Gajim - 2023-09-17

  1. vagrant

    Why do I send messages to someone and he can't see it,but I can see the message he sends me ?

  2. fjklp

    vagrant: Some servers will block messages from non-contacts

  3. fjklp

    vagrant: Some servers will block direct messages from non-contacts

  4. vagrant

    I added him as a friend

  5. vagrant

    But he can't see it

  6. vagrant


  7. fjklp

    is omemo being used?

  8. fjklp

    has he added you as a contact?

  9. fjklp

    if non-contact blocking is enabled on your friend's server, any message to him that he has not added as a contact will be blocked

  10. fjklp

    if non-contact blocking is enabled on your friend's server, any message sent to him from an account that he has not added as a contact will be blocked

  11. vagrant

    no omemo

  12. vagrant

    He added me and I accepted it,but I texted hime and he still couldn't see it?

  13. vagrant


  14. fjklp

    the only things I can think of are non-contact blocking and sometimes gajim will connect in a weird way where messages only flow one way

  15. fjklp

    I would suggest restarting both chat clients

  16. fjklp

    after you have both added each other as contacts, then restart

  17. fjklp

    if that doesn't fix it, I'm out of ideas

  18. fjklp

    for the sake of troubleshooting or just a workaround, I'd create a new account wherever and see if it works then

  19. fjklp

    creating accounts is easy

  20. vagrant


  21. vagrant

    Does mac Gajim1.8 not support otr?

  22. vagrant


  23. fjklp

    I don't think it does

  24. fjklp

    omemo is the most common way of encrypting in xmpp

  25. vagrant

    can you add me?

  26. vagrant


  27. vagrant

  28. vagrant


  29. bodqhrohro_

    vagrant: we have an OTR plugin, but it's probably broken on the freshest versions.

  30. bodqhrohro_

    Last time I had ported it for 1.4 or so.

  31. vagrant


  32. vagrant

    Do and servers not communicate?

  33. Menel

    You would have to ask one of their sever admins

  34. Menel

    Hm has a broken direct TLS s2s

  35. Menel

    That can make problems

  36. VA1DER

    I'm trying to get XEP-0055 (Search) working between Gajim and Prosody. On service discovery, I can see "User Search" and the search button highlights when I select it. But when I try to press it, I get "Error while retrieving search form". Is that Gajim or the server having an issue?

  37. lovetox

    open View -> XML Console

  38. lovetox

    press the button

  39. lovetox

    see what the server returns

  40. lovetox

    if it look ok, start gajim with -v and look if gajim prints something to the debug log

  41. VA1DER

    I'm getting the form in the XML stream: <!-- Incoming 2023-09-17 9:26:39 AM (VA1DER) --> <iq xmlns="jabber:client" to="" from="" id="6a1e75f6-f711-453b-a5a1-eaa7126dc978" type="result"> <query xmlns="jabber:iq:search"> <instructions>Fill in one or more fields to search for any matching Jabber users.</instructions> <first /> <last /> <nick /> <email /> </query> </iq>

  42. VA1DER


  43. lovetox

    you need to look at the debug logs then

  44. VA1DER

    The debug logs look good: 2023-09-17 09:30:36 (I) | ( Request search fields from ... 2023-09-17 09:30:36 (I) | ( Received search fields from 2023-09-17 09:30:36 (D) gajim.c.ged | Raise event: search-form-received

  45. lovetox

    if not event.is_dataform

  46. lovetox

    Gajim only supports dataforms

  47. lovetox

    so look into if you server can provide a dataform instead of these basic query fields

  48. grengar

    Hey guys quick question; how do I edit a message on Gajim for Linux? It seems fairly different from the windows client

  49. opal

    grengar, you can ctrl+up arrow to edit last message

  50. opal

  51. grengar

    Is there a way to do it within the GUI or with the mouse

  52. opal

    can someone clue me into what im looking at here? i already saw that gajim supposedly integrates from but i'm still curious what adding this and hitting "new message" even does

  53. opal

    grengar, i had to check if the "..." button next to your last message showed an "edit" item and it does, try that

  54. opal

    >but i'm still curious basically im poking around :p

  55. opal

    (and yes i found the way to actually search channels from that service)

  56. lovetox

    This is a service discovery window, this is a generic way to show methods from services

  57. lovetox

    You need to ask the service what that button does

  58. opal

    ah so basically send an email to the admin

  59. opal

    fair enough

  60. lovetox

    > (and yes i found the way to actually search channels from that service) You mean the global search in the start chat Dialog ?

  61. opal


  62. lovetox

    Yes that's what gajim implementa

  63. lovetox

    Yes that's what gajim implements

  64. opal

    cool cool

  65. jstein

    How can I enable MAM with the Gajim client? My server should support MAM, but the admin told me I have to enable it my self with the client.

  66. lovetox

    accounts -> advanced -> archiving preferneces

  67. lovetox

    set it to always

  68. jstein

    lovetox, thanks. The list below XMPP Adresses is empty there. I will add my username there.

  69. jstein

    or is it sufficient to set it to always on top and leave the list empty below?

  70. lovetox


  71. lovetox

    the list should be empty

  72. lovetox

    simply set the dropdown to always

  73. fjklp

    what does the blocking list do?

  74. fjklp

    what does the blocking list do? how is it supposed to be used?

  75. lovetox

    it lists the contacts you have blocked

  76. lovetox

    whats unclear? it says XMPP Address and when you click the +, it gives you an example

  77. fjklp

    considering that the majority of xmpp communication involves people whose jids are unknown to me, it leaves me with unsure how it's used

  78. fjklp

    but I think I understand

  79. opal

    you know when you know; ive had annoying people add me and refuse to go away when i ask

  80. lovetox

    fjklp, you dont need this dialog to block people if this is what you think

  81. lovetox

    you simply press the chat menu, and select block contact

  82. fjklp

    yeah, I see that you can do it from a direct chat window. Then the block window makes a bit more sense to see a list of blocked contacts.

  83. fjklp

    yeah, I see that you can do it from a direct chat window. Then the blocking list window makes a bit more sense to see a list of blocked contacts.

  84. Menel

    > considering that the majority of xmpp communication involves people whose jids are unknown to me, it leaves me with unsure how it's used That is only for the minority in these public groups the case. I bet most communications involves people whose jids are known

  85. opal

    well we "know" the jids here insofar that i can block because shes annoying and wont shut up

  86. opal

    (ive mainly used this form to mute bots that are just noise to me)

  87. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 2 commits to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _python-nbxmpp_ < >: *5a9e65af* < > imprv: JID: Improve compliance when generating IRIs *4ff3d8ec* < > feat: JID: Add JID.from_iri()

  88. ebertus

    Hi there, I'd like to create a fork of gajim in gitlab. Can someone give me the rights to do that?

  89. lovetox

    ebertus, should work now

  90. ebertus

    lovetox, many thanks

  91. fjklp

    Is there any good reason why gajim is capable of blocking direct messages via muc when a jid is manually entered but there is no button to block a user from said chat window?

  92. opal

    probably overlooked would be my guess

  93. fjklp

    I'll make an issue if that's alright

  94. opal

    for sure

  95. cal0pteryx

    fjklp, please make sure there isn't one aleady (I have a strong feeling)

  96. fjklp This issue might qualify as covering it but it doesn't specify if it means messages in a muc or direct messages via muc

  97. fjklp

    I just noticed that it's possible to do manually already but there is no button to simplify adding the jid

  98. lovetox

    fjklp, this is not overlooked

  99. lovetox

    this is intended

  100. lovetox

    the blocking XEP is not for MUC, thats why its not mentioned in the XEP at all

  101. lovetox

    it has various complicated drawbacks to block MUC users, which are not intuitive to users, thats why we dont do it

  102. lovetox

    what you can get is a ignore functionality

  103. lovetox

    and for that this issue exists

  104. fjklp

    I was treating 'ignoring' and 'blocking' as synonyms. I'll be more careful.

  105. lovetox

    the difference may be very subtle to a user

  106. lovetox

    basically blocking would mean something server side

  107. lovetox

    and ignoring means something clientside