt look like a codepath for xml

  12. opal

    so idk how beautifulsoup would pertain

  13. mrdoctorwho

    this one is probably due to running from python console (so that I could use gdb), not sure though

  14. mrdoctorwho

    I think I saw something bs4 related, but I can't find it anymore

  15. mrdoctorwho

    maybe it was another crash (I had several attempts)

  16. mrdoctorwho

    wait, it's here 4 #2 0x00007fffe8200bfe in on_data_read (source=<optimized out>, res=<optimized out>, user_data=0x5555599f5250) at ../libsoup/http2/soup-client-message-io-http2.c:1100 #3 0x00007fffe9483ab7 in async_ready_callback_wrapper (source_object=0x555559717b30, res=0x5555594643e0, user_data=0x5555599f5250) at ../gio/ginputstream.c:565

  17. mrdoctorwho

    what was the reason to bring this absolutely horrible library to gajim?

  18. opal

    oh libsoup

  19. opal

    i ctrl+f beautiful no wonder

  20. opal

    anyway my guess as far as code itself goes is that array=0xffffffff looks suspect and i'd want to see frame 2 of that but idk which version of bs4 youre using and i dont even have the source handy myself

  21. mrdoctorwho

    I think I'm using the latest one that is required by gajim or provided in pypi

  22. mrdoctorwho

    I run gajim in virtualenv

  23. mrdoctorwho

    I run the msot recent gajim in virtualenv

  24. opal

    that tells me nothing since we're most likely on different distros

  25. mrdoctorwho

    I run the most recent gajim in virtualenv

  26. mrdoctorwho

    yeah, likely. I'm on Fedora 38

  27. opal

    if you use gdb's tui mode you probably get "source file unavailable" so yeah i guess you can poke through the code for the version of the library you have

  28. cal0pteryx

    libsoup has nothing to do with beautifulsoup

  29. opal

    Description: HTTP client/server library for GNOME oh libsoup looks great yeah

  30. mrdoctorwho


  31. opal

    so is this an upstream problem

  32. opal

    im gonna assume yes because passing an invalid pointer around is surely not good api design

  33. mrdoctorwho

    also, when pasting images from clipboard to gajim's window, it takes a good few seconds for it to process them

  34. mrdoctorwho

    on a decent hardware

  35. mrdoctorwho

    I just sent 34 images to the chat, they began uploading and and then they disappeared from the chat like I didn't send anything

  36. cal0pteryx

    mrdoctorwho: that's all well-known and documented in our issue tracker.

  37. mrdoctorwho is this verbose enough?

  38. mrdoctorwho

    I installed glib and libsoup debugging symbols

  39. mrdoctorwho

    probably copied twice though

  40. lovetox

    What nbxmpp version do you have installed

  41. mrdoctorwho

    python-nbxmpp Version: 4.3.1

  42. umu

    opal: so true

  43. opal

    go away

  44. umu


  45. umu removed by cal0pteryx


  46. a moderator removed a message


  47. jstein

    Hi, on I suggest to change "sudo emerge gajim" to "sudo emerge -av net-im/gajim" On Gentoo you should always use the full cat/pkg name scheme, because pkg names alone may occur in several categories.

  48. umu


  49. umu

    then you'd have to do the same for all the distros as well

  50. VA1DER

    Anyone here have a good recommendation for an android client with similar capabilities?

  51. lissine

    VA1DER, what capabilities? Have a look at cheogram

  52. VA1DER

    lissine, Similar to Gajim. I had been using Conversations/, but all the conversations-based ones seem to interact badly and I get multiple message copies from some places when I use them.

  53. VA1DER

    I'll take a look at cheogram, thanks.

  54. lissine

    cheogram is also a Conversations fork

  55. lissine

    What I meant in my question was what features are you looking for? cheogram is similar to Gajim because it has more advanced features such as adhoc commands, message moderation etc.

  56. lissine

    > all the conversations-based ones seem to interact badly and I get multiple message copies from some places when I use them. I never encountered this, why don't you open an issue on after checking that a similar one doesn't already exist there and in

  57. Salvor_Hardin

    Hi guys. All very well? I wanted to suggest something to Gajim. I'm a user of this client on another PC and if there was another encryption option, like OTR, it would be great. I have several friends who use Pidgin and if there was at least encryption by default between both clients it would be helpful. I hope I didn't bother. Hugs!

  58. Kris

    please try to get them to switch to Gajim. Pidgin hasn't been updated for XMPP in almost 10 years

  59. umu


  60. umu

    i'd argue that pidgin is more robust tbh

  61. umu

    but gajim is more feature rich

  62. opal

    Salvor_Hardin, otr used to exist in gajim, it was removed for extremely good reason

  63. umu

    you can use lurch on pidgin

  64. umu

    also see

  65. umu

    afaik lurch will not work in group chats

  66. umu

    you can use pgp though as long as you're not a pedophile

  67. umu

    imo i think pgp is probably the best