Gajim - 2023-09-16

  1. admin2

  2. admin2

    Hello Guys! I updated to 1.8.1 and now I am seeing this error

  3. vagrant

    How to encrypt omemo ?

  4. vagrant


  5. lovetox

    admin2, whats the question? the text is clear for me

  6. lovetox

    if you want to know what exactly the error is, you can activate the xml console while joining the muc

  7. vagrant

    It shows "No devices found to encypt this message to. Querying for devices now";

  8. Menel

    Your chat partner needs to publish omemo keys. Maybe they never used omemo

  9. opal

    vagrant, the first time you send a message, it might do the query; if you try it again after like 5-10 seconds, and it still gives that error, then they dont have any omemo keys like Menel said

  10. vagrant

    Thank you!

  11. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *95427025* < > imprv: Windows appx: Add URI handler for xmpp: URIs

  12. opal

    (less likely: their server doesnt support xep-0384/0060/0163 which are omemo, pubsub, and pep respectively)

  13. gooya

    How do you disable the automatic scrolling to the bottom of the chat when sending a message?

  14. cal0pteryx

    gooya: you cant

  15. gooya

    That was a quick reply

  16. gooya

    also not in advanced settings?

  17. cal0pteryx

    I don't think so

  18. gooya

    I thought i remembered that was a possibility

  19. gooya

    Is there any interest to implement such an option?

  20. cal0pteryx

    the code says no

  21. gooya

    So no interest? That is unfortunate :( It would be useful in quite a lot of scenarios. e.g. in a muc where a user send multple messages and you want to respond to each one of them without having to scroll 100 messages up to find the messages you wanted to respond to. if that makes sense

  22. cal0pteryx

    gooya: another config option is another maintenance burden.

  23. erik

    "No interest" and "not available" aren't exactly the same thing.

  24. lovetox

    gooya, you are the first user who requests that

  25. lovetox

    its quite weird to send messages and get no feedback about if they arrived, how they look, you dont actually know what you have written

  26. gooya

    Well I guess I appologize for such a foolish request then

  27. lovetox

    though i can agree with the problem statement

  28. lovetox

    indeed if you want to reply to old history, in separate messages, it would be a bit painful right now

  29. lovetox

    not sure disabling scrolling is a good solution though, as in general you want that behavior, just not for that one case

  30. lovetox

    and how to "detect" that case, is not entirely clear

  31. lovetox

    telling the user to always activate and deactivate that behavior application wide seems not nice

  32. gooya

    I agree with that. It is only useful for specific scenarios or people with specific preferences.

  33. lovetox

    hm i dont yet see the people argument

  34. lovetox

    i just see a situation where everybody not want that

  35. lovetox

    i dont see the argument for people never wanting there chat to scroll on send

  36. lovetox

    sounds really annoying

  37. lovetox

    one could try, some logic like, if you are scrolled up X messages

  38. lovetox

    then deactivate the jump on send

  39. lovetox

    assuming someone wants to reply to multiple old messages

  40. lovetox

    and for the case where you want only to reply to one single message, and actually want the jump on send, yeah you would need to jump manually by pressing the down button

  41. lovetox

    interested how other applications solve that

  42. opal

    > Well I guess I appologize for such a foolish request then not really foolish but i guess its one of those things that people have two incompatible, reasonable opinions about

  43. opal

    > i dont see the argument for people never wanting there chat to scroll on send off the top of my head, quoting stuff from a page up and catching up with the discussion, but of course you can just make a longer message and wait to send it

  44. lovetox

    thats *one* case where you dont want that

  45. lovetox

    gooya, suggested a setting to disable juming to the end in general, which would make it for all cases that way

  46. Link Mauve

    In poezio what we do is scroll automatically on new message if the user had already scrolled to the bottom, and not scroll if the view was above that.

  47. Link Mauve

    It’s never been an issue I think.

  48. Link Mauve

    Unlike chatty which never scrolls on a new message, which means I have to manually scroll every time and that becomes old quite fast.

  49. lovetox

    you describe the behavior on "new message"

  50. lissine

    Link Mauve: What's discussed here is whether Gajim should scroll down after _you_ send a message

  51. lovetox

    we have the same

  52. lovetox

    or maybe poezio does not differentiate between those two

  53. lovetox

    VA1DER, we support that only in the service discovery dialog

  54. lovetox

    i dont think there is any assumption on what subdomain the service is exposed

  55. Link Mauve

    Yeah, we don’t.

  56. lissine

    It could be that way as well in Gajim, if you send a message while reading history, the scroll down arrow would show up along with the number of new messages. (a message you sent counts as a new message)

  57. cal0pteryx

    lissine: that's an "unread" counter for messages you receive, not ones you send

  58. lissine

    but in this case, if you're scrolled way up, it can be an indicator that your message was sent successfully, instead of scrolling down

  59. lissine

    But it might be confusing

  60. cal0pteryx

    It sure would be, since assumptions don't match anymore :)

  61. fjklp

    > So no interest? That is unfortunate :( It would be useful in quite a lot of scenarios. e.g. in a muc where a user send multple messages and you want to respond to each one of them without having to scroll 100 messages up to find the messages you wanted to respond to. if that makes sense I've run into this exact problem a few times myself

  62. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    yeah me too

  63. fjklp

    it seems that sometimes it doesn't scroll down, not sure if that's a bug

  64. fjklp

    I just remember that it creates an unread message count when it happens

  65. lissine

    perhaps at those times you sent the message from another client?

  66. fjklp

    nope. It might have been at a time I was using wayland since it seems to do thinks unexpectedly differently

  67. 222m5

    > also not in advanced settings? > I thought i remembered that was a possibility gooya: you may be thinking of Conversations

  68. gooya

    i suppose so

  69. opal

    > Unlike chatty which never scrolls on a new message, which means I have to manually scroll every time and that becomes old quite fast. the chatty for twitch? its funny because even the web-based twitch chat has a pop-up to scroll to bottom when you manually scroll up... and pretty much all modern IM clients (including gajim) have that down-arrow button that pops up

  70. opal

    > thats *one* case where you dont want that yeah im fine with current behaviour personally

  71. opal

    the only *bug* i know about with scrolling is (at least in a tiling WM) if i open a new window under gajim, the chat will be scrolled up as if it's anchoring to the top of the buffer rather than the bottom. closing the other window and letting gajim restore to its original size will scroll to the bottom back where i was

  72. opal

    not too annoying for me at least but its there