Gajim - 2023-08-30

  1. kurion

    > kurion, ^ these two commits should fix the problem Thanks a ton

  2. kurion

    I am using a MATE desktop. The system notification settings does not include a default timeout setting.

  3. kurion

    I would like to reduce the timeout (5-6 seconds) for incoming message notifications which apparently, is set by the OS

  4. kurion

    any hints?

  5. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *8c63db1a* < > ci: Debian: Update nbxmpp patch

  6. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 2 commits to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *0312de72* < > cq: Fix ruff PERF102 errors *b684854f* < > cq: Use list.extend() instead of for loop

  7. Deide

    Is there a XEP for synchronising read messages?

  8. lissine

    Not yet

  9. Deide


  10. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    There is actually

  11. vanya


  12. Menel

    I think we already use 0333 to sync it. But it is disabled in group chats

  13. vanya


  14. пидр


  15. ?!


  16. lissine

    there was some discussion about it in the xsf room:

  17. nicoco

    Menel, Deide: it is enabled in private group chats in gajim by default.

  18. Deide

    Ah, got it. Thanks for the info!

  19. nicoco

    And last time it was discussed in the XSF room, the consensus was that using xep0333 for read state sync is far from optimal and a dedicated xep should be written by someone™

  20. lovetox

    the problem with read markers is everybody sees them

  21. lovetox

    sometimes you dont want other people to know when you read something, and just because of this your read sync should not break

  22. PMR

    why does gajim not have auto update functionality from within the client?

  23. Menel

    Because nobody created the infrastructure and the code for it I would guess.

  24. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    also that would be useless in linux which is the main crowd of gajim probably

  25. Menel

    Flatpack that tells you that there is a new flatpack would be something like this 🙂

  26. cal0pteryx

    PMR: you could use the Microsoft Store for that. Or chocolatey

  27. loveskype

    Oh wow, we finally have a context menu for avatars.

  28. cal0pteryx

    "We" have that for quite a while now

  29. loveskype

    Yup, I have an old version and I already see it.

  30. loveskype

    How do I resolve that libproxy issue? I'm not quite sure what does even load it, how, where and for what.

  31. loveskype

    The only thing clear from the backtrace is that something is trying to access (what and why if Gajim does not even have an auto-update mechanism, lol?)

  32. loveskype

    Ah, it has auto-updates for plugins though.

  33. lovebitmessage

    I tried to comment out both the plugin update check and the sentry endpoint request, and it still crashes. Have no idea where else can it be invoked. Does gdb support tracing where thread forks come from, I suppose?

  34. lovetox

    lovebitmessage, libproxy is patched on debian bookworm

  35. lovetox

    install that?

  36. lovebitmessage

    PMR: you know what, it actually has an update check lol.

  37. lovebitmessage

    lovetox: just installed, it's the same as in Trixie.

  38. lovebitmessage

    So I need an unpatched one or what?

  39. lovebitmessage

    > fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 503 I love network-dependent tools lol.

  40. PMR

    > PMR: you know what, it actually has an update check lol. it does yeah, that's how i know since it had a 1 on the icon there

  41. PMR

    it just directed me to the website

  42. lovenetworkdependenttools

    Ah, so you wanted it to download itself for you lol.

  43. lovenetworkdependenttools

    Firefox/Thunderbird do actually.

  44. lovenetworkdependenttools

    Not only on Windows, but also on GNU/Linux if I install them from a binary tarball.

  45. lovenetworkdependenttools

    Me, an unpatched one crashes too.

  46. lovenetworkdependenttools

    Meh, an unpatched one crashes too.

  47. lovetox

    lovenetworkdependenttools, maybe use the flatpak version?

  48. lovenetworkdependenttools

    lovetox: Flatpak is too isolated to mess with, I'd like to run from source for further possible contributions.

  49. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *9bf767ea* < > other: Scripts: Generate IANA timezone data

  50. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *51881039* < > cq: Fix ruff PIE errors

  51. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *6426f525* < > cq: Fix ruff INT003 errors

  52. hannibal this should probably be 65536, as range() excludes the last value

  53. lissine

    in an account's privacy settings, Picture and Name are set to private by default. This breaks MUC avatars. perhaps the setting should be split, and Picture should be visible for everyone by default ?

  54. hannibal

    Why is it broken?

  55. lissine

    about MUC avatars?

  56. hannibal


  57. lissine

    well, it only breaks in semi-anonymous MUC's, like public channels, because while the avatar is advertised, it's set to private so it can't be fetched by others in the channel