Gajim - 2023-09-14

  1. SavagePeanut

    Howdy folks, is there anyone actively working on reactions ? If not I might be able to give it a shot. No promises! Never used gtk :)

  2. aereaux

    I haven't been following it too closely but I think there's a draft MR with some UI components:

  3. SavagePeanut

    Oh, cool

  4. cal0pteryx

    SavagePeanut: we're working on a new database management for gajim, where reactions are already thought of. GUI-wise, reactions are already mostly finished.

  5. hey I had to install letsencrypt cert manually, as I was running windows 10 ltsc. You can add somewhere in your FAQ or wiki.

  6. fjklp

    good job Windows

  7. SavagePeanut

    Alright good luck then y'all! Can't wait to try it :)

  8. gooya

    I'm trying to message someone on gajim 1.8.1 (recipient also on 1.8.1) but I'm unable to see his omemo messages and he is unable to see mine > This message was encrypted with OMEMO and could not be decrypted.

  9. gooya

    I can however see his omemo key and 'verified/trusted' it he did the same thing for me

  10. gooya

    I even relogged/restartaed gajim

  11. gooya

    He is using native debian package (testing repo) and I use flatpack if that matters at all

  12. ann

    1.8.1 in present in stable-backports by the way

  13. CryptGoat

    Is there recommended way to get the latest gajim version on Ubuntu other than Flatpak?

  14. Menel

    Scroll down Scroll to: > Nightly package from git (Debian, Ubuntu)

  15. CryptGoat

    Menel: just interested in stable packages, not plenty of nightly builds

  16. CryptGoat

    Menel: just looking for stable packages, not plenty of nightly builds

  17. CryptGoat

    Because i might need to deploy that to several users

  18. Menel

    I doubt you'll find another solution then flatpack...

  19. SavagePeanut

    Nix can be used on ubuntu ;)

  20. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    and guix :P i would pick them over flatpak if you can do it yeah

  21. lissine

    Just use a rolling release distro ;)

  22. Veronica


  23. Menel

    How can I do it on Ubuntu? > Install arch! 😀

  24. lovetox

    gooya, sounds weird, you would need to supply debug logs

  25. lovetox

    you can also delete your contacts key in the window, and restart gajim

  26. lovetox

    whis should reset the session, if its still not working i would need debug logs

  27. gooya

    lovetox, Thank you, I'll try it and get back to you with the result

  28. debacle

    Ubuntu, contrary to Debian, does not seem to have backports.

  29. debacle

    In Debian, backports are typically available for Gajim, Dino, Profanity, ejabberd, prosody, and other Jabber related stuff.

  30. debacle

    Maybe PPAs exist, though. I don't know. CryptGoat

  31. VA1DER

    Does gajim have the concept sending a message reply? Where it quotes someone's message and adds your comment to it?

  32. Kris

    > Does gajim have the concept sending a message reply? Where it quotes someone's message and adds your comment to it? yes

  33. Kris

    its in the three dot menu when you hover over the message

  34. Kris

    but it isn't the new reply XEP that Movim and Dino already use

  35. VA1DER

    There it is!

  36. VA1DER


  37. bodqhrohro_

    Kris: pff, quotes like that existed even in BombusMod 15 years ago.

  38. bodqhrohro_

    And in Gajim they don't mention by default, which is a big problem

  39. bodqhrohro_

    And in Gajim they don't mention by default, which is a big problem.

  40. Kris

    yes that was my point

  41. fjklp

    > And in Gajim they don't mention by default, which is a big problem. that would probably be a good addition to quoting

  42. fjklp

    I'm imagining the ability to right click a message, anywhere on the message, and getting the context menu that exists in the '...' presently, with both an option to "Quote" and "Quote Mention"