Gajim - 2023-09-12

  1. hey

    really enjoying the client, thx!

  2. VA1DER

    I'm curious about the service discovery UI. My newly installed gateways aren't showing up as "Transports", they are showing up as "Grup Chats" as "Slidged room", and Gajim won't let me register without going through an Ad Hoc command. I've seen Gajim screen shots of the way it's supposed to work, with the gateways all showing as transports. The Slidge folks thinks this is a Gajim UI issue.

  3. debacle

    How can I move or merge a contact? Use case: My contact `` changed their account to ``. I want to have old and new messages together, e.g. to ease searching. If Gajim doesn't support it, maybe I can do some sqlite magic?

  4. lovetox

    VA1DER, could well be, the service discovery dialog is very old

  5. lovetox

    debacle, you need to do that with sql

  6. lovetox

    it should relatively easy

  7. lovetox

    there is a jid_id column

  8. lovetox

    which links a message to a specific JID

  9. lovetox

    you simply have to search alle rows with jid_id = 5 and update the column to jid_id = 7

  10. lovetox

    then the messages belong to the other contact

  11. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *262d346e* < > fix: Unpack string correctly while handling update error